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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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If the Dem's had a legitimate challenger, now is the time to pounce.



I'd say that applies more the GOP side. If they have a legit candidate right now, that person would be running on themselves and not against Clinton. As bad as she is....somehow she's still polling better than that clown car even with all her negatives.


Obama is not going to endorse anyone until the Convention unless Biden gets in. Even then he may stay silent. Presidents typically only endorse their VPs.


Also, there is an awful lot of goddamn time between now and the primaries.


Exactly. If Obama does anything, it'll mention the fringe GOP candidates by name to get them free press and take it away from the Bush types who aren't likely to advocate for bombing planned parenthood or changing the American Flag to a combo with the Confederate Battle Flag.

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I have long thought that Jeb Bush would be the nominie on the Rebublican side as well.  Trump has plenty of money and he could hang in, regardless of cost but he does not have the political engine behind him that Jeb Bush does.   I think either could have a pretty decent chance to defeat Hillary.  Heck, anybody that gets the nomination is going to have a decent chance IMO.   I think HIllary is vulanarable.  

Come on you really think Trump would have a chance at all? The only thing Trump is accomplishing is assisting Hillary or or whoever the Dems nominate by damaging the Republican brand. He is the Christine O'Donnel of this year - so bad he hurts the other Republicans. I swear he is so bad you'd think he was a Clinton plant/mole. But really how bad?  If the choice was between Trump and Hillary I wouldn't vote at all (In the presidential portion) and If people like me wouldn't vote for him I'd expect the Dems to carry even Texas.

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I'd say that applies more the GOP side. If they have a legit candidate right now, that person would be running on themselves and not against Clinton. As bad as she is....somehow she's still polling better than that clown car even with all her negatives.

Disagree. The GOP absolutely have legitimate candidates, and I would advise strongly against assuming otherwise.

Now, I do have the opinion that frankly, the GOP have ruined their "brand", for at least the last 10-15 years.  I think that's going to hurt them.  but then, I'm not sure that a majority of the voters find the GOP brand as toxic as I do. 


And at least Jeb! has the added advantage that he's been out of politics for like 15 years, and therefore he might not have as much of the Party's stink on him as the other candidates. 

Trump isn't hurting the GOP brand. He's hurting the extremes.

Jeb loves every minute of this


At least to some people, the GOP brand is the extremes. 


Ted Cruz's greatest claim to fame was threatening to intentionally cause the Second Great Depression unless the majority Party voted to repeal a law that the voters didn't want repealed. 


And every single Republican, in the House and the Senate, voted unanimously to do it. 


It's tough to blame this on "the extremes", when the entire Party unanimously votes for it. 




Now, that was years ago.  And the voters are legendary for having short memories.  It's possible that a lot of voters don't see things the way I do. 


(But I keep seeing it.  Is there any candidate, other than maybe Trump, who hasn't done the "I promise to reneg on any nuke deal with Iran the day I'm elected" pledge?) 

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Disagree. The GOP absolutely have legitimate candidates, and I would advise strongly against assuming otherwise.

Now, I do have the opinion that frankly, the GOP have ruined their "brand", for at least the last 10-15 years.  I think that's going to hurt them.  but then, I'm not sure that a majority of the voters find the GOP brand as toxic as I do. 


And at least Jeb! has the added advantage that he's been out of politics for like 15 years, and therefore he might not have as much of the Party's stink on him as the other candidates. 


At least to some people, the GOP brand is the extremes. 


Ted Cruz's greatest claim to fame was threatening to intentionally cause the Second Great Depression unless the majority Party voted to repeal a law that the voters didn't want repealed. 


And every single Republican, in the House and the Senate, voted unanimously to do it. 


It's tough to blame this on "the extremes", when the entire Party unanimously votes for it. 




Now, that was years ago.  And the voters are legendary for having short memories.  It's possible that a lot of voters don't see things the way I do. 


(But I keep seeing it.  Is there any candidate, other than maybe Trump, who hasn't done the "I promise to reneg on any nuke deal with Iran the day I'm elected" pledge?) 

