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THE Official Star Wars EPVII The Force Awakens Thread


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That filibuster is still the best thing ever

Edit: Also, Code, you are a different kind of animal lol. I just can't fathom why anyone would want to know the spoilers before they happen but I guess if it doesn't take away from your enjoyment, go ahead.

I LOVE spoilers. I like going into the movies having a general expectation of what is going to happen . I feel like I don't miss as much. For the prequels, I read all the books right when they came out, which was a month ahead of time. I totally understand people not wanting to be spoiled, but I want to know. It doesn't take away from my enjoyment at all.
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I LOVE spoilers. I like going into the movies having a general expectation of what is going to happen . I feel like I don't miss as much. For the prequels, I read all the books right when they came out, which was a month ahead of time. I totally understand people not wanting to be spoiled, but I want to know. It doesn't take away from my enjoyment at all.

I read Phantom Menace before the movie came out. I had forgotten about that.
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I've seen some one sentence reviews from several people and they all seem to be glowing so far


They said the same thing when Phantom Menace first came out.  They said Jar-Jar was the next Chris Farley.  But then the internet came, and with it the nerds. They starting forming discussion groups, and collaborating on home made videos, and writing blogs about how bad it was.  And then we started listening. And being forced to listen, we started to agree, because we had no choice.  The nerds couldn't be wrong, they said, because the nerds knew more about Star Wars then anyone.  Who were we to question them? We couldn't even join the discussion, without being mocked for our "incomplete" knowledge of the Star Wars universe, and our lack of time to understand (mostly because we had girlfriends).  And so not only did we listen, but we started to obey them. And then we focused our anger on those who had refused to see the truth. And we rounded them up, and brought shame upon them and their leaders.  And so it went, which is how we ended up where we are today.  Completely and utterly at the mercy of the nerds.

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Some of you need to really stop trying to insult people's intelligence when it comes to TPM. The movie WAS NOT good. And no, it didn't initially get wave reviews. I still remember the very first review that I saw about TPM. The headline was "The Force Is Not With The Phantom Menace." That movie was panned from the get go.

Of some of you like it, fine. But don't act as if the rest of us don't like it just because.

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Oh boy. Next thing you know,someone comes in and says "Well then don't insult my intelligence and tell me it wasn't good because it was." With all kinds of caps and exclamation points and if they're really serious,a few bold letters.  Tell you what. I'll save this thread from yet another very tired argument/ back and forth **** fest about the first 3 episodes and say that's quite enough. Take a look at the thread title. Yep. That's what it's about. The newest one. Ol' number 7. We're now within a few days of its release. 


http://www.howmanydaysuntilstarwars.com/ :)  



Time to get back to talking about that one here. Oh and like many of its counterpart threads dealing in specific movies and t.v. shows,let's keep the discussion about specifics in the movie after you all see it to the ol' spoiler thing. If someone clicks on one of those and then complains that they haven't seen it yet,it's on them,(that would include me since I'm not sure when I'll have a chance to see it).  Remember. From an earlier post,quoting a spoiler reveals it. Thanks in advance and have a nice day.  :) 

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First people are just coming out of the theatres, they're ecstatic. They loved the new bad ass guy, the action, the screenplay, and are already asking for a sequel.

This afternoon the movie will be displayed only for Americans in EuropaCorp’s theater : See ‘Star Wars’ Early At Luc Besson’s Multiplex: Air France Flights From $1,400; Movie Tix & Jet-Lag Included

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I'm positive I will love the movie. I already know it from the spoilers.

However, give it a little time. The haters are going to hate.

You're going to hear that it's a copy of ANH. Disney and Abrahams playing it safe etc... Who cares. The bottom line is, we're you entertained? Did you have fun?

I know I'm so excited for tomorrow. It can't come fast enough.

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They had a screening in NY last night...hearing that the hype is only half as good as the movie.

I can't wait.

Wow. If it's THAT good, this might be premature, but could this be the 2nd Star Wars to receive a best picture nomination? I heard it was a weak year for the kind of movies that usually get those nominations.

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So yeah, a new installment of Star Wars is enuff to get up for, but in my book the fact that Abrams is handling this thing makes me think that it is gonna be an awesome ride.  I don't care about whatever knocks there are on the style of the King of Lensflare he rocks.


I can't imagine anything that will kill this flick for me.  No, really the worst in Star Wars was done years ago in the original trilogy: EWOKS.  Seriously.   Uh, so I was prepared for any eventuality of Cheeseballosity that the prequels might bring.  Given all the criticisms leveled at the prequels I enjoyed them from the standpoint of getting a further look at the galaxy of this story.  You know, the stuff referred to in the original movies: clone wars, Jedi Council, the Senate of the Old Republic, Coruscant, different Sith lords etFc.  In terms of Jar Jar and all that... whatever, profound disappointment was brought about in the form of warrior teddy bears in Return of the Jedi so anything good after is pure gravy.


Like this new flick cannot  fail to be, for me anyway.


With the Redskins in the hunt for the Division title late in the season and a new SW coming out,  I'm feelin' purty good about things right about now, funk soul brutha.






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MSNBC Host: 'Star Wars' Is Racist Because Darth Vader Is Black


The countdown is on for the seventh installment of the "Star Wars" movie franchise, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," and one MSNBC host isn't particularly excited. On her show on Sunday, Melissa Harris-Perry asserted that "Star Wars" is racist.
She explained that when iconic villain Darth Vader was in his black costume and voiced by African American actor James Earl Jones, "he was terrible and bad and awful and used to cut off white men's hands, and didn't, you know, actually claim his son."
"But as soon as he claims his son and goes over to the good, he takes off his mask and he is white," Harris-Perry continued. "Yes, I have many, many feelings about that."
"Star Wars" fact-checkers quickly took to social media to point out several holes in Harris-Perry's theory, including that Vader was revealed as the father of two Caucasian characters - Luke Sykwalker and Princess Leia - well before his helmet-off reveal, Vader is clearly Caucasian in the three prequel films and the villainous Imperial Stormtroopers wear all white, as opposed to black.
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