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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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21 minutes ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

I sincerely pity you guys the longer this rolls. 

Pretty sure, rightly or wrongly dependent on your view point, I wouldn't be voting. How do you cast a vote for the slightly lesser Evil? Neither of these two are fit for the most powerful job in the World. But because one isn't completely bat**** crazy with absolutely no comprehension of politics, she'll more than likely win the gig by default despite how unfit she is for office with her underhand sins. 

Honestly, I pity you having that dilemma. 


Hillary is ok and will make for a fine left wing President. She is not charismatic and lacks authenticity but might be one of the sharpest and smartest people to ever be elected POTUS. 

It could've been better on both sides but at least Hillary will be a steady hand.

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2 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Hillary is ok and will make for a fine left wing President. She is not charismatic and lacks authenticity but might be one of the sharpest and smartest people to ever be elected POTUS. 

It could've been better on both sides but at least Hillary will be a steady hand.


Oh, as a political mind I wouldn't disagree. 

Her being fit for office I sure as heck would however which would stop me from voting. 


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2 minutes ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:


Oh, as a political mind I wouldn't disagree. 

Her being fit for office I sure as heck would however which would stop me from voting. 


What's fitness really? I think people tend to exaggerate the role of our Presidents now. They are strictly restricted into making judicial and executive nominations, foreign policy decisions and guiding the budget. She won't be doing any policy work because our congress is stuffed with a bunch of good for nothing assholes. 

I trust her on making nominations. Both parties are a disappointment on the foreign policy end but I sure as **** trust her way more than any Republican. I also hope she is lying about not supporting TPP and passes it through once she's in.

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7 minutes ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:


Oh, as a political mind I wouldn't disagree. 

Her being fit for office I sure as heck would however which would stop me from voting. 


I don't know. Why is she unfit for office? Because she used a private email server as did all of her predecessors? Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc. Is it because Donna Brazile gave her some debate tips? Is she unethical because her charitable foundation is routinely rated as one of the best in the world by all the watch dog groups looking for corruption and those that rate good works?

The problem of living in a world full of innuendo and spin is that we all become dizzy. She certainly has feet of clay. She certainly should not have had that server, but it was SOP and not a unique plot to hide dastardly doings. She's arrogant. She tries to work the system. She takes advantage of friends and opportunities, but unlike Trump does so in a way in which those friends stand with her.

If you look at the other side of the election, the character there paints a far bleaker picture. Trump U was a scam. He's a tax cheat. A serial adulterer and probable abuser of women. He doesn't honor his contracts or pay his workers. He uses his charitable foundation as a scheme to pay his debts and buy himself goodies. He has practically no record over the past ten years of any personal charitable giving. He's got almost no one in his corner who knows him or has worked with him. He's lazy, uninformed, vague, and has a hair temper.

There really is only one choice.

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9 hours ago, mikered30 said:

Does ES deem the WSJ worthy of news?  Internal fight with the FBI and public corruption prosecutors about going after the Clinton Foundation

Secret Recordings Fueled FBI Feud in Clinton Probe Agents thought they had enough material to merit aggressively pursuing investigation into Clinton Foundation



The WSJ has a lot of columnists and editorials that are about as honest as Beritbart.  But as far as I'm concerned, their news desk is pretty good.  And this link seems to be from their news desk. 

Haven't read the article.  (I'm not going to pay them.)  But I will observe that the opening sentence of the article is: 


Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay, people familiar with the matter said.


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16 minutes ago, Larry said:


The WSJ has a lot of columnists and editorials that are about as honest as Beritbart.  But as far as I'm concerned, their news desk is pretty good.  And this link seems to be from their news desk. 

Haven't read the article.  (I'm not going to pay them.)  But I will observe that the opening sentence of the article is: 


I read another article that said the speculation was based on info in the book Clinton Cash. 

So yeah shocker, there are gullible partisans who are employed as FBI agents. And shocker, they were put in their place about the bull**** investigation they wanted to launch.

It really is a fun little circle isn't it? 

Fox News: look at all this explosive information in the new book Clinton Cash, let's interview the author! 

FBI agent: guys I was watching Fox last night and there was this guy on talking about Clinton scandals, we should investigate! 

Other agents: shut up you moron

(months later) 

Fox News: FBI wanted to investigate Clinton Foundation, but it was squashed internally 

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50 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Hillary is ok and will make for a fine left wing President. She is not charismatic and lacks authenticity but might be one of the sharpest and smartest people to ever be elected POTUS. 

It could've been better on both sides but at least Hillary will be a steady hand.

Is she left wing now? I seem to recall some folks on here claiming she was too far to the right or a centrist with hawkish tendencies. Are we finally embracing the truth?

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1 minute ago, Zguy28 said:

Is she left wing now? I seem to recall some folks on here claiming she was too far to the right or a centrist with hawkish tendencies. Are we finally embracing the truth?


Well, for a while there, the Bernie Bros were trying to convince us that she was a Republican. 

Worked so well that, after she beat Bernie, some of the board's Republicans tried it.  (And me, I love irony.  And watching Republicans loudly yelling for people to vote against Hillary, because she's a Republican, was a pretty fine batch.) 

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1 hour ago, skinsmarydu said:

Morning Joe right now...Kelly Conway looks like she's been hit by a train. 

She would definitely only be a 1 or 2 on TrumpScale.

