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Iron Man 3


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So the credit union I belong to treated their cardholders to an advanced screening of the new Iron Man movie last night,even took care of the popcorn :beavisnbutthead:

Being as vague as possible, what I liked:

-The special effects are on point, especially the Extremis effects, the "barrel of monkeys" rescue, and final battle.

-plenty of humor, Downey is so at home in this role its scary. The quick exchange with the kid as Tony is leaving is especially good.

-the final battle was big and loud like the end of a fourth of July fireworks display. Lots of eye candy on display here.


-the #@$%! plot twist. You'll know it when you see it and I spent the next few minutes in "you've got to be kidding me" mode rather than following the dialogue.

-Tony's own deus ex machina is saved for the final battle and effectively had me wondering why he didn't just use it before and save himself alot of hardship.

-what they did with Pepper in the final battle.

-the scene after the credits is lame...no future movie setup here, just a guest appearance of a character we've met for a weak joke.

The negative really sticks with me but overall it was a fun popcorn flick, I'd put it somewhere between IM 1 & 2. Maybe a 7 out of 10 for me.

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I noticed this with Pain and Gain last week. Is this a new thing where midnight showings really start at 9 or 10?

Yep. They have 2 showings- one at 9/10pm and then one at midnight. I've notince that here in Melbourne,FL since the Spring.

Actually, when my niece was getting tickets online for Iron Man 3; she saw both local theaters were showing multiple showings starting at 9. One theater was one every 30 minutes and another was one every 15 minutes. I think for big movies like Iron Man; you may get multiple showings on Thursdays starting at 9pm.

It's a good way to get more money. People like to see things a little early; so having them around 9/10pm is good way to do that. You would draw more people in. Not everyone can stay up to see a movie at 12am.

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Just came back from IM3.

One of the plot twists was very disappointing and frankly hurt the movie.

I think the last 2 were better. I guess you can say with each movie, it got a little worse.

The original poster did post some valid flaws with this movie,

Still for summer fair; it was alright. I don't think this movie will be the Top movie of the summer because of those weaknesses in the movie.

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Just came back from IM3.

One of the plot twists was very disappointing and frankly hurt the movie.

I think the last 2 were better. I guess you can say with each movie, it got a little worse.

The original poster did post some valid flaws with this movie,

Still for summer fair; it was alright. I don't think this movie will be the Top movie of the summer because of those weaknesses in the movie.

My brother and sister said to not waste my money. Anyone else feel that way?

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My favorite part of the movie was the "plot twist" and after credits sequence. The rest of the movie was pretty horrible. It just felt way too cartoony to me. Its easily the least "grounded" of marvel's films yet. I know that complaint may not bother some - these are movies based on comic books after all. But all the previous marvel Phase 1 movies were fairly relateable to our world.. Whereas Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, and the Avengers tried integrate comic book characters in the "real world" - like Nolans Batman trilogy, Iron Man 3 felt more like Batman Forever or Batman and Robin. I suppose this is the natural progression of the marvel universe - Guardians is going to have a talking Racoon for goodness sake - i must say i liked the more grounded feel of the previous films. IMO, Iron Man 3 "jumped the shark" with the villians super-powers and the ending. If the movie accomplished one thing for me, it made me Ok with the possibility of there not being an Iron Man 4.

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To those of you who have seen the movie, what were your expectations going into the show?

Just curious, because some movies are so pumped up in the media and/or did so well in preceeding version, it makes it near impossible to meet expectations.

Just curious.

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To those of you who have seen the movie, what were your expectations going into the show?

Just curious, because some movies are so pumped up in the media and/or did so well in preceeding version, it makes it near impossible to meet expectations.

Just curious.

I can't say without spoiling it but just say whatever you thought this movie was going to be; it isn't.

There really isn't no need for anymore Iron Man movies though the character will still be there for the Avenger movies.

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There really isn't no need for anymore Iron Man movies though the character will still be there for the Avenger movies.

Probably for the best, considering RDJ has dropped big hints that this was his last Iron Man movie.

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I can't say without spoiling it but just say whatever you thought this movie was going to be; it isn't.

There really isn't no need for anymore Iron Man movies though the character will still be there for the Avenger movies.

