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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Trump leads Florida.





With 2 Floridians in the race and he's leading both of them now.



If I were a Dem, thinking about getting in; I'd get in now.  Sanders rise, shows there's people who want someone other than Hillary. Trump's rise is showing the GOP will not be united came fall.

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If I were a Dem, thinking about getting in; I'd get in now. Sanders rise, shows there's people who want someone other than Hillary.

I think so too. There's a big part of it being the more liberal wing favoring Sanders, but someone a little to the left of Hillary without the baggage (perceived or real) could be a winner.

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In any case; 


Near as I can tell, we've now seen Hillary float out two policy trial balloons, on the capital gains tax and on global warming. 


Question:  Does anybody think that either proposal has helped her? 


I don't think either one has actually made me like her any more. 


I kinda like that she's addressing those issues.  (Although I don;t think either is really the big one, to me.)  But her proposals on both of them seem to simultaneously be "meh" and "no chance in Dallas it gets passed." 

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Oh for god sake. I can't stand Trump but really do you have any idea what Facism is? Nevermind you already provided that answer.

And was I incorrect? Does Trumps recent comments not fit that smell test?

Or are you just worried that fascist and/or jingoistic policies has been accepted by some of the GOP?

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So, you're saying that you think Hillary's proposals don't go far enough, to fight climate change?

I never would have figured you for a Bernie supporter.


Nope, the climate change crowd is basically calling her out for not going far enough.

All I am saying is she is doing enough for the average voter who thinks they give a ****, but in reality just votes their own party.  Hillary just met the average requirement for climate change.  Box checked.

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This is really pathetic.  OK, so ya printed each email out?  There is a thing called an email server with everything in digital format.

What a crock of ****.


Can't believe she will be our next President.



Long-time Hillary Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines handed the State Department 20 boxes of work-related emails taken in part from a personal email account, State officials said Wednesday, calling into question the extent to which top aides to the former secretary of state also engaged in controversial email practices.

State Department top document official John Hackett, who heads Freedom of Information Act requests for the agency, told a federal judge in a court hearing Wednesday that Reines was among several officials asked to turn over any any work-related documents in his possession.

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Oh, my god!

A state department official, when given a demand to turn over all work related documents, turned over a large quantity of work related documents!

This is terrible, and clearly proves that everyone must vote Republican!

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Oh, my god!

A state department official, when given a demand to turn over all work related documents, turned over a large quantity of work related documents!

This is terrible, and clearly proves that everyone must vote Republican!

Well, if she were truly Presidential timber, she would have done what Cheney did when people asked for him to turn over information. Cooperate, but be frustrated by an accidental fire that just happened to only burn up the records being requested.

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This is really pathetic.  OK, so ya printed each email out?  There is a thing called an email server with everything in digital format.

What a crock of ****.


Can't believe she will be our next President.


It's the hypocrisy of politics.


I only care about the scandals of people I don't like.


Jeb Bush has the same problem, but republicans don't seem to care about it.  (though there's an obvious difference between SoS and Governor of Florida... still an ethical/shadiness/obvious attempt at hiding going on)


It's incredible watching the people on the left downplay how serious this is. Just like they don't care that the Obama administration, with Clinton as SoS, knowningly and purposefully put out a lie about what was going on at Benghazi to avoid the political fall out of American civilians being killed by terrorists overseas in an attack in the weeks leading up to an election.


Can you imagine the ****storm those same people would be creating if it was Bush et al that did that? But since it was Obama et al, and Clinton is their current front runner, their focus is on how crazy and obsessed the GOP is. Which actually works as a narrative because the GOP has firmly painted itself as the boy who cried wolf.


It's frustrating to watch. People wonder why the country has so many problems. The average voter is uninformed and incredibly biased, that's why.

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It doesn't matter to the hardcore left or even the moderate left.

But it matters to the small sliver of voters that she will need next November. How much? Still unknown. But her trust numbers tell the story right now.

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Oh, my god!

A state department official, when given a demand to turn over all work related documents, turned over a large quantity of work related documents!

This is terrible, and clearly proves that everyone must vote Republican!


Or, in a technology world, you export the emails to a file and hand over a CD, or a USB drive.


Or you can print out 100's of thousands of pieces of paper and manually scan each page.


You're right Larry, makes sense.  And who said anything about voting Republican.  Stay on topic.


Maybe there is hope in America...people might actually see through her nonsense.




Hillary Clinton Losing Strength in New National Polling
She is strong against Democratic challengers, but weaker against Republicans

Six weeks after setting her candidacy into high gear, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers are continuing to fall, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday.


Across nearly every key metric, from trustworthiness to caring about voters to leadership, Clinton has seen an erosion in public approval, as likely Republican rivals have erased her leads in the poll. Clinton has a net -11 favorability rating in the poll, with 40% of the American public viewing her positively and 51% negatively, with more than 50% of independents on the negative side.


If the election were held today, Clinton would be tied with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in the poll—down from significant leads in a May 28 survey—but would top the current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

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It's the hypocrisy of politics.


I only care about the scandals of people I don't like.


Jeb Bush has the same problem, but republicans don't seem to care about it.  (though there's an obvious difference between SoS and Governor of Florida... still an ethical/shadiness/obvious attempt at hiding going on)


It's incredible watching the people on the left downplay how serious this is. Just like they don't care that the Obama administration, with Clinton as SoS, knowningly and purposefully put out a lie about what was going on at Benghazi to avoid the political fall out of American civilians being killed by terrorists overseas in an attack in the weeks leading up to an election.


