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What if Cousins have a Flynn-like performance?

The Trashman

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First, lets hope Cousins does have a Matt Flynn like day, or even somewhat remotely close. But under no circumstances do we sit/rest RG3 against the Eagles if he's 100% and ready to go. The last thing I want is for him to miss two games then be expected to come in to play against Dallas in the season finalle and expected to win after he's not played 2 games.

I'm no medical expert, but if the longer rest lessons the risk of anything around the ACL tearing, wouldn't it be better to sit him the extra week if we have faith in Kirk after today?


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Yeah, but if he does fit straight in like he's looked thus far, and the offense is as efficient in a different way with him as it is with Robert, how perfect would it be to able to rest 10 for two weeks, take away any lingering doubts of him tearing anything; and have him rested and healthy for Dallas and January?


But if he's healthy and 100% in time for Philly why wouldnt you want him to play? If Cousins plays lights out today, there is no way to know if he will have the typical rookie season and look horrible against Philly. Philly is not an easy place to play for vetern players, much less a rookie, I don't care how bad they are this year. RG3 is different though, he is poised/mature and unrattled it seems. If he can play, we play him, no doubt.

Cousins was up and down against the Falcons. First the bomb TD, then 2 INTs. Lets also look at Cousins first pass, incomplete but a PI call got us the first down. Then RG3 came back in and took us from our own 46 to the Ravens 16, but intentional grounding call pushed us back to the 26. Then Cousins looked dead on and the run on the 2pt conversion was play calling, cause Im sure the Ravens weren't concerned about him running on them. I love the kid, I love having him as a back-up, but we could get the rookie from the ATL game just as easy as the rookie in the BAL game, thats how most rookie seasons are.

With all that said, Cousins took all the reps with the first team, we have an excellent counter and power running game, so I have confidence that we can get it done against the Browns. I just worry about getting beat by a division rival in a hostile environment with the playoffs on the line. No doubt Philly would love to play spoiler and knock us out of the playoffs (or make it extremely difficult depending on how other teams play out).

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I'm no medical expert, but if the longer rest lessons the risk of anything around the ACL tearing, wouldn't it be better to sit him the extra week if we have faith in Kirk after today?


absolutely, if he's not 100%. But if he is 100% and there is no risk, we gotta play him. I may have misread your original post, I thought you were saying if Cousins pulled a Flynn, should we rest RG3 another week regardless if he's 100% or not. If RG3 could play but there is any doubt that he could reagravate the injury or risk further injury and he's not 100%. Absolutely play Cousins against Philly.
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You know, I have been on board with him as trade bait....but I like him. It would be more valuable to us to keep him and develop him along side RG3

I agree with you but if other teams see Cousins as a starter, then the best case scenario is that we'll eventually have to pay him starter money just for him to back up RG3. The worst case is that he'll really want his opportunity and will leave via free agency when his contract is up.

It doesn't make sense to sit on that kind of talent. We should definitely make a trade to a) get something for him and B) give him his opportunity, if teams are banging on his door.

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absolutely, if he's not 100%. But if he is 100% and there is no risk, we gotta play him. I may have misread your original post, I thought you were saying if Cousins pulled a Flynn, should we rest RG3 another week regardless if he's 100% or not. If RG3 could play but there is any doubt that he could reagravate the injury or risk further injury and he's not 100%. Absolutely play Cousins against Philly.

Oh, no question man. If he's 100%, and their satisfied there's no more risk than normal in that area, you start 10. That's not even in question.

I was just putting it out there that if another weeks rest was medically better to minimize any further damage to anything around the ACL, or God forbid the ACL itself, then it wouldn't be a bad thing for him to have the extra weeks rest.

We're completely on the same page bro'. :cheers:


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I wonder how all these players on other teams are playing and our Star isn't? sucks all the way around. Hell, every qb has had to play with injuries so why we cupcaking with RG3. Let that boy be a man and go out there to lead his team. This isn't pop warner football.

You are talking about possibly subjecting our franchise QB to a season ending knee injury, one that could result in off-season surgury should he injure it further and get a tear. Then he will be rehabbing, etc. and could possibly miss games next season. Also, there are no stars on those other teams where their team gave up that much to draft them (two future 1st round picks in addition to swapping last years and last years 2nd rounder).