That's because she had to endure that hot mess that is the View. Joy Behar literally sucks the life force out of you just listening to her...

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17 minutes ago, twa said:


Must be important in your sphere, I had to google him :kickcan:

Former congressmen who tweet put that they are grabbings muskets if Hillary wins temd to show up on the radar. Sorry if you're not as in tune as you think yourself.

1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

Hillary is ok and will make for a fine left wing President. She is not charismatic and lacks authenticity but might be one of the sharpest and smartest people to ever be elected POTUS. 

It could've been better on both sides but at least Hillary will be a steady hand.


She's nothing if not a centrist. What makes you think that she'll govern from the Left.

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14 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:



She's nothing if not a centrist. What makes you think that she'll govern from the Left.


History. Which says that, the day she takes office, the entire GOP will move two miles further to the right. Thus once again redefining where the new center is. 

Four years from now, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz will be considered moderates. 

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13 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Former congressmen who tweet put that they are grabbings muskets if Hillary wins temd to show up on the radar. Sorry if you're not as in tune as you think yourself.



Maybe if he married someone of import like Wiener. ....muskets? :ols:

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32 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Is she left wing now? I seem to recall some folks on here claiming she was too far to the right or a centrist with hawkish tendencies. Are we finally embracing the truth?

She's a right winger only for Bernie Bros. 

There are maybe two issues on which she's centrist: foreign policy and financial regulation. 

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1 minute ago, pjfootballer said:

I'll just be glad when this is over.  Less than 1 week.  So sick of the ads on TV.  I mute them or change channels.  I vote this thread gets closed the day after the election.  It will have run it's course by then.

I agree.  it will be about time to start the Election 2020 thread that day.

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25 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:


She's nothing if not a centrist. What makes you think that she'll govern from the Left.

She is downright progressive on women's issues, education and labor laws. She's fairly to the left on healthcare as well. Also on immigration. 

Her only centrist positions are foreign policy and financial regulation. Which are major enough platforms to make her a moderate Dem in contrast to a raging leftist like Bernie.

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37 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Is she left wing now? I seem to recall some folks on here claiming she was too far to the right or a centrist with hawkish tendencies. Are we finally embracing the truth?

She is everything to everyone

27 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Former congressmen who tweet

god i hate twitter

7 minutes ago, pjfootballer said:

I'll just be glad when this is over.  Less than 1 week.  So sick of the ads on TV.  I mute them or change channels.  I vote this thread gets closed the day after the election.  It will have run it's course by then.

What? The commercials have a comedic value that is the only thing I enjoy at this point. The rest of it is just too depressing. I think they're great.

You may think the best option is to close the thread, but there may be a value to keeping the various frothing/chest-thumping in one central location that is easily identifiable for those that want to participate/ignore :)


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20 minutes ago, pjfootballer said:

I'll just be glad when this is over.  Less than 1 week.  So sick of the ads on TV.  I mute them or change channels.  I vote this thread gets closed the day after the election.  It will have run it's course by then.



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2 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

We should know who won NV by tomorrow night, but it looks like Democrat GOTV is crushing it.

Following Obamas model of holding big rallies near polling areas, having volunteers on the ground guiding people to their local voting areas. 

I'll be curious to see how that compares to the no ground game, spend money making hats plan Trump has employed



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9 hours ago, mikered30 said:

ok, i will stop with the ****ty articles, at least Wikileaks are 100% true and so are the FBI files in their vault. I will stick with them because they speak for themselves.  I wasn't try to get anyone to vote for Trump, I was trying to get people to vote not Hillary.

Nobody should be naive about this.  A vote for someone other than Clinton is essentially a vote in favor of Trump and vice versa.  I agree with many others that that shouldn't be the case and I wish we could have a nice big third party, but the fact of the matter is that such is not the current situation.

As for the FBI vault, it simply said (as has been covered by many outlets repeatedly), people who Hillary Clinton has corresponded with has had their account hacked by foreign sources.  Doesn't say whether they exchanged classified info with Clinton, doesn't say whether they exchanged baby shower invitation with Clinton.  

It's become a cliche, but it's never been more true than this election.  You can't vote for anyone other than party A because of the other candidate.  Bush or Kasich, hell even Robot Rubio, would have beaten the tar out of Clinton.  That much is clear now.  Sanders would have crushed the Donald too.  Hindsight is 20/20.  The fact is that Clinton has lots of baggage, but her corruptions, even if true, are known quantities.  Pay for access is not new in politics.  Public/private distinction is not new in politics.  People keep harping on the status quo, but when the alternative is Donald Trump, status quo wins everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.  Third party economists have bashed the Trump plan.  He has called for massive rollback of taxes, which would add crushing load to the national debt (I'm almost convinced that the only reason he is running is to abolish estate taxes, which would allow him to pass on his now completely depreciated, 0 Basis real properties to his children without tax consequences).  He has advocated for allowing more countries to get nuclear weapons (yes, allowing South Korea and Japan to get nuclear weapon will stabilize the region /sarcasm).  For the first time in modern presidential election, we actually have to worry whether a presidential candidate should be allowed within 10 miles of the nuclear code.  

I wish we had Kilmer17's version of the GOP.  But we don't.  We have Donald Trump.  How this is even close is beyond me.  We need Jim Mora to say "Emails? Emails?!?!?!?"

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