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Do You Prefer A Male Or Female As Your Primary Physician?


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It's a pretty straight forward question and no there is no Obamacare punchline. :)


But, I've found myself to be more comfortable having a female when it comes to regular check ups and yes physicals. I just prefer to have a woman ask me to "cough" and her finger exploring areas where no man has gone and never will go. Disrobing in front of a woman is much more comfortable for me also.


So. What do you prefer?

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I've had both.  Frankly, it doesn't make a difference.  The stuff they have to do is horribly awkward no matter who is doing it.  


I agree... Besides, it's not like you're being looked after by beautiful women. Now unless you're turned on by unattractive, older women named "Maude", wearing thick gasses and clothes that look like they're from 1967, then I don't really see the importance, lol. Most even moderately attractive women either work at the receptionist desk, or are assistants.


As for therapists though,I'd much much prefer a woman... Not because of sexual attraction though. I just can't open up to a dude the way I could with a woman... Naturally.

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lol I am not going to go there...


As for therapists though,I'd much much prefer a woman... Not because of sexual attraction though. I just can't open up to a dude the way I could with a woman... Naturally.

Same for me too. i grew up in a house with three older sisters and my mother. It's always been easier for me to express myself to women more than a dude.

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My primary is (was) a woman. Asked me for a stool sample last time I was there for a check up. Didn't tell me why.

Haven't been back since.

Not that easily embarrassed, but that's just nasty.

(No, haven't gotten the finger. Yet...)

Using more than one finger, huh?

I'm not sure if I just threw up a little bit, or laughed.

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I prefer women but most of mine have been male, I've had a few very attractive female ones


the old dinosaurs are fun though,went to my childhood Dr awhile back, he is a trip....but with a name like Leonidas how could he not be

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I had this conversation with a few friends in college once and yes-- I agree with the poster who said that the whole thing is so awkward it doesn't matter.  However, one of my friends had an incident in high school where he was getting checked by a female doctor and he got a little excited during the exam.  So I guess I can only speak for myself.

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The worst/best is going for a skin check and having it be 2 attractive women in a very cold room. That being said there is no turn on when I'm wearing a medical gown, even when it comes off.  Still, all I could think of at the time was the Seinfeld "It was cold!" scene.  I mentioned this to my neurologist (a guy) who had referred me to them, and we both laughed.  He asked if I wanted a different doctor next time, and I told him "no...if I am going to be checked out, I'd rather it be by her with another attractive observer."

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In this modern Age of Science, when we can observe the most distant galaxies and the tiniest of molecules with highly calibrated instruments, can't the medical field could come up with a better way to check our prostates than jamming a lubed finger up our ass?

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