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Guys I need recommendations on the next TV series I should start watching.


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So that final episode of the season of 12 Monkeys...


Lots to discuss...don't click unless you've seen them all (or don't mind spoilers). 


Anyone else think the witness reveal was a letdown? Not the scene per se, but who it is/was? I'm guessing he will turn into what he is now because Cole rescues "Mother" after she has given birth to him.



Jennifer's speech where she copied Independence Day and then referenced Bill and Ted was most excellent. She's become the best character on that show.


Sorry to see them get rid of Deacon again. He seems like the only sane one.


And Jones being a badass was cool. Love the new timeline with that. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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So that final episode of the season of 12 Monkeys...


Lots to discuss...don't click unless you've seen them all (or don't mind spoilers). 


Anyone else think the witness reveal was a letdown? Not the scene per se, but who it is/was? I'm guessing he will turn into what he is now because Cole rescues "Mother" after she has given birth to him.



Jennifer's speech where she copied Independence Day and then referenced Bill and Ted was most excellent. She's become the best character on that show.


Sorry to see them get rid of Deacon again. He seems like the only sane one.


And Jones being a badass was cool. Love the new timeline with that. 



I'm still trying to figure out how the witness is her baby.  She was pregnant by Cole, then Cole went back before she was pregnant and changed the future, or so we thought.  So how is that still possible?  


I know she started remembering stuff and it shocked Cole and they quickly moved away from that with an action scene.  So, how is she pregnant now if her and Cole hadn't screwed because he came back and changed things?

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I'm still trying to figure out how the witness is her baby.  She was pregnant by Cole, then Cole went back before she was pregnant and changed the future, or so we thought.  So how is that still possible?  


I know she started remembering stuff and it shocked Cole and they quickly moved away from that with an action scene.  So, how is she pregnant now if her and Cole hadn't screwed because he came back and changed things?


 My guess is..


She's still pregnant because she remembers the timeline. So it both happened and and it didn't happen. It's a Schrödinger's ca ttype of paradox though and I am sure they will address it in the first episode back.


Or it could be because the kid would have the same serum in his blood (from the injections that Cassie and Cole) and would survive the reset because of it.

Edited by The Evil Genius
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 My guess is..


She's still pregnant because she remembers the timeline. So it both happened and and it didn't happen. It's a Schrödinger's ca ttype of paradox though and I am sure they will address it in the first episode back.


Or it could be because the kid would have the same serum in his blood (from the injections that Cassie and Cole) and would survive the reset because of it.

As much as I follow what you're saying & can agree with it, thing is none of got the identity of the Witness right. That's one of the things I love about this show, is that the writers still manage to surprise you.

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Bojack Horseman (Netflix) season 3 is out.  Haven't seen it yet, because I'm re-watching the first two seasons now.  That said, love the show.  Funny and thought provoking.  Various levels of humor too.

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As much as I follow what you're saying & can agree with it, thing is none of got the identity of the Witness right. That's one of the things I love about this show, is that the writers still manage to surprise you.

There be better a Season 3 of 12 Monkeys. There was no way I would've guess the Witness.

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Season finale of "Kingdom" on tomorrow night.. Great drama series revolving around some fictional MMA fighters, their friends and the gym they train out of.. These last 10 episodes have been kick ass, imo!!


Audience network (DirecTV) 30 episodes, "mature" rating Im sure? Features: language, nudity, sex, violence, drug use. (All the good stuff!) lol

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This show called Stranger Things on Netflix is decent so far.  Takes place in 83, seems to be an homage to 80's thriller movies and creepy stuff.  


I still have to get around to Peaky Blinders but thanks for  a heads up on what I could follow up with.  Netflix has a first month free deal and that flew by but frankly I've gotten my money's worth (one month charge so far)  from Orange is the New Black and Trailer Park Boys.   Eight bucks and two awesome binges.   How much did Blockbuster et al use to charge for one movie for like two nights?



Get out and get some fresh air dammit.


You're right of course but TV is so much better these days.   Say in the '80s and '90s I would have never sat around and watched as much as I have in the last few years.   Right around the turn of the century, partly caused by and certainly coinciding with the Sopranos, TV offerings have gotten REAL good.  There was a time when this video:





was relevant.   What is different is that now a good show will get you thinking.   The medium is starting to realize a potential I never envisioned.

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I blitzed through the Netflix series "Last Chance U" over the past three days.  Really enjoyed it.


It chronicles the 2015 season of Juco east Mississippi football team...basically the main reasons that guys play there are because they burned out at a big program or couldn't get the grades to attend one in a first place.  LeGarrette Blount went there.


They're the dominant Juco football team in the country I think they won the national championship there the year previously.  It focuses on a few of the key players, most notably John Franklin III who was at FSU and went there to prove that he could play and catch on with another DI school.  


You know that big ass brawl that occurred last October?  That was this school.  The last two episodes deal with all the circumstances surrounding it before and after.  It's fascinating.  


It's heartbreaking and heartwarming.  Frustrating and funny.  Can't recommend it enough, it's shot beautifully.  

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Been watching the first season of Limitless on Netflix.  It takes place after the movie, actually has some appearances by Bradly Cooper (who stared in the movie for those that don't know).  Pretty good mix of humor and catching bad guys.  


The main character Brian Finch is basically forced to work for the FBI as a consultant while taking a drug known as NZT.  The drug allows him to access the full extent of his brain's capabilities.  Definitely a good watch when you have some time to burn.  

Edited by Dont Taze Me Bro
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