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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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You couldn;t do what he does on stage.   Neither could I.   Neither could cruz, clinton, bernie, jeb or rubio.   



Trump has real talents ...... you may view his talents as being on par with lighting farts, or burping the alphabet ... but he has real talents. 


Trump is a unique kind of genius but he's a genius. I'm not sure it's an admirable genius. But it's real.

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PPP poll shows no damage to Trump from going "Code Pink" on W at the debate:


If that actually proves to be true it will amaze me more than anything Trump has survived previously.


Add:  The cross tabs on this poll are fascinating, eg what style of bbq sauce evangelical voters prefer:





Trump's support in South Carolina is built on a base of voters among whom religious and racial intolerance pervades. Among the beliefs of his supporters:


-70% think the Confederate flag should still be flying over the State Capital, to only 20% who agree with it being taken down. In fact 38% of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War to only 24% glad the North won and 38% who aren't sure. Overall just 36% of Republican primary voters in the state are glad the North emerged victorious to 30% for the South, but Trump's the only one whose supporters actually wish the South had won.


-By an 80/9 spread, Trump voters support his proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States. In fact 31% would support a ban on homosexuals entering the United States as well, something no more than 17% of anyone else's voters think is a good idea. There's also 62/23 support among Trump voters for creating a national database of Muslims and 40/36 support for shutting down all the mosques in the United States, something no one else's voters back. Only 44% of Trump voters think the practice of Islam should even be legal at all in the United States, to 33% who think it should be illegal. To put all the views toward Muslims in context though, 32% of Trump voters continue to believe the policy of Japanese internment during World War II was a good one, compared to only 33% who oppose it and 35% who have no opinion one way or another.

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I kind of am developing a soft spot for Jeb.  Guy has gotten savagely rekt, like a scrub.


I wonder what kind of President he'd be today after this primary mess.  My hope would be that he'd shift a little towards the center, having seen the depths of madness the far right can plunge too, what with their supporting of Trump and Cruz, or even the establishment slowly abandoning him in favor of uber-neocon Rubio.


I don't want to overstate this, because Jeb was born to a life of extreme privilege and has had successes that few men would dream of.


But there is a weird Shakespearean undercurrent to this. He's the good son. The smart son. He was the one who was supposed to be president.


And if he had won election as Florida's governor in 1994, he would almost certainly have been the Bush to run for President in 2000. Instead, he lost a narrow race and did not grab the seat until 1998, putting him behind his ne'er do well older brother who ambled into the easiest governor's job in the country, and then stumbled his way into the Presidency.


Even so, if his brother had just had an average presidency, he could have followed him. Instead, the brother poisons the family name.


Matters not. Jeb is a good politician and the family connections are strong. He'll wait 8 years, hope that some memories have faded, and give it the ol' college try.


And who is waiting for him - Donald Trump. Trump seems placed on this earth just to mock and torture Jeb.


I'm confident in saying that no major presidential candidate in a primary has ever been treated by an opponent the way Jeb has been treated by Trump. These things can get heated, but you usually aren't bullied and mocked on a deeply personal level. And there is no other candidate in history who could have gotten away with the stuff Trump has gotten away with.

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And who is waiting for him - Donald Trump. Trump seems placed on this earth just to mock and torture Jeb.


I'm confident in saying that no major presidential candidate in a primary has ever been treated by an opponent the way Jeb has been treated by Trump. These things can get heated, but you usually aren't bullied and mocked on a deeply personal level. And there is no other candidate in history who could have gotten away with the stuff Trump has gotten away with.


The logical denouement to the Jeb/Trump sideshow - Trump once again insulting Jeb and his family during what looks to be Jeb's last GOP debate. Jeb steps from the podium, walks over, coldc0cks Trump, steps over Trump's unconscious heap, and walks off stage.


Bush's poll numbers skyrocket.

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I'm confident in saying that no major presidential candidate in a primary has ever been treated by an opponent the way Jeb has been treated by Trump. These things can get heated, but you usually aren't bullied and mocked on a deeply personal level. And there is no other candidate in history who could have gotten away with the stuff Trump has gotten away with.


I honestly don't know if no other Candidate has been treated this way or not.  I suspect not, Politicians are capable of unexpected things at times.  However, I do agree with you in General but I suspect it is much less Bush and much more a sign of the times.   An established politician like Clinton, in no other time in History that I can think of, would be even close to losing to a Socialist but we are seeing it play out.  I suspect it is the general public, more so then it is Trump or Sanders.  JMO

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well usually politicians hire someone else to do the treating of this way to people. they get someone to write the articles, they plant people to ask questions, they hire private investigators and hold onto information until the last minute, they release something at a bad time so it looks worse than it really was (sometimes it's not even true)


Trump says it to his face, and does the dirty work himself.