The voters didn't want it repealed? When did the voters exclusively vote for that law???  Come on Larry ever since it was passed, to this very day, the general population would vote to repeal that law if they were able.

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The voters didn't want it repealed? When did the voters exclusively vote for that law??? Come on Larry ever since it was passed, to this very day, the general population would vote to repeal that law if they were able.

1). Really? You're going to try to claim that the voters want Obamacare repealed, because America doesn't have direct individual voting on individual laws?

2). now, I was going from memory, for years, that when pollsters ask whether people APPROVE of Obamacare, there's a slight but clear majority who disapprove of it. But that question includes people who think it doesn't go far enough, as "disapprove". That when the question is whether it should be REPEALED, they say no. (By a small but clear majority).

But I just did some research, looking for some support. I'm going to try to put in a link, here, but my iPad has been wonky about doing that, lately, it might be tough. Among other things, I found a FactCheck article from back in 2012, saying that some polls show a small majority favoring repeal, but that other polls go the other way.

Nope, sorry. Won't allow me to copy and paste the link. Ah, I think I've found a way.


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Trump lawyer: he didn't rape Ivana because you "cannot rape your spouse"


Ivana Trump accused her husband of sexually violating her, and his lawyer has issued a series of insane threats to Daily Beast reporters, which they have published.


“It is true,” Cohen added. “You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.” ... Cohen added that there is no such thing, legally, as a man raping his wife. “You cannot rape your spouse,” he said. There’s very clear case law.” …


“I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said. “So I’m warning you, tread very ****ing lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be ****ing disgusting. You understand me?”


“You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it, with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up…for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet…you’re going to have judgments against you, so much money, you’ll never know how to get out from underneath it,” he added.



Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex
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Wow. Didn't see that one coming. But it doesn't surprise me that neither he or his lawyer know the law.


As opposed to knowing the law and violating it anyway.  The world we live in.


In other news....I wonder if those solar panels will power her private jet too?  Her personal carbon footprint dwarfs most.  Her poor grandkids.





In the first big reveal of her climate change policy, Clinton said she would install half a billion new solar panels by the end of her first term in the White House, and generate enough renewable energy to power every home in the country 10 years after her inauguration.


“Not some homes. Not most homes. Every home in America,” she said in a speech on Monday at the main bus terminal in Des Moines.

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As opposed to knowing the law and violating it anyway.  The world we live in.


In other news....I wonder if those solar panels will power her private jet too?  Her personal carbon footprint dwarfs most.  Her poor grandkids.






Breathlessly awaiting for the Republican partisans to attack the first Republican politician who claims to want to help the middle class, who hasn't given away all of his personal wealth, so he can live on $50K a year household income. 


I mean, since they all seem to believe that advocating something that's good for the country, while failing to take a Vow of Poverty, makes one evil incarnate, and all. 

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Breathlessly awaiting for the Republican partisans to attack the first Republican politician who claims to want to help the middle class, who hasn't given away all of his personal wealth, so he can live on $50K a year household income. 


I mean, since they all seem to believe that advocating something that's good for the country, while failing to take a Vow of Poverty, makes one evil incarnate, and all. 


Hey now Larry..by helping the 1% (themselves)...they are helping the middle class. Because trickle down..and voodoo..and stuff.

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Come on you really think Trump would have a chance at all? The only thing Trump is accomplishing is assisting Hillary or or whoever the Dems nominate by damaging the Republican brand. He is the Christine O'Donnel of this year - so bad he hurts the other Republicans. I swear he is so bad you'd think he was a Clinton plant/mole. But really how bad?  If the choice was between Trump and Hillary I wouldn't vote at all (In the presidential portion) and If people like me wouldn't vote for him I'd expect the Dems to carry even Texas.


I think anybody who gets the nomination on the GOP side is going ot have a chance against Hillary.  She is a weak candidate IMO.  Why on earth the Democratic Party has decided to back her the way they have is a mystyery to me.  I feel like there are a lot better options in the Democratic Party.


I read these posts about Trump and see what a lot of Democrats are saying and I have to wonder how they don't see it.  Don't get me wrong, I understand why they say what they do with Trump but honestly, Hillary is not better.  She may even be a worse candidate when it's all said and done.  JMO

Trump isn't hurting the GOP brand. He's hurting the extremes.

