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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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TWA is going with the Bush Florida defense, it's only bad if you find an adequate number of victims. Otherwise all the obvious misdeeds are really.... well, nothing at all or maybe lies and under handed tricks by the other guy. Hard to not laugh at logic that clearly self serving. Cruz's camp intentionally sought to mislead people and did in fact misrepresent what CNN reported. With or without a line of people ready to admit being foolish enough to be tricked by it, what he did was wrong and the intent is clear.

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I'm really admiring your sudden conversion to the belief that unless someone can name the people who performed enough election fraud to swing an election, then it didn't happen.

I look forward to seeing you at the next protest against the GOP's voter suppression laws.




JMS's theory makes no sense both by the lack of deceived voters going public and that it would not have benefited other candidates like trump or rubio

add in Carson outperformed polling and it beggars belief.

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(4) His title and role are the same thing and his title / role was MANAGING DIRECTOR.





 In the world of large global financial institutions that does mean what you think it does. We have a lot of clients in that sector, one of them has 100s of people on staff with the job title Managing Director.

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TWA is going with the Bush Florida defense, it's only bad if you find an adequate number of victims. Otherwise all the obvious misdeeds are really.... well, nothing at all or maybe lies and under handed tricks by the other guy. Hard to not laugh at logic that clearly self serving. Cruz's camp intentionally sought to mislead people and did in fact misrepresent what CNN reported. With or without a line of people ready to admit being foolish enough to be tricked by it, what he did was wrong and the intent is clear.


If by HE you mean some of his staff or supporters, Yes


Can you explain how that would benefit solely Cruz? 


Rubio's supporters sent out the same message.


Is it your assertion voters being informed their candidate might be dropping out are going to give their vote to the informers choice?


If it was me I would vote for my choice as intended to show support.....maybe ya'll are different

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Kind of off topic, but does anybody think that Cruz has a face that you just want to beat the hell out of? I look at the dude, and just get angry. He just looks like a dishonest douche.


I think he and that pharma bro Shkreli should sit at a booth, and people could take turns punching them in the face. I'd pay top dollar for it.


1 + 1 = 2..


Eddie_Munster.jpg + picture-8.png  =  




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JMS's theory makes no sense both by the lack of deceived voters going public and that it would not have benefited other candidates like trump or rubio

add in Carson outperformed polling and it beggars belief.


TWA  I'm confused..   Cruz admitted his campaign did both sleazy tactics in Iowa..   Not only did he admit to it.. He apologized.


(1) spreading the rumor Carson was dropping out of the race during the Iowa caucus.

(2) Sending out official looking letters to position supporters telling them that they were ineligible to caucus due to some trumped up offense.


What am I missing...  what "theory" of mine are you speaking of?


And I hear what you are saying about #1.. that he didn't apologize for spreading the rumor,  just not rescinding the rumor he was spreading as fast as he should have.. or something like that...  think that's heavily heavily nuanced.    I also think it's nonsense..  Fact is CNN says he knowingly lied in his apology and Carson is saying the same thing. 

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Is it time for a third party Republican: Independent bid? Trump is going to be the nominee and after Super Tuesday; it should be clear that he will Cruzing to the nomination. Maybe it's time for someone to run as an independent against Republican Trump.

Actually, that poll visionary posted a day or two ago, (the one where a majority of Trump's voters wish the Confederacy had won the civil war, and support making Muslims register with the government), had some news that might dispute that.

They asked a lot of people who were currently supporting the lesser candidates, if there were only three choices, who would you vote for. And Cruz was the one that picked up the most of those votes.

It at least implies that if the race was just Trump-Cruz or Trump-Rubio, Trump might not be the winner.

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I think Cruz's campaign is really getting hurt by all the charges of dirty tactics.   I don't think it's playing well in South Carolina at all.

Now I'm wondering if the Facebook page dirty trick was actually someone trying to make Cruz look bad..    You gottah love South Carolina.

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Kind of off topic, but does anybody think that Cruz has a face that you just want to beat the hell out of? I look at the dude, and just get angry. He just looks like a dishonest douche.


I think he and that pharma bro Shkreli should sit at a booth, and people could take turns punching them in the face. I'd pay top dollar for it.

You could include Trump in that booth too.


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The Cruz face stuff has been talked about for months. There have been articles how his expressions give off the opposite meaning of his words and people get uncomfortable with it. 


Not "who does he look like?" but the stuff they talk about when humans read faces and come up with an impression.




Per the CNN poll, every single Bush voter in S.C. would have to switch to Rubio for him to place *second.*




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 In the world of large global financial institutions that does mean what you think it does. We have a lot of clients in that sector, one of them has 100s of people on staff with the job title Managing Director.


Look Martin,   Katich worked for Leehmans and was in a position and had the experience to know they were committing fraud.   If he did so it's on him..   If he worked their and couldn't tell,   it's still on him, because that would make him the stupidest person to ever be the House's chairman of the budget committee.


Suggesting a Managing Director don't manage nor direct is absurd.     Suggesting a guy with Katich's resume 20 years on capital hill,  6 years as the chairman of the house budget committee  couldn't possible have understood that handing out $500,000 loans to people with no income nor assets was fraud is again absurd.


Kasich worked at Leehmans,  when all these bad fraudulent illegal activities were occurring.   Somehow you are arguing the man is senior enough to be President, but couldn't possible be held accountable for this systemic corruption and fraud occurring around him every day at work for eight years.    


Worse still, you are arguing that somehow Trump is wrong to bring it up...  absurd.    I think Kasich is running on his record as a good money manager and a trust worthy guy, and I think his history at leehman puts a pin in that balloon.    No question.