I can understand why so many people find that worse, one's obvious and right in front of you the other is behind the scenes and you just get swept up in the story. But I imagine there are plenty of cases of a politician doing something to another politician that's significantly worse than Trump making fun of Jeb's poll numbers, or his use of mommy and brother to campaign.

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Hookers 4 Hillary: Dennis Hof's 'Bunny Ranch' workers form political group ahead of Nevada caucus




With the relatively new Nevada caucuses set for Saturday, Hookers for Hillary is grabbing media attention.
The group touting Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination launched in April, shortly after the former U.S. secretary of state announced she would run.
Its members are workers at the Moon Lite Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nev., where prostitution is legal. 
Dennis Hof, owner of the Bunny Ranch and six other Nevada brothels, told the Daily Mail that Hookers for Hillary was his idea. He announced the group's Clinton endorsement with a tweet on April 15. 
Taylor Lee, a 26-year-old former cake decorator from Houston, has worked at the Bunny Ranch for six months. She told The Guardian that she's happy to have health insurance to pay for anti-seizure medication.


More from link.
I'm laughing.............
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You shouldn't laugh. Politics is often about screwing the other guy. This is one of those rare instances of honesty in campaigning.


Plus, I remember a story from 2012 about the number of strippers/dances/etc. who were bused in to Tampa for the GOP Convention. So, maybe the Bunny Ranch Ladies are misguided.

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well usually politicians hire someone else to do the treating of this way to people. they get someone to write the articles, they plant people to ask questions, they hire private investigators and hold onto information until the last minute, they release something at a bad time so it looks worse than it really was (sometimes it's not even true)


Trump says it to his face, and does the dirty work himself.


I can understand why so many people find that worse, one's obvious and right in front of you the other is behind the scenes and you just get swept up in the story. But I imagine there are plenty of cases of a politician doing something to another politician that's significantly worse than Trump making fun of Jeb's poll numbers, or his use of mommy and brother to campaign.


I can not speak for everybody but I will tell you why I don't like a lot of what he is saying.  I don't like it because a lot of it is not fact based.   This pretty much goes for all of what he says IMO.  He speaks in General terms on issues and sometimes, he just flat lies.  Now, having said this, he is not unique in this regard.  A lot of politicians do this.  Heck, a lot of people do this.

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I can not speak for everybody but I will tell you why I don't like a lot of what he is saying.  I don't like it because a lot of it is not fact based.   This pretty much goes for all of what he says IMO.  He speaks in General terms on issues and sometimes, he just flat lies.  Now, having said this, he is not unique in this regard.  A lot of politicians do this.  Heck, a lot of people do this.


Oh, yeah, he's definitely got the talk a lot, don't actually say anything thing down good. No doubt.


I was more responding to the thinking LKB had about no politician being treated the way Jeb has been treated. I think you're just electing to prefer the behind the scenes stuff if you think that.

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Please excuse me for finding this statement amusing and even a bit ironic. I felt the same way with George W. Some how, these things don't always go the way you think they might.

What in the world did you think we'd grow to appreciate about W? And were you still thinking this at end of his time here?

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What in the world did you think we'd grow to appreciate about W? And were you still thinking this at end of his time here?


I still think it.  I have said many time that I believe History will be much kinder to President Bush then Modern History has.  Regardless of if the Left wants to admit it or not, many of Bush's policies have been enacted by the current administration and some of his predictions have come to realization.  I don't expect the left to love Bush any time soon though. 

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Oh, yeah, he's definitely got the talk a lot, don't actually say anything thing down good. No doubt.


I was more responding to the thinking LKB had about no politician being treated the way Jeb has been treated. I think you're just electing to prefer the behind the scenes stuff if you think that.


That could be so.  I mean, I am not immune to being effected by my political views.  I just believe that what we are seeing is more a symptom of what we are seeing in a more broad sense.  It's not just Right or Left.  JMO

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"After all, Trump’s supporters on the web are definitely what I would describe as “high-energy” people who are more than capable of doing something like this on their own"


It costs like $6/year to buy a domain and probably 5 button clicks and some keyboards strokes to do it.


Yeah man, gotta be that high energy person to make that happen.

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