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How Much More Can The Fans Take? I'd Say 40-50 More Years?


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People say this every year: "How much more can we endure?" as the season comes to an unofficial end before Thanksgiving yet again.

Ask Cubs fans. Ask Cardinals (NFL) fans. Ask Lions fans. Ask Pirates fans.

We will endure whatever we have to endure. If you are a fan like most of us are, you are a slave to it. If you turn to a message to post how much you DON'T care anymore, you are a slave to it.

It was funny with the whole fan card/fire Vinny movement... Like the fans pushed and pushed and finally had their voice heard... But Snyder did exactly what the fans wanted.... Fired Vinny, hired a FO guy and then hired a coach with two rings. We also drafted the QB we've been pining away for for over 20 years. And we still suck.

The season absolutely ended last night. There will be no seven game streak. We actually probabaly only need to win six or MAYBE even five, but that won't happen either.

The Redskins gave me 9 games this year. 9 games that I looked forward to, got nervous about, enjoyed talking about, etc. I was really into these 9 games. Now, the remaining 7 hold very little interest. I will likely watch them all, but I won't be all jazzed up on Sunday mornings and I won't have the interest/energy to discuss X's and O's or break the game down. At this point it just doesn't matter.

I'm indifferent about it all. I'm glad RG looks better and I guess it's cool we have him moving forward, but I honestly don't feel a whole lot better right now than I did at this time two years ago when we had Beckmann at QB. We sucked then and we suck now. Sucking with a better QB is still sucking. We just suck for different reasons.

I don't know who to blame or where to point fingers or where to start. I'd give Shanny next year because I have zero options I can think of that would be better. I can't think of one guy that I think would do better that is a realistic possibility. Sure the next HOF coach is out there somewhere, but I don't trust Bruce and Shanny to be able to find him. I'd just give Mike his fifth year and hope it all comes together-- at least then you'd never have to wonder if we gave him enough time.

How much will I take? Infinity I guess. It's been awful for 20 years with these fleeting pockets of exception and I'm still here, so whatever I guess.

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I feel your pain dude. I know it sounds cliche but I knew at halftime the exact script that was about to play out. That's sad. I enjoy coming on ES and talking to you dudes more than watching the team play, honest to God. I don't have fun watching games. I sit there with my stomach in knots, ready for the sky to fall lol. I'm still mad at myself for getting so excited in the first place. My expectations were lower than most coming into this season but my God has it been awful.


I also agree on RGIII. He's playing great and all but it all feels so hopeless. 


I want nothing more right now than for the lobster to be fired but honestly, I feel like no one can turn the team around. I was so excited when we got him in the first place. How could this have gone so wrong?

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Nothing more to add except that this is an obsession that I inherited from my dad.


I'll watch every game, getting frustrated when the team plays poorly like it did in the 2nd half last night.


The realization that a season is over sucks. I'd like to get back to back Decembers where games matter

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I've seen about three four Decembers of relevance.


I bought a division champs shirt last season. That is ****ing sad. I don't do that for the any other team. But the Redskins are so pathetic that it felt like winning a SB lol


All I can say man is hang in there. Having been exceptionally fortunate to of been born when I was and grown up through the glory years, I can tell you first hand all this continued suffering will be all the sweeter when we do eventually return to the summit. There's NO feeling like being the best and a World Champion. 


And we will get back there eventually. I'm a great believer in cycles and ours will come again. 


Hang in there. 



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Perspective guys ... 


The Steeler's had a stretch in the 80's where they went 8 years without a playoff appearance


Packers had exactly a 20 year stretch with only one playoff appearance


Colts? 17 year stretch with only one playoff appearance


Seattle's first 26 years they only had 5 playoff appearances. and ONLY TWO double digit win seasons. 


Niners just had an 8 years stretch of no playoffs


Patriots had a stretch of 33 years with only 5 playoff appearances

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I was young but was remember watching the Rypien and Williams SB and all the fun an joy cheering with my Dad.. I used to get an mad at every loss and so happy with every win.. then the losing really set in during the 2000's and I became numb and angry fan.. Then the excitement of he gibbs2 playoff appearances and then last yr I started to get hope back. Now every loss is crushing because I thought we had turned, now I will spend the remajndery of Sundays playing with my kids during those 4 hrs instead of having them watch the game with me..

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my Finals pick was OKC vs the Bulls....

Of course, that was counting on the Bulls not shooting 19% (NINETEEN) on contested jumpers lol. Sweet Jesus

That's my pick as well.... Wishful thinking perhaps because I don't think we match up well with Miami at all... My Thunder season tickets are like my prized possession.

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Perspective guys ... 


The Steeler's had a stretch in the 80's where they went 8 years without a playoff appearance


Packers had exactly a 20 year stretch with only one playoff appearance


Colts? 17 year stretch with only one playoff appearance


Seattle's first 26 years they only had 5 playoff appearances. and ONLY TWO double digit win seasons. 


Niners just had an 8 years stretch of no playoffs


Patriots had a stretch of 33 years with only 5 playoff appearances

Oh yeah man. I know this isn't anything unique. It still sucks though.


I am grateful for the 09 WS Title the Yankees got because I know plenty of ppl that haven't seen anything...ever

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Couldn't even switch to the Sooner game as that was as bad. Bad, bad Thursday night. Or Friday morning as was here.


