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**official 2013/2014 Winter Weather Thread**


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Question to you all: Winters of 2013-2014 or 2009-2010? For snow haters, which winter was worse...and for snow lovers, which winter was better?

I formally bow to this Winter. No blizzard, but still insane. Having extremely frequent snow is better than a couple of big blizzards, I think. As a snow lover, I don't want it to end. It's sad. I feel like next winter we'll get nothing. Just a feeling of melancholy.

This pattern has a signature to it. Arctic blasts come out of nowhere. We aren't out of the woods 'til mid April, as far as I'm concerned.

This Winter be like, "say I won't!"

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Good question...as a snow lover, I have to go with 2009-10. What I liked about that one was that we got significant snow a few times rather than an event weekly. 


I also liked the timing of a couple of the events that winter. I love snow around the holidays and then I want it to go away. So, having a major snow before Christmas was pretty nice. Personally, I would take a month of snow between Thanksgiving and New Years and then have winter turn into spring sometime during January. 

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Were I younger I might say this year was better because of the days off school but there's something special about the historic storms that just paralyze everything for a week.  I'll take either one, I'll take a snowy winter however I can get it honestly but 09-10 was just epic, even considering how overused a word that is these days.  :)

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I hope it's 80 degrees and the ****ing seas start boiling next winter.


Neighbors kid was bragging about another snow day and I told him yeah, it's all fun and games until your ass is in school until August


I should take some snow and put it in a container and freeze it until summer is over, so I can look at it as a reminder whenever I start ****ing because it's inhumanly hot outside. As long as I have my AC, I'm good

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As a snow lover, I'm fine with either winter. If I had to pick one though, I would go with 09-10. Once you've seen one 5" snowfall you've seen them all, barring the fun stuff like thundersnow or 2"/hr rates. Getting those 2-footers, especially back to back, and having Baltimore (or at least the surrounding counties) as the legit bullseye - that was incomparably cool to me.

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hmm. i'd have to say both winters were pretty amazing. 09-10 (my sophomore year of highschool) because i got 3 days added onto my winter break, basically letting me get away with procrastinating my english essay on the Oddyssey until new years weekend, and i got to be in warm miami for the superbowl weekend during the big blizzard, plus get another 5 days off of school when i got home monday afternoon :)


and this winter, because i got 5 snow days in long island at NYIT (my sophomore year) and i also got to be home this week for at least one of the DC snow storms :) im a snow lover, especially around the holidays cause it makes it feel like christmas time, and i like getting days off, for whatever reason (more time to hang with friends, more time to sleep in, time to spend to myself once in a while).


but now i think im ready for 60+ degree days from now until november.

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Anything below 73 degrees is just too cold and completely unecessary, unless there is going to be snow, and I mean a LOT of snow. This winter shouldn't even be compared to 09-10, it's poverty in comparison. There wasn't a single day where the Feds closed this year where they actually needed to close. Every storm was easy to plow, compared to 09/10 when there just wasn't any place to put all of the snow.

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the HUGE dumps of 2010 were more fun.  Total peaceful paralysis of the area.  I loaded up the garage with firewood, but we never lost power or gas, but we had lovely raoring fires with boots and mittens drying next to them anyway.


those storms were da bomb!

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OK, so what the **** is up with this **** coming next week? I am so ****ing frustrated with this winter. Looking like no chance to take delivery in April. Another storm next week will only makes things worse. Apparently no one can work the day after, or the day after the day after, a snowstorm. So I don't want to see another god damned snowflake. Please.

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They are really starting to hype next weeks potential storm already.  It is a week out and anything can happen but if it does what the models are suggesting, this could be the biggest one yet from North Carolina to Boston!


*Just keep in mind though that this is still a week away and it can change a lot during that time.  But it will be fun to keep an eye on as the next few days pass.

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