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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I cannot stand Hillary Clinton but I can tell you already I'm holding my nose and voting for her.

Trump vs Sanders though... Jesus save us

My sentiments EXACTLY. If it ends up the Donald v. Bernie, I am desparately going to hope and pray Bloomberg runs...and I don't even really like him.

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My sentiments EXACTLY. If it ends up the Donald v. Bernie, I am desparately going to hope and pray Bloomberg runs...and I don't even really like him.


I might write in Vermin Supreme.....or the libertarian loser(same difference)

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Lot of talk about Jeb and W campaigning together tonight on CNN.  Seems to be gaining some steam for him.



In other news:




Prominent Televangelist Says He Will Endorse Donald Trump


Mike Murdock, head pastor at the Wisdom Center ministry, joins a handful of evangelical leaders backing the Republican presidential hopeful ahead of the South Carolina primary.


Days before the first Southern primary of 2016, Mike Murdock, a prominent Texas-based televangelist, will formally endorse Republican Donald Trump for president at a rally in Greenville, South Carolina, on Monday.


“He has a warrior spirit for restoring America in the eyes of the world and he has a warrior’s heart,” said Murdock, the head pastor at the Wisdom Center ministry, told Bloomberg News in an interview. “I am endorsing him for president.”


Murdock, who frequently preaches about prosperity, arguing that a strong moral faith will lead to financial success for Christians, joins a handful of high-profile evangelists who have backed the billionaire candidate who's battling for supremacy in the Feb. 20 Republican primary in South Carolina. Two-thirds of Republican voters in the state describe themselves as evangelical. 


“We feel as evangelicals that God is being ignored," said Murdock, who also preaches as a televangelist on multiple national and international networks and has nearly a quarter-million Twitter followers. "We feel that there’s content for God in the Bible, and I believe that Mr. Trump has a heart of restoration, including restoring us economically.”

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My sense is that Jeb is far smarter than Dubya. Smarter than Rubio too. Not as politically gifted though. Rubio is extremely natural and affable, but he does come off like a bit of a lightweight and empty suit.



That's a little bit like being the tallest midget in the room..


Rubio looks 12 and when called on the carpet by Christi for repeating a 20 second sound bit from his campaign...  Rubio went on to give the same memorized blurb 5 more times..    He's not ready.

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Real Clear Politics showing Polls Democratic Nomination State of Nevada...

Target Point Poll   2/8 - 2/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------->     Tie

Gravis Poll            12/23 ---------------- 12/27 Clinton 50 , Bernie Sanders  27------------------>Hillary + 23


Washington Post


In Nevada, a tightening race threatens Clinton’s post-New Hampshire ‘firewall’


LAS VEGAS — Less than a week before the Nevada caucuses, Hillary Clinton’s political nightmare came to the Origin India restaurant near the Las Vegas Strip. More than 100 activists were packed between a curry buffet and a canvas sign for Bernie Sanders. They talked. They made caucus commitments. They cheered as a “multiethnic coalition” of speakers asked them to dump the longtime Democratic presidential front-runner.

“She had the same information as Bernie, and she voted for the war in Iraq,” said Vicenta Montoya, an immigration lawyer. “She supported a wall along the border. And while she was secretary of state, she did absolutely nothing to alleviate the hardship of people separated from their families.”

“The white Americans have already shown the momentum in Iowa and New Hampshire,” said Zaffar Iqbal, a doctor and a member of Muslims for Bernie. “Now is the turn for Nevada to stand up.”

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Report internal poll shows Cruz overtaking Trump in SC


no wonder he is sounding crazier 



The latest public poll for SC does show Cruz closing the gap.. Taken  2/14 - 2/15,  it shows Cruz narrowing the gap from   +19.5 and +20  in favor of Trump...  To +18% for trump.

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The latest public poll for SC does show Cruz closing the gap.. Taken  2/14 - 2/15,  it shows Cruz narrowing the gap from   +19.5 and +20  in favor of Trump...  To +18% for trump.


Internal poll for Bush PAC shows much tighter SC race: Trump 26, Cruz 24, Jeb 12, Rubio 11--while public surveys give Trump a huge lead

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This election is so bad, can we just say no to everyone and throw them all out and start again. Is this really what American politics have come to, potentially electing the worst president in US history and there have been some bad ones. Every single one of these people is a joke. I am a conservative and I would almost BEG Biden to run so I could vote for someone competent even if I disagreed with their politics. I am holding my nose and Voting Rubio at this point, who knows what will happen between now and November. Ugh.

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This election is so bad, can we just say no to everyone and throw them all out and start again. Is this really what American politics have come to, potentially electing the worst president in US history and there have been some bad ones. Every single one of these people is a joke. I am a conservative and I would almost BEG Biden to run so I could vote for someone competent even if I disagreed with their politics. I am holding my nose and Voting Rubio at this point, who knows what will happen between now and November. Ugh.

Can't imagine why an informed conservative would vote for Rubio over Kasich. It's not a perfect world...vote for the guy thats better.
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Donald Trump isn't impressive. Nothing more than a con man.


Last debate was pretty brutal for the front runners.. Both Trump and Cruz were roundly boo'd every time they touched the mic.

Trump when challenged went wild..   Condemned the audience,  condemned all his challengers,  condemned former republican presidents.   It was a dramatic show.    Not sure it hurt or helped Trump.   I think the best two candidates positioned to take advantage of the GOP's new policy of populating national debates with party loyalists ( big money donors)  are Bush and Kassich.


I think Robo Rubio hurt himself badly in the N"H debate.

Think the GOP are gunning for both Trump and Cruz.   

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