I also think Kasich's conduct when becoming governor,  using the 2008 financial crisis as an excuse to bust up public unions was immoral.    Scott Walker did the same thing in Wisconsin.   Tried to blame /  solve the financial crisis on the backs of the working class union members in his state.   I couldn't support such a candidate.. nor could I consider such a candidate moderate;  I don't care how many gay weddings he's attended,  nor if he has polite manors.

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Do you have proof, JMS? If not, why not step away from the keyboard for awhile instead of being Trump's resident parrot. Kasich was in Columbus, Ohio during his time at Lehman.  Not exactly the nerve center of Lehman's operations.  I already posted facts about Kasich's time at Lehman, which you conveniently choose to ignore those facts, much like the tangerine-faced huckster you seem to find so compelling.

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Poll: Sanders deadlocked with Clinton in Nevada


The race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is deadlocked ahead of Saturday's Democratic caucuses, according to the results of the latest CNN/ORC poll from the state released Wednesday.


Clinton earned 48 percent to Sanders' 47 percent, with the former secretary of state leading among voters over the age of 55 and the Vermont senator picking up the support of more younger voters, echoing their supporting demographics in Iowa and New Hampshire.


Likely caucus-goers gave Clinton higher marks on issues related to foreign policy, health care, immigration and race relations, but on the economy, which 42 percent rated as the most important issue, Clinton and Sanders are knotted (with Clinton 48 percent, Sanders 47 percent). Among those who cited the economy as their top issue, Sanders leads by 9 points — 52 percent to 43 percent. The candidates are also effectively tied among likely caucus-goers who were asked which candidate would do more to help the middle class: 50 percent said Sanders would, while 47 percent said the same of Clinton.

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Actually, that poll visionary posted a day or two ago, (the one where a majority of Trump's voters wish the Confederacy had won the civil war, and support making Muslims register with the government), had some news that might dispute that.

They asked a lot of people who were currently supporting the lesser candidates, if there were only three choices, who would you vote for. And Cruz was the one that picked up the most of those votes.

It at least implies that if the race was just Trump-Cruz or Trump-Rubio, Trump might not be the winner.


which means that either Cruz or Rubio has to drop out of the race and selflessly endorse the other, and they have to do it before the primaries advance far enough that it is moot, which presumably will mean that they have to drop out when they still have a chance of winning if the OTHER guy drops out....


... which one do you see jumping on that grenade?

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Do you have proof, JMS? If not, why not step away from the keyboard for awhile instead of being Trump's resident parrot. Kasich was in Columbus, Ohio during his time at Lehman.  Not exactly the nerve center of Lehman's operations.  I already posted facts about Kasich's time at Lehman, which you conveniently choose to ignore those facts, much like the tangerine-faced huckster you seem to find so compelling.



Hey Dan,   I don't find your arguments persuasive.   Nor do I find you a reasonable fellow.    You started this line of discussion with the false quote saying Trump called Kasich a member of the board of directors, and you really haven't progressed from their.     You've backpedaled continuously without once admitting you were doing so...


Kasich wants to be President or sell himself as a moderate.. It's reasonable to bring up that fact he worked for a bank for nearly a decade, which went bankrupt, and nearly took down the global economy.     If you want to paint him as a receptionist in that office with the title of Managing Director, but none of the responsibilities of management nor directing..   And you think that makes him a more attractive Presidential candidate..  Feel Free...


Just don't tell me I'm ignoring the facts.

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... which one do you see jumping on that grenade?



Wrong question...   which one do you think will be successful in pushing the other on that grenade?




Clearly though suggesting Rubio's voters will automatically go to Cruz is just wrong.     I think Cruz and Trump are on their own islands.   Folks will vote for anybody else other than those two...    Rubio,  Bush,  Carson and Kasich are the ones who will be most helped by consolidation.   


Either way we are going to know our nominee for both parties in about two weeks.   Tuesday, March 1  is super tuesday and that's when 1000 delegates is going to be decided.   We will know our nomination on the GOP side of the house then.    Probable the democrat side of the house too although it's so close that race it might go farther.

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Poll: Sanders deadlocked with Clinton in Nevada


I don't think Bernie survivors with deadlocks.    Bernie requires decisive victories or Hillary's campaign will just take it away from him.

Bernie has come a long way..   He really needs Nevada badly as that will give him the momentum he needs in the following primaries to show he's for real.

Trump Waterboarding


I still think Trump is a moderate.   V,  do you not?

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I still think Trump is a moderate.   V,  do you not?

I don't know what he is.  I think he thinks and talks like a dictator.  The guy scares the hell out of me.  




Also what is with his obsession with Jeb?






Jeb Bush just got contact lenses and got rid of the glasses. He wants to look cool, but it's far too late. 1% in Nevada!

11:11 AM

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Look Martin, Katich worked for Leehmans and was in a position and had the experience to know they were committing fraud. If he did so it's on him.. If he worked their and couldn't tell, it's still on him, because that would make him the stupidest person to ever be the House's chairman of the budget committee.

Suggesting a Managing Director don't manage nor direct is absurd.

Worse still, you are arguing that somehow Trump is wrong to bring it up... absurd. I think Kasich is running on his record as a good money manager and a trust worthy guy, and I think his history at leehman puts a pin in that balloon. No question.

Again an MD in a financial services company is a middle management position - it's either client relationships/account management or some kind of functional role like HR, Learning and Development, etc. It's NOT a strategic role involved in directing company strategy or the wider business.

That's not to say Kaitch did not know about the problems at Lehmans or should have known. But he certainly was not at a level where he was involved in any meaningful decisions about the business model or strategy around them.

As from a Trump it's fair enough to bring up Kaitchs role at Lehmans and question what he knew when - but to suggest he was involved in developing the strategy or business model which brought about the implosion of that business is wrong. He either does not understand what an MD is in that industry, or hopes others who hear him don't.

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