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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I don't think President Obama is stupid.  I don't think he's the genius some do but he's not stupid.  President Obama, if anything, is an idealist.  Unfortunately for Conservatives, his ideals are left.  That doesn't mean he's stupid.  You can debate on the merits of his decisions, as to the good of them, but he's not stupid. 

Have to agree. There was a lot of evidence at the time that Obama was at the least very, very book smart. You don't become the head of the Harvard Law Review by being a dummy.

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Have to agree. There was a lot of evidence at the time that Obama was at the least very, very book smart. You don't become the head of the Harvard Law Review by being a dummy.



Just for the record, that is an elected position, it's not merit-based.  Getting ON TO the HLR is merit-based though, and that doesn't happen to dummies. 

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For the record, I didn't call Rubio stupid, but I do question if his intellect is anything beyond the average politician's (though I suppose if you believe the average politician is stupid, then that would present an issue, but I don't think the average politician is stupid).


His debate performance alone wouldn't have been sufficient to make me question him significantly.  The problem is his brain freeze in the stump speech and his interview where he repeated himself a bunch.  Those two situations should not have been nearly as high pressure as the debate, and brain freezes there are more concerning.


Maybe he comes off better in very private settings, but thus far in the race and while in office he's had the opportunity to carefully craft his look, which has more or less been severely damaged in the past couple of weeks.  NH voters seemed to think he was more mystique than substance.


It seemingly hasn't hurt him too much in SC though.  He's sticking in 3rd.  The downside is that he's failed to unite the establishment like his trajectory post-Iowa suggested, so his hopes of momentum from Iowa and NH pushing him towards 2nd or maybe even 1st in SC are shot.

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My thought is that blocking a vote on a new SCOTUS Justice will backfire with Swing Voters/Independents. I have no stats or links to suggest that. I just don't see how saying the next President should be the person to pick that person during election year is a real reason. Especially with 11 months left in his Presidency. 




The feud between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz continues.
Republican presidential candidate Trump unveiled a litany of attacks against his new best nemesis at a campaign rally in South Carolina Monday.
Cruz spent the bulk of his remarks hitting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for being a "liar," calling attention to his campaign's effort to tell Ben Carson supporters that Carson was dropping out of the race during the Iowa caucuses.
Trump said Cruz is "the most dishonest politician" he's ever met, and saying he thinks Cruz is "unstable."
Another attack comes at the expense of Cruz' answer during the debate when he was "stumbling and mumbling" over the issue of waterboarding
He called Cruz "very, very weak" on immigration and that when the senator is in Manhattan he's for same sex marriage.


Trump is going to get into an "8 Justice SCOTUS won't be able to confirm Cruz is a Natural Born Citizen or Not....." talk. Just wait.
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I don't think President Obama is stupid.  I don't think he's the genius some do but he's not stupid.  President Obama, if anything, is an idealist.  Unfortunately for Conservatives, his ideals are left.  That doesn't mean he's stupid.  You can debate on the merits of his decisions, as to the good of them, but he's not stupid.

Oh I'm not calling him stupid either but he certainly isn't the smartest guy in the room like he and his supporters like to claim.

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Sure, but I doubt they elect their worst, least capable minds to the position.

Again the issue isn't calling the President stupid the issue is the lefts propensity to call their opponents stupid and the leaders they like geniuses. And they are almost always wrong about both.
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Again the issue isn't calling the President stupid the issue is the lefts propensity to call their opponents stupid and the leaders they like geniuses.

This thread is filled with examples of "lefts" praising the intelligence of Cruz, Kasich and even Trump. Don't think there's one single example of "lefts" referring to Obama, Hillary or Sanders as a "genius". Perhaps you may be overstating this.

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This thread is filled with examples of "lefts" praising the intelligence of Cruz, Kasich and even Trump. Don't think there's one single example of "lefts" referring to Obama, Hillary or Sanders as a "genius". Perhaps you may be overstating this.


It's like the folks who say "Your Messiah" when talking about Obama.....when nobody here supporting him would use that. It's nonsense.


You can be brilliant and misguided or selfish with your views. You could be an idiot with a strong moral compass. Nobody is an evil genius. Well, maybe Cheney. 

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Again the issue isn't calling the President stupid the issue is the lefts propensity to call their opponents stupid and the leaders they like geniuses.

Well let's put it this way Comparatively--


Obama is like Trent Williams while the best minds  in the GOP are like a gimpy Tyler Polombus.

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I'm not here to convince anybody.  That would be stupid.  I know that most on this board would like to believe that Rubio is stupid or unintelligent.  That's pretty standard from the left to tag anybody they don't like with that label. 


