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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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So, who would be your Top 10 participants for next Thursdays Republican debate?


I'll rank them from #1 to #10.


#1 - Donald  Trump - leading the polls


Contenders to be the actual nominee 


#2 - Jeb Bush

#3 - Scott Walker

#4 - Marco Rubio


The next batch 


#5 - Ted Cruz

#6 - Mike Huckabee

#7 - Rand Paul

#8 - Chris Christie



That leaves 2 more spots.  Ben Carson is polling high enough that he's probably in.  I wouldn't put him the in the main debate.


Carly Fiorina, Lindsay Graham, George Pataki , Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal and John Kasich are essentially fighting for the last spot.



If it were me, my final two choices would be:


#9 - John Kasich - You can't leave out the governor of Ohio in a debate that is taking place in Cleveland.

#10 -  Caroly Fiorina - You need the anti-Hillary to appear at least in the first debate. 


I say no to Ben Carson because they are plenty of Tea Partiers and Evangelicals to take his voters.  He is not qualified to be up there.

Linday Graham, George Pataki both need to drop out.  Rick Santorum and Rick Perry- you had your shot in 2012; go away. Noone is interested in what you have to say. Finally, Bobby Jindal- already plenty of other candidates to cover your voters.



You know, the Dems need to go ahead and schedule their debates.  All the attention is on the Republicans.  Since the next Republican debate isn't until 9/16; the Dems should have their first debate before then.

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I'm guessing Clinton's people are dragging their feet on a debate as long as possible. #1. They want the firing circle of the first few GOP debates to take place first. #2. She doesn't want to engage Sanders yet.



I want to see the to 10 polling in that debate. Thankfully somebody like Jindal and Graham are already so far behind. They'd be boring. I want to see Cruz/Trump team up and challenge Bush/Walker for the Tag Team titles.

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I'm guessing Clinton's people are dragging their feet on a debate as long as possible. #1. They want the firing circle of the first few GOP debates to take place first. #2. She doesn't want to engage Sanders yet.



I want to see the to 10 polling in that debate. Thankfully somebody like Jindal and Graham are already so far behind. They'd be boring. I want to see Cruz/Trump team up and challenge Bush/Walker for the Tag Team titles.


We will know on Aug. 4th.


Politico: The Battle to be Debater #10



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Donald Trump says he'd tap Sarah Palin for a Cabinet post


Donald Trump has succeeded in alienating many of his fellow Republicans with his personal attacks, but if he does win in November 2016 and is forced to assemble a cabinet of GOP allies, he knows exactly whom he would call on: Sarah Palin.


When asked on Sarah Palin’s Mama Grizz Radio’s “The Palin Update” Monday whether he would seek the former Alaska governor’s advice as president or potentially appoint her to an executive-branch position, Trump said, “I’d love that.”


“She’s really somebody who knows what’s happening. She’s a special person. She’s really a special person. And I think people know that and she’s got a following that’s unbelievable,” he continued. (Palin has more than 4 million Facebook followers.)


“I’m looking at some of these candidates, they’re weak, they’re ineffective and to a degree that’s almost hard to believe. And, you know, they like the Sarah Palin kind of strength. You just don’t see very much of it anymore,” Trump mused.

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Breathlessly awaiting for the Republican partisans to attack the first Republican politician who claims to want to help the middle class, who hasn't given away all of his personal wealth, so he can live on $50K a year household income. 


I mean, since they all seem to believe that advocating something that's good for the country, while failing to take a Vow of Poverty, makes one evil incarnate, and all. 


When I have an example on the Republican side I will post it.  I don't recycle, my kids and wife complain to me for it.  They empty the trash bags and organize the recycling and care about the planet.  You talk the talk you walk the walk.  If I were worth 100 million I would have a private jet and million dollar homes around the world.


I wouldn't then say I am worried about energy consumption and my grandkids.  But that's just me.  I would own it.

I will say she owns the politician award for everyone running for President.  She is totally full of **** and proud of it.





Here's Hillary Clinton's "answer" to a question about whether she supports or opposes the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline at a townhall in New Hampshire today.


"If it’s undecided when I become president, I will answer your question," Clinton said. "This is President Obama's decision. I'm not going to second-guess him."


Er, what?


Clinton went on to note that she was in a position unique among the 2016 field due to her time as secretary of state. "I'm in a different position than any other candidate," Clinton said. "I was there. I put this process together. I oversaw it for four years." (Because the pipeline would begin in Canada, its approval -- or not -- is in the hands of the State Department.)


Uh huh.




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When I have an example on the Republican side I will post it.

Really? You can't think of a single Republican saying that he cares about the middle class, who hasn't given away all of his personal wealth, so he can support his family on $50K/year?