Went to a bar with friends so I could watch both.... I am more emotionally invested in the Skins by a mile, but it was still a horrible night for me, no doubt. Second time this year I've "combo'd" them and the second time it was a disaster.
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I feel your pain dude. I know it sounds cliche but I knew at halftime the exact script that was about to play out. That's sad. I enjoy coming on ES and talking to you dudes more than watching the team play, honest to God. I don't have fun watching games. I sit there with my stomach in knots, ready for the sky to fall lol. I'm still mad at myself for getting so excited in the first place. My expectations were lower than most coming into this season but my God has it been awful.


I also agree on RGIII. He's playing great and all but it all feels so hopeless. 


I want nothing more right now than for the lobster to be fired but honestly, I feel like no one can turn the team around. I was so excited when we got him in the first place. How could this have gone so wrong?


I agree. Bring in Bill Cowher or Jon Gruden and you get more of the same. Bring in a young cordinator (asuming it's the right guy but that's what front office people get paid millions to do) and you might see a turn around.

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There is nothing worse then being out of a playoff spot half way through the season, but that has been a habit of this team for the last 5 seasons, minus the 7 game winning streak last year. Every freaking year it's 3-6 at best and every freaking year we're all back thinking it will be different. Here's my prediction for next season, 3 and freaking 6 at this time next season!

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I've seen about three four Decembers of relevance.


I bought a division champs shirt last season. That is ****ing sad. I don't do that for the any other team. But the Redskins are so pathetic that it felt like winning a SB lol

I was just thinking today about this and agree with this sentiment. 


In the NFC since 1996 only 3 teams haven't reached the NFC Championship Game.  The Lions, Cowboys, and ours truly.


We've had to settle for the on average playoff showing once every 5 or 6 years.  So making the playoffs has become our de facto Super Bowl.  And that's sad.


I started my work career in DC in October 1991, right in the middle of that great title run.  I can now see retirement in the not too distant future (about 8 years or so).  What do my Skins have to show for it during that time?  Exactly 2 home playoff football games.  2.


I have lost all hope that I'll see another title before I retire from my job in DC.


Just really disheartened today.

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Can we change this to the "Official ES Group Therapy Session"?

I started this thread because I started to reply to GHH's thread, but I had no energy to do so. We've had some good discussions in there the past several weeks but at this point things like run/pass ratio and analyzing the OL hold no interest for me because it doesn't matter. Much rather just self loathe :)

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I started this thread because I started to reply to GHH's thread, but I had no energy to do so. We've had some good discussions in there the past several weeks but at this point things like run/pass ratio and analyzing the OL hold no interest for me because it doesn't matter. Much rather just self loathe :)

Me too.


I have seen a lot of ppl post asinine things about playcalling, RGIII's play, and the like but I have no desire to argue. 

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I'm happy that we finally have our QB. I don't feel the hopelessness as in season's past (the Jason Campbell era for example) because we have the most important piece of the puzzle. Now it's up to the team after this season to do the right thing and fire Haslett (and maybe even Shanahan) and get someone in here who can put together all three phases of a good football team, not just one. 


For years we had a stingy defense that slowed most teams down and kept us in a lot of games, but our offense sucked. Three & out after three & out, check-downs, sacks, etc. And we at least had an average special teams unit that didn't give up touchdowns every week and wasn't afraid to kick to opposing teams' returners. These days our offense is one of the best in the league, but our defense is atrocious. They can't hold up for four quarters, they blow double-digit leads over and over again and they simply get worked by ****ty, makeshift offenses. It's ridiculous. We have to hope to win shootouts every week because our defense is so terrible. And our special teams is just as bad.


If we even took the worst defense we had under Greg Blache and the worst special teams unit we had under Danny Smith and had them out there with this offense, we would be winning the division right now and dreaming about getting a first round bye in the playoffs. 


I can accept the fact that this season is done and start looking forward to 2014. What I can't accept is the organization keeping Haslett and Burns around at the end of the season. If Shanahan doesn't have the balls to can Haslett, then Snyder needs to make it happen. Hell, he may even fire Shanahan. And if he does, I don't think we can really be too mad at him. 

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I'd give Shanny next year because I have zero options I can think of that would be better.


Agree with the majority of the post except this. There is no reason to keep Shanahan around. The "there's no better option" argument is tired. Yes, he's better than Spurrier and Zorn but guess what? He's still not good enough and if those are your comparisons then how good are you?


They've started to build something in the FO, for sure with some notable pieces and genuine draft steals but they are not the stewards of dynastic greatness people believe they are to be....look at this season for proof. Players play, but coaches define the direction, attitude, and professionalism of a team. There should be no excuse for being 3-6 at this point, in year 4, with the talent they have on both sides of the ball. RG3's injury is no excuse b/c Shanahan's mismanagement was 60/40, 80/20 responsible for it happening in the first place. Then he puts him in the deep freeze in the preseason so the rust doesn't start to come off mid way through this season.


I'm fine with that really if the rest of the team was humming but........it isn't. Just the opposite.


There has been ZERO carry over from the late season run from 2012, and a true, logical progression towards consistent winning. What we as fans have are three phases of a team that never hit their stride at the same time. Offense is strong, defense sucks.....Defense is "competent", offense sucks.....


This team has to keep a GM and find somebody young, with a good resume, that's gonna bust his ••• to win. There's enough here to start, thanks for that yes but step aside and let somebody actually realize it. Don't need to know who that person is, just know Shanahan is not it.

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But on the bright side, I've actually given soccer a shot since I've came to college three years ago and the Gunners are playing their asses off.

I learn new stuff about the game every week. It's cool. I wish I started watching earlier.

You are dead to me.

As for the topic: I understand the frustration. But what I'll never understand are the people saying they won't watch anymore. That is pretty sad, and more or less says that you only care if the team is winning.

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