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How Much More Can The Fans Take? I'd Say 40-50 More Years?


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First of all, what is this fantasy that we have a real GM?


Shanny is the GM and Head Coach and he's been hit and miss at GM and mostly horrible as head coach.



Shanny doesn't deserve to come back for that 5th year.  It's time to move on. 


Year 5 of Shanny will not be any better. 



yeah my competent, professional football minds in charge feeling is a fading memory.  I see a team that isn't prepared in ways...clock management issues, total lack of discipline being one of the most penalized teams in the league. Beyond inconsistent, no real identity... There is a real problem. I know coaches coach and players play, but something has to give.


That Vikings loss was so demoralizing...just took all the air out if there was any left. disheartening.

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