I guarantee you I can find some, for you, f you need help. 

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Really? You can't think of a single Republican saying that he cares about the middle class, who hasn't given away all of his personal wealth, so he can support his family on $50K/year?


I guarantee you I can find some, for you, f you need help. 


Well the Dem's say that as well.  That's par for the course with all of the politicians.  I prefer pure irony that you don't get across the board.

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The Kochs freeze out Donald Trump


The Koch brothers are freezing out Donald Trump from their influential political operation — denying him access to their state-of-the-art data and refusing to let him speak to their gatherings of grass-roots activists or major donors.
Despite a long and cordial relationship between the real estate showman and David Koch, as well as a raft of former Koch operatives who are now running Trump’s presidential campaign, the Koch political operation appears to have concluded that Trump is the wrong standard-bearer for the GOP. And the network of Koch-backed policy and political outfits is using behind-the-scenes influence to challenge Trump more forcefully than the Republican Party establishment — by limiting his access to the support and data that would help him translate his lead in the polls into a sustainable White House campaign.


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Hillary Clinton will use Friday, her first day of public appearances in Florida as a presidential candidate, to declare her allegiance to President Barack Obama’s Cuba policy in the hometown of Republican rivals who oppose it, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.


Clinton will call for lifting the embargo in her speech at Florida International University.


“She will highlight that Republican arguments against increased engagement are part of failed policies of the past and contend that we must look to the future in order to advance a core set of values and interests to engage with Cubans and address human rights abuses,” said a statement from her campaign.


Much like her speech on immigration reform in Las Vegas, in which she tried to portray herself as willing to go further than Obama, her speech at FIU will be her first chance to double down on the president’s move in December to normalize U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations. The 11 a.m. speech will follow her address to the National Urban League, a civil-rights organization, in Fort Lauderdale earlier Friday.


Clinton will call on Congress to lift the Cuban embargo.

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Of course Hillary is smarter than that....





One of the most persistent knocks on Hillary Clinton is that she's too close to Wall Street and Washington's K Street lobbying industry.


It's true that Clinton, a former New York senator, has strong ties to the titans of finance: Big banks and investors are generous donors to the Clinton Foundation; they've given to this campaign and Clinton's past bids; and some of Clinton's closest allies in politics have been through the revolving door between Washington and Wall Street. Similarly, many Clinton backers, including some former aides to her and her husband, lobby for a living.


But a close look at Clinton's first campaign finance report of the 2016 presidential campaign shows that she raised $46 million with limited backing from the nation's top financial institutions and lobbying firms.


Well this ought to be good for Hillary.  Her longtime friend wants to get to the bottom of it.





Secretary of State John Kerry plans to meet with the department’s internal watchdog about the finding that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had classified material on her personal server, the White House said Wednesday.


“Secretary Kerry has said he’ll be discussing this with his inspector general this week. And I also know that Secretary Kerry wants to get to the bottom of this, hear what the concerns are, and then figure out if they need to take any action,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz said Wednesday.

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Is the current version of Trump as close to fascism as the GOP can stomach?



This is actually kind of funny.  I read your post and couldn't help but wonder if the same question could be asked of the Democratic Party, with regards to Hillary?



LOL......  Politics are pretty funny sometimes.

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Hillary is a nationalistic rightwinger who has intolerant views towards her nation's minorities?


..or if you want to get technical..per Merriam Webster..


..a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition




I suspect very few will ever accuse Hillary with exalting nation and race above the individual...nor will she ever be accused of standing for severe economic and social regimentation, or forcible suppression of the opposition.  


Trump so far has alluded to many of the viewpoints that would put him *this close* to bordering fascism. And it's winning in middle 'murica. Go figure.

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Hillary is a nationalistic rightwinger who has intolerant views towards her nation's minorities?




In truth, I can not comment on that with any authority.  I am not a Democrat so I can not say what their opinion of her might be.

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Hillary said just enough to make Americans happy.  She doesn't really want to rock that boat, just punch the ticket.








Hillary Clinton's climate change plan 'just plain silly', says leading expert


“I personally believe climate change is a challenge of such magnitude and urgency that we need a president who will set ambitious goals,” she said in a video posted to her campaign website.

It wasn’t difficult to draw a sigh of relief from the progressive electorate that has heard only climate change denial – loud and triumphal – from Republican frontrunners. (Ted Cruz proudly announced in May that he had just come from New Hampshire, where there was “ice and snow everywhere”.


Trump took up the issue with typical savoir faire on Monday, declining to call climate change by name: “I call it weather.”)


But for many who study climate change, Clinton’s proposal lacked the ambition and sense of urgency appropriate to the scale of the problem.



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