I disagree there are likely about a billion reasons....... This movie was good... If you saw the first two, you could extrapolate this one.

First what I like about Tony Stark.... He's a billionaire and he's enjoying it. None of this angst of a Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire and we are expected to believe he's so damaged by his history he can't enjoy anything.. Stark is loving it. What I didn't like about his movie is because anybody who is having a good time must be shallow, they've put a little angst into him.... He's got delayed stress syndrome from the events of the Avenger's battle... he can't sleep... he has panic attacks... Really? I didn't like that...

Didn't like the twists they inserted into the Mandarin character. Also they made the Mandarin too Osama Bin Laudinish.

Special effects were great.....Overall the movie was rather average, and I really enjoy these flicks.

---------- Post added May-3rd-2013 at 02:16 PM ----------

Probably for the best, considering RDJ has dropped big hints that this was his last Iron Man movie.

Yeah there is pretty much zero chance RDJ will turn down another Ironman picture deal.

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Yeah there is pretty much zero chance RDJ will turn down another Ironman picture deal.

He'll appear in any Avengers or maybe small cameos. But he's already expressed that he wants to go do different things, at least when it comes to his own standalone iron man movie.

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He'll appear in any Avengers or maybe small cameos. But he's already expressed that he wants to go do different things, at least when it comes to his own standalone iron man movie.

What I'm saying is that's a negotiation ploy. He wants more money, and their is money to be had because these movies make huge bank....

RDJ has two maybe three franchises going now... Sherlock holmes.. the avengers, and Ironman...

If he shuts the door on iron man then he shuts the door on 2/3rds of his big budget movies.

I just think he'll come around when they open up the pocketbook.... I don't see RDJ standing around due to artistic license.

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Y'know, maybe it was because I had such a great day before (and after for that matter) seeing the movie, but I really enjoyed it despite the butchering done to "my" Marvel Universe (involving Mandarin/Pepper/ and two other major items I can't even safely note without risking spoilers). I actually liked the Mandarin deal, which surprised me (that I liked it).

Usually all those things or of a type that would have annoyed me, but I really had a good time. And frankly, part of why I lost interest in the comics themselves (especially DC) after collecting since before Marvel was Marvel is that from the late 80's on, they pulled so much crap in messing with the "universe" (especially DC and it's multiple earth concept run amok) of the originals (or as many colors for Hulk as there was for kryptonite) that it all seems up for grabs to me now.

I am actually grateful when all the "history" I knew and loved isn't ****ed with in major fashion.

Anyhoo, I thought the action was nonstop and very well produced , loved the humor, still love gwyneth (her tummy looks yummy) and left feeling fine, even though I also didn't care for the premise of the bad guys' "abilities". (I hope that's not a spoiler)

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This is what I wrote on another forum I frequent. Does anyone here agree with my concerns below?

My biggest issue with the film were Tony's actions and dialogue with the boy Harley. Very mean, insensitive, and simply uncalled for. I have never seen an adult talk to a child in such a crude way in real life or on a screen.

And the other part that spins off of that is Harley looking for a father figure. Tony completely ignores this and makes fun of the boy even further.

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This is what I wrote on another forum I frequent. Does anyone here agree with my concerns below?

My biggest issue with the film were Tony's actions and dialogue with the boy Harley. Very mean, insensitive, and simply uncalled for. I have never seen an adult talk to a child in such a crude way in real life or on a screen.

And the other part that spins off of that is Harley looking for a father figure. Tony completely ignores this and makes fun of the boy even further.

I didn't really have a problem with it.

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I actually liked the plot twist...more humor than 'ah ha' for me. did not like the Pepper deal at the end...I know it is a Marvel flick, but just kind of shook my head.

No problems with his interaction with the kid.

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do most theatres allow you to bring your own snacks in these days?

In my younger days it was mcdoubles and mccickens. Wear an undershirt, tuck it in and stuff them down your shirt. Piece of cake just wear a loose over shirt or it looks like you are carrying a spare tire.

As for IM3, the third trailer kind of turned me off of it and current reviews havent helped. I'll wait til it goes to the dollar theater before checking it out.

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