Can you imagine the ****storm those same people would be creating if it was Bush et al that did that? But since it was Obama et al, and Clinton is their current front runner, their focus is on how crazy and obsessed the GOP is. Which actually works as a narrative because the GOP has firmly painted itself as the boy who cried wolf.


It's frustrating to watch. People wonder why the country has so many problems. The average voter is uninformed and incredibly biased, that's why.


A post like this makes me laugh. You are calling people uninformed and incredibly bias while bringing up Benghazi. It's hilarious.  

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A post like this makes me laugh. You are calling people uninformed and incredibly bias while bringing up Benghazi. It's hilarious.  


Out of curiosity, which part of the Benghazi story do you think I'm referring to?

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It doesn't matter to the hardcore left or even the moderate left.

But it matters to the small sliver of voters that she will need next November. How much? Still unknown. But her trust numbers tell the story right now.


What doesn't matter to the left? The attempt to turn everything into a full blown scandal?


Someone on this site (not me) pointed out how by crying wolf every other day leads to people not paying attention to when something might be an actual scandal.


What is the current scandal really about? That Clinton used devices she should not have to do work as SOS. She turned over tens of thousands of documents and now people are complaining that they turned over paper?

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Or, in a technology world, you export the emails to a file and hand over a CD, or a USB drive.


Or you can print out 100's of thousands of pieces of paper and manually scan each page.


You're right Larry, makes sense.  And who said anything about voting Republican.  Stay on topic.


Maybe there is hope in America...people might actually see through her nonsense.



Donald Trump is still leading the Republicans for president.


Donald. Trump.


There really may be nope hope for America.

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She turned over tens of thousands of documents and now people are complaining that they turned over paper?


Imagine investigators actually WANT to search the email.  It's much easier to do analytics on electronic data than paper.  That's if you actually want to review it.  On the flip side, if this were you or me, there wouldn't be paper.  They would have searched my home and removed the email server.


But why be logical?  It's your party.

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Exactly what you cited is plenty.


Dodge it all you want. Almost no one is talking about what i said, they're too busy chasing some ridiculous narrative they could never prove even if it is true.


What I said, is true. We know it's true. It did happen just before an election. They did knowingly put a false narrative out about it.  It's quite easy to see why they did it. But sure, go ahead and call me the uninformed one.


Also keep asking why anyone cares about a paper document dump in 2015, like it's not a well known tactic or anything.


You're batting 1.000 today.


You're exactly the type of person I was referring to. Part of the problem is people like that don't understand that they are, indeed, people like that...

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I love this one.


Herman Cain sees a winner — and a bit of himself — in Trump


Herman Cain thinks Donald Trump is for real.
Four years ago, Cain, a former corporate executive, was the underdog Republican presidential contender who suddenly shot to the front of the national polls despite hoots of derision from the political establishment.
This year it is Trump, and Cain says it would be a mistake to count The Donald out.
“I didn’t have billions of dollars like Donald, and in today’s political environment that’s an advantage for him rather than a disadvantage,” Cain told USA TODAY. “When I got attacked I had to make a choice, do I continue, first of all it’s a big distraction, trying to defend all of the false and negative accusations. It takes away from you trying to campaign unless you have deep pockets, which I did not have, it costs money to sustain a campaign and fight off those attacks at the same time, and to be honest with you I didn’t have the money to do that. I simply didn’t have the money to do that. That’s not his problem.”
Beyond the money, Cain says Trump is just better than he was at shaking off the attacks.
“People digging up stuff from 1990 about a divorce with his first wife, come on man, that is bull crap,” he said, referring to recent stories about allegations of abuse that Trump’s first wife made during divorce proceedings and later recanted. “Donald Trump does not care, he’s not going to entertain it, which I think is the right thing to do, but I didn’t have that luxury of saying ‘I don’t even want to talk about that’. You talk about stuff that happened 14 years ago, accusations you can’t prove, and quite frankly, I didn’t throw it off the way I should have.”
Trump may be benefiting as well from the way Cain’s campaign ended – he suspended his campaign in December 2011 after an Atlanta woman claimed they had been having an affair.
“When somebody has got to dig that deep to try to destroy you, I think that the American public has learned you shouldn’t give up on a candidate that quick because they dig up dirt, that’s what happened to me,” Cain said. “Now that they have seen how the media treated me, there are a lot of conservatives and I’ve heard them tell me this directly, they regret that I dropped out of the race. What they’re also saying is that they regret that they started to question my character because of those accusations.”


More from the link.
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Dodge it all you want. Almost no one is talking about what i said, they're too busy chasing some ridiculous narrative they could never prove even if it is true.


What I said, is true. We know it's true. It did happen just before an election. They did knowingly put a false narrative out about it.  It's quite easy to see why they did it. But sure, go ahead and call me the uninformed one.


Also keep asking why anyone cares about a paper document dump in 2015, like it's not a well known tactic or anything.


You're batting 1.000 today.


You're exactly the type of person I was referring to. Part of the problem is people like that don't understand that they are, indeed, people like that...


LOL that I'm part of the problem.


I'm so uninformed about all the GOP investigations into Benghazi coming up with nothing.

But it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call, the committee found. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people..




The old paper dump: Cause there isn't enough time to get through them all before the election. I mean, they can't run them all through a scanner and they must only read them on the paper in which they were delivered.



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