I've just listened to him a lot over the past few years.  He's not stupid and I think it's clear if you just watch him but whatever.


I guess it comes down to how someone measures or views smarts. I view Rubio is a notch up from Sarah Palin as they seem to have zero ability to think on their feet. I think Rubio is more prepared than Palin, but that is not saying much.


I do think guys like Trump, Kasich, and Christie all have the ability to reflect on a question and respond in a thoughtful manner. They are all smart guys. Jeb Bush probably is too but he seems so uncomfortable as a candidate that it's hard to know.

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Sure, but I doubt they elect their worst, least capable minds to the position.


Like anything other school-based election, it is largely a popularity contest.  Popular dummies can often get editor positions.





Associate Editor - Articles

American University Business Law Review 2013

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I can't recall who said it, might have been Joe Scarborough, but someone talked about how Jeb Bush was secretly really intellectually competent when they had an interview.  That Jeb was quick with thoughtful answers, and had good depth.  It just seems like he has major stage fright issues.


Kind of like how lots of people say that when they meet Hillary privately she's very warm, but on the campaign trail she seems to become a cold robot.


Unfortunately, there isn't time for 300 million individual meetings.

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Cruz skewers Trump’s sister in Supreme Court debate


Ted Cruz on Monday pledged to make the presidential election a “referendum” on the U.S. Supreme Court, ramping up efforts to make that issue one more increasingly personal point of contention with Donald Trump, his biggest rival here ahead of the South Carolina primary.


“The one person Donald has pointed to as a potential Supreme Court nominee is his sister,” Cruz told reporters here Monday, though Trump opened Saturday night’s debate by name-checking federal judges Bill Pryor and Diane Sykes. “Now, it’s good to stand with your sister. But Donald’s sister was a Bill Clinton-appointed federal appellate judge who’s a radical pro-abortion extremist.”


He continued: “Donald said his extreme, abortion-supporting sister would make a terrific Supreme Court Justice. If the people of South Carolina care about their constitutional rights, we’re one justice away from the Supreme Court writing the Second Amendment out of the Bill of Rights.”


Trump’s sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, is a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Trump said Sunday that he was kidding when he last year mentioned her as a possible Supreme Court Justice.



Donald Trump unloads on Ted Cruz: ‘Liar,’ ‘dishonest’ and ‘unstable’


Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump sought to obliterate rival Ted Cruz before hundreds of local Republican activists here Monday, labeling the Texas senator “a liar” and “the most dishonest” person in politics.


Trump was retaliating after Cruz escalated his attacks on the billionaire mogul, pointing out his past inconsistencies on social issues and arguing that he could not be trusted to nominate conservatives to the Supreme Court.


“I’ve never met people like politicians,” Trump said as he addressed the East Cooper Republican Club's luncheon in this suburb of Charleston. “They are the most dishonest people I’ve ever met…. Jeb [bush] is just Jeb. But this guy, Ted Cruz, is the most dishonest guy I think I’ve ever met in politics.”


Calling Cruz “a liar,” Trump warned the crowd: “You have to be very smart. You have to be very careful. You’ve got a very unstable guy in Cruz. He’s nuts.”

Trump mocked Cruz for infusing his Christian faith into his campaign in an effort to win over evangelical voters.


“The worst is holding up a Bible all the time,” Trump said of Cruz. “You’re willing to lie about anything, but then you’re holding up a Bible? To me, it’s no good.”

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I can't recall who said it, might have been Joe Scarborough, but someone talked about how Jeb Bush was secretly really intellectually competent when they had an interview.  That Jeb was quick with thoughtful answers, and had good depth.  It just seems like he has major stage fright issues.


Kind of like how lots of people say that when they meet Hillary privately she's very warm, but on the campaign trail she seems to become a cold robot.


Unfortunately, there isn't time for 300 million individual meetings.


It has also been said that Ted Cruz is funny and personable in front of thousands of people.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/01/04/seven-things-i-learned-attending-ted-cruz-events/


But in real life, he hates everyone with a burning passion.  

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I can't recall who said it, might have been Joe Scarborough, but someone talked about how Jeb Bush was secretly really intellectually competent when they had an interview.  That Jeb was quick with thoughtful answers, and had good depth.  It just seems like he has major stage fright issues.


Kind of like how lots of people say that when they meet Hillary privately she's very warm, but on the campaign trail she seems to become a cold robot.


Unfortunately, there isn't time for 300 million individual meetings.


That would not surprise me. If he didn't have the last name Bush, he would probably be doing a lot better. I think he knows how badly his brother did as POTUS and that conflict to stick up for your family while trying not to get tied to his disasters cannot be easy to deal with at all.  

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