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Iron Man 3


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This is what I wrote on another forum I frequent. Does anyone here agree with my concerns below?

My biggest issue with the film were Tony's actions and dialogue with the boy Harley. Very mean, insensitive, and simply uncalled for. I have never seen an adult talk to a child in such a crude way in real life or on a screen.

And the other part that spins off of that is Harley looking for a father figure. Tony completely ignores this and makes fun of the boy even further.

ever seen bad santa? there we go...

---------- Post added May-4th-2013 at 06:44 PM ----------

also, saw Ironman 3 last night in 3D with my sister in NYC. LOVED IT!!! i usually fall asleep in action movies if the movie isn't good, but i stayed awake for the ENTIRE movie last night. loved love LOVED it :) go see it, i promise you will like it.

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I had a pretty good time. It wasn't a GREAT movie, but it was a fun movie that mixed a couple of decent laughs with some decent action and gave the actors a chance to shine. Almost all the stars had a chance to be heroic. I do think that they had a little too much fun making the armor fragile in this movie, but otherwise it was fine for the mood I was in. Glad I skipped this thread until after seeing it.

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I still can't believe I enjoyed it as much as I actually did given those certain issues. I really had been in an outstanding mood! :ols:

It's so cool when a big cruise ship makes a stop close by on a sunny holiday weekend. :evilg: :D

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Easily the worst super hero movie ive seen since spiderman 3. I would have walked out, if i could have navigated through the 10 thousand chinese people in the theater. There are so many things i could note, but overall i will say this was the biggest sellout movie i think ive ever seen.

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Said I would skip it after reading some reviews of people I trust. I saw it today, now I'm wishing I trusted my first instinct.

Felt like they left a lot on the table in regards to what it could have been. Its not a terrible movie, but its a lot of "meh".

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Agree with most comments. I think my problem was that I had read a few reviews on how IM3 was on par with IM1 and that expectation really is not right. I think if you go into this movie with lower expectations the better. My personal opinion, there was to much Pepper and Iron man was very weak. I didn't like the involvement of the little boy Harley and Don Cheadle was cheezy in my opinion. I would say it's on par with IM2. Special effects are cool. Plot is interesting, but weaker than the other two. I didn't stay for the after credits portion...did I miss anything? (feel free to PM me)

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Agree with most comments. I think my problem was that I had read a few reviews on how IM3 was on par with IM1 and that expectation really is not right. I think if you go into this movie with lower expectations the better. My personal opinion, there was to much Pepper and Iron man was very weak. I didn't like the involvement of the little boy Harley and Don Cheadle was cheezy in my opinion. I would say it's on par with IM2. Special effects are cool. Plot is interesting, but weaker than the other two. I didn't stay for the after credits portion...did I miss anything? (feel free to PM me)

You didnt miss anything...spoiler below

It was just Tony on a psychiatrist couch talking about his past. The camera pans over to reveal Bruce Banner who is sleeping. He wakes up and tells Tony he's not that kind of doctor. Tony goes on with his story and Bruce falls asleep again.

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Agree with most comments. I think my problem was that I had read a few reviews on how IM3 was on par with IM1 and that expectation really is not right. I think if you go into this movie with lower expectations the better. My personal opinion, there was to much Pepper and Iron man was very weak. I didn't like the involvement of the little boy Harley and Don Cheadle was cheezy in my opinion. I would say it's on par with IM2. Special effects are cool. Plot is interesting, but weaker than the other two. I didn't stay for the after credits portion...did I miss anything? (feel free to PM me)

That is why the movie would had worked had Terence Howard was in there instead of Don Cheadle. As Cheadle is a great actor but Howard was awesome in Ironman!

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Is it at least better than Iron Man 2?

Yes. Infinitely so.

Iron Man 2 was mainly used as a cash-in sequel to Iron Man and to start ramping up Marvel's "Phase 1" plan for "The Avengers" film. People associated with that movie have come out and basically said as much.

I thought Iron Man 3 was the best one in the series, easily so in my opinion, but I also can understand why a lot of people might lean towards the first Iron Man movie as their favorite.

Having Shane Black write and direct this one made all the difference.

Tony Stark wasn't just a "guy in a suit" like he was in the first two films (and like Captain America called him in The Avengers), Rhodey is actually fleshed out into a worthwhile character, and the villain is a legitimate threat with a real plan, unlike the first two film's bad guys.

This also will probably be RDJ's last Iron Man movie, at least for awhile, since Marvel currently has no planned Iron Man films through the rest of their "Phase 2" production schedule and into the beginning of their announced "Phase 3" schedule.

Considering though that RDJ made something like 60 million from The Avengers, I'm sure he'll sign back on for The Avengers 2.

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He'll appear in any Avengers or maybe small cameos. But he's already expressed that he wants to go do different things, at least when it comes to his own standalone iron man movie.

With them ruining certain villains, it reminds me of the villains they ruined while doing Spiderman 3. If that is how things are going to be, I'd rather they not do another Iron Man movie and just let Downey join in the Avengers movies.

---------- Post added May-12th-2013 at 08:27 AM ----------

It was a "meh" movie to me, I was expecting more. Not a bad movie for your average moviegoer, but for someone who's a big comic book fan like I am.....not so much.

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