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Brian Orakpo: Current most over hyped Redskin? Or as good as advertised?

Gibbs Hog Heaven

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Why draft another outside linebacker to replace a probowler in Orakpo? Seriously this argument is asinine. In order to save 1-2 mil extra a year you are willing to let go a PROVEN probowler ONLY to make another hole that we would need to fill with a draft pick that is sorely needed to fill other areas or sign another FA that will be nowhere near him talent or production wise.

Instead we need to re - sign Rak and shore up that position for another 4+ years minimum and focus on putting talent around him on that defense.

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For 12-13 million a year which Rak reportedly wants, that is elite money at that position, which means you have a player that takes over games. I just don't see Orakpo as that kind of player. He does have good production but the defense's best production was 2nd half 2012 and that was without Orakpo. For elite money a player has to be top 5 at their position but he isn't top 5 IMO. If he's unwilling to work with the team and come down to 10 per then adios. 

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Orakpo and Kerrigan rush the passer around 79% of passing downs compared to most 3-4 OLBs like Terrell Suggs who rushes the passer 91% of the time on passing downs. Judging a player isn't always simple a lot factors in. I think letting Rak walk would hurt this team at a time and position where we just can't take it. They should at very least franchise him for the 1 year to see if he can stay healthy.

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Ha. I've never seen so many "fans" bash one of their best players. I just don't understand the hate. Anyone who watched all-22 for more than 5 minutes can see Rak is a top linebacker in the league.


Clay Matthews, Demarcus Ware, Tamba Hali are the only 3 OLBs in a 3-4 that make 11+mil per year. Does Orakpo deserve to be paid top 3 at his position, at the age of 28? I don't think so. 

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Clay Matthews, Demarcus Ware, Tamba Hali are the only 3 OLBs in a 3-4 that make 11+mil per year. Does Orakpo deserve to be paid top 3 at his position, at the age of 28? I don't think so.

I think considering Orakpo is a more complete player than any of those 3 and 28 is right in the prime of a players career, yes I do.
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I can understand people points on both sides of the issue but I agree with the other posters who have said you have to at least franchise him this year and either trade him if you cannot get a long term deal done or just let him play this year for 11.5 million. I think it is crazy to just let him walk. Some people don't want to believe it for some reason but if he is able to test free agency he is gone and somebody will most likely make him the highest paid OLB in the NFL. That is what happens every year in free agency. There is a lot of money to be spent and he is a pro bowl player, pass rusher, no trouble off the field. Mike Wallace got a crazy deal from the Dolphins last year and Rak will get a crazy deal this year if the Redskins allow him to test the market. 

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I think considering Orakpo is a more complete player than any of those 3 and 28 is right in the prime of a players career, yes I do.


Disagree, and right in the prime means hell be past soon. If you're seriously suggesting that 12 million a season when he's in his 30s is good and that he's a top 5 player at his position then I'm very glad you're not in the FO.

I can understand people points on both sides of the issue but I agree with the other posters who have said you have to at least franchise him this year and either trade him if you cannot get a long term deal done or just let him play this year for 11.5 million. I think it is crazy to just let him walk. Some people don't want to believe it for some reason but if he is able to test free agency he is gone and somebody will most likely make him the highest paid OLB in the NFL. That is what happens every year in free agency. There is a lot of money to be spent and he is a pro bowl player, pass rusher, no trouble off the field. Mike Wallace got a crazy deal from the Dolphins last year and Rak will get a crazy deal this year if the Redskins allow him to test the market. 


Let someone else make him the top paid OLB then. Our defense has performed it's best, we've won the division, without him.


10 million a year is very reasonable, but obviously Rak isn't coming down from that 12-13 number and if that's the case then bye. I understand players wanting big money, but at same time you should be willing to come down a little bit for your home team so they can bring others in. He's not, he's just trying to get paid on that last big contract and I remember a time on ES when most were wary of those types of players since we'd failed with them so many times before.


Is Orakpo worth 1/3 of our available cap space at 28 with an injury history? I don't think so.

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God forbid we do this, but March 3 is the last day for tagging right?




Might have to get with the boss man on that day to allow you a "final post/drop the mike and walk away" style closeout to this thread.


I think he'd accomidate if you asked nicely :D


I mean... maybe he would right? :huh:



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I just don't want this to set a negative precedent for this franchise one way or another. I'm afraid that if we don't sign Orakpo, it'll be a sign that this FO doesn't recognize its own talent and isn't loyal to its players. Which makes it extremely difficult for coaches to motivate guys. I'm also afraid that if we do sign Orakpo, it'll be for too much and make other players get greedy come contract negotiating time.


It's such a fine line. I'm hoping this FO walks it right. I certainly am tired of being on the wrong side the last couple decades. It's like, the guys we've kept and paid end up not producing according to their contracts and the guys we let walk end up leaving GAPING holes on our team for years on end while they go on to do well for other teams. It's getting very, very annoying, lol.   

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