Jeb loves every minute of this




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Trump is so not hurting the GOP brand, that Reince never called him to tone it down (and then get embarrassed online about it), and all the other candidates didn't jump online to condemn him the 1st chance they got when he talked about McCain being a loser who got caught. I guess its good that he isn't obsessed with comparing everything to Nazis. If he did, Huckabee's one trick would be used up.



Jeb! wants to be followed around right now. Talking about his ideas. Where the hell is Walker? Rubio? Clinton wants to be hiding now because there is something like 25% fewer running the the Dem primary. 

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I read these posts about Trump and see what a lot of Democrats are saying and I have to wonder how they don't see it.  Don't get me wrong, I understand why they say what they do with Trump but honestly, Hillary is not better.  She may even be a worse candidate when it's all said and done.  JMO




When was the last time an outsider (as in, someone with no governmental experience) was a better presidential candidate than someone who served as (not only as First Lady but also) a Senator and the Secretary of State?


I'm sorry - I think you are way off about who the better prospect is, when comparing Trump and Clinton. 

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When was the last time an outsider (as in, someone with no governmental experience) was a better presidential candidate than someone who served as (not only as First Lady but also) a Senator and the Secretary of State?


I'm sorry - I think you are way off about who the better prospect is, when comparing Trump and Clinton. 


Doesn't matter if he's an outsider.  When is the last time a candidate had enough money to actually run a Presidential campaign to the end, out of his own pocket and was actually willing to do it?  Trump doesn't really need the backing of the GOP to run. 


Serving in office can be a good thing or a bad thing.  In the case of Hillary, I think it's only good with her base.  I am not real sure that people in the middle actually think it's that big of a deal where Hillary is concerned.  I just think that there are plenty of Democratic Options out there who have a background and a record that is far superior to hers.  


I do not believe that Trump will win the nomination but that's not really the point.  I think that the DNC is making a mistake by just handing the nomination to Hillary.   Do you believe that Hillary is the best Candidate the Democratic Party has to offer?

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When is the 1st debate? Got to think there will be some changes after just one. 



There is some forum on Mon: 8/3 that many candidates, sans Trump are attending.  The first debate is next Thurs: 8/6. Fox will have a forum at 5pm, unless that has changed, for the people not allowed in the debates.  They will use the average of 5 polls.  I don't think the NH poll will be one.

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The Senate voted Monday to revive the Export-Import Bank as part of a bigger bill to fund the nation's crumbling roads and bridges.

Senators voted 64-29 to approve an amendment to renew the bank's charter, which expired June 30.


The 29 votes against?  28 Republicans.  And Bernie Sanders.


more from the same article

House leaders are even more hostile to the idea of a highway bill that would also revive the Export-Import Bank. The bank is opposed by many Tea Party-oriented House Republicans, who see it as corporate welfare that goes against free market principles. Most Democrats, and traditional pro-business Republicans, support the bank as a way to create jobs by bolstering American exports.

The 81-year-old bank was created during the Great Depression to lend money to U.S. exporters and their foreign customers. Most nations that compete economically with the United States — including China, Germany and France — have similar banks.

Business groups worry that American companies will be less competitive globally unless Congress revives the institution.

Even in the Senate, where the Ex-Im Bank is much more popular than it is in the House, it has caused bitter debate.

Last Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a Tea Party favorite and GOP presidential candidate, accused Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., of lying about making a deal with Democrats to allow a vote on the bank in exchange for Democratic support of a "fast track" trade authority bill last month. McConnell said Sunday that he never made any such deal.




And Bernie's statement:



At a time when almost every major corporation in this country has shut down plants and outsourced millions of American jobs, we should not be providing corporate welfare to multi-national corporations through the Export-Import Bank.

“Instead of providing low-interest loans to multi-national companies that are shipping jobs to China and other low-wage countries, we should be investing in small businesses and worker-owned enterprises that want to create jobs in the United States of America.  If the Export-Import Bank cannot be reformed to become a vehicle for real job creation in the United States, it should be eliminated.”




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