And you're 100% right, this isnt pop warner football, there are 280-300lb linemen that can run 4.5 - 4.9 40s and rock a QBs world. Last thing we need is RG3 to be 80% and lose a few steps in his speed and get crushed by one of those guys, resulting in further injury cause he wasnt 100% and couldn't escape fast enough like he would normally do. Not saying he isnt as fast right now, cause only he knows and coaches know that, but I can't imagine he would be 100% yet. Cause if he was, there is no question that Shanny would start him.

Also, the fact that they didnt even activate him should somewhat tell his true status right now. Which is if Cousins gets hurt, RG3 is not yet in good enough shape to back him up, so we put the rest of the load on Rex Grossman. With the playoffs on the line, even the division, Im sure Shanny wants the best chance to win on the field. Cause nobody in their right mind would put Rex Grossman in over RG3 if RG3 could really go today.

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Yeah, but if he does fit straight in like he's looked thus far, and the offense is as efficient in a different way with him as it is with Robert, how perfect would it be to able to rest 10 for two weeks, take away any lingering doubts of him tearing anything; and have him rested and healthy for Dallas and January?


IF. He's the leader of the offense. If he is good next week, he should lead the team. If not, then Kirk or Rexy should go (shudder at that last one).

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It would be great because it gives our Franchise QB time to rest. It gives the Skins a viable backup and trade bait in the future. It's great all around. i hope Cousins plays out of his mind and tosses 8 touchdown, no ints, 500 yards and a perfect QB rating but to think it means anything as to who starts is insane. This will not turn into an Alex Smith situation with Kapernick because the 9ers were down on Smith. He's a game manager. RGIII is a game changer.

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If he has a good performance and someone is willing to give more value than a 4th rounder this offseason, I'd pull on the trigger. I'm happy he's on our team and giving us an ace in the hole but as RG III protects himself more I imagine Cousins utility would just be wasted, might as well try to fill other areas of need if we're given the right offer. That cousins probably deserves a shot eventually to start somewhere given how terrible the QB play is on some teams (cardinals, raiders, browns, Chiefs)

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I wonder how all these players on other teams are playing and our Star isn't? sucks all the way around. Hell, every qb has had to play with injuries so why we cupcaking with RG3. Let that boy be a man and go out there to lead his team. This isn't pop warner football.

I'm sorry, did you really? No doubt that RG3 is tough. After that hit he went out there one play later and was Frankensteining down the field. You and I don't get to question that toughness. Noone does. Team doctor said he didn't feel comfortable playing him, so he sits out a nonconference game.

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The comments about Kyle leaving for a Head Coach position somewhere is should Cousins succeed today are pretty farfetched. He and Mike came here on a mission to win a championship--hopefully multiple--and revitalize this franchise. That mission is only halfway complete. Plus, as an OC, working with a guy like RG3 is a once in a lifetime opportunity--why would Kyle want to leave now that things are really getting exciting to go start over as head coach of another struggling franchise? (especially one that may not have their franchise QB)

Kyle is a really young guy to be an OC in the league. He has a long career ahead of him, and I don't think he is in any rush to leave DC and all of the potential that RG3 brings to the table.

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Oye... what if Cousins has a typical rookie performance, or even below average? Then, what if the Dragon comes in off the bench and drops dimes all over the field?

Eeek!! I guess we've been Skins fans too long, but that's probably the more likely scenario.. :ols: Hopin we get by the Browns and worry about all this stuff next week!! :point2sky

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Besides all skins fans creaming their corn, I predict 25 new threads get created saying the same thing. I was right!

That is a high bar to set for his first game, for one. But for some reason, the debate over drafting Cousins versus addressing other teams needs, always seems to circle back to Flynn. Who of course, couldn't win a starting job.

I think teams will be weary overpaying for the next Flynn, Cassel, etc.

Lets see what Cousin can do before comparing him to a one hit wonder, of all people.

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You are talking about possibly subjecting our franchise QB to a season ending knee injury, one that could result in off-season surgury should he injure it further and get a tear. Then he will be rehabbing, etc. and could possibly miss games next season. Also, there are no stars on those other teams where their team gave up that much to draft them (two future 1st round picks in addition to swapping last years and last years 2nd rounder).

And you're 100% right, this isnt pop warner football, there are 280-300lb linemen that can run 4.5 - 4.9 40s and rock a QBs world. Last thing we need is RG3 to be 80% and lose a few steps in his speed and get crushed by one of those guys, resulting in further injury cause he wasnt 100% and couldn't escape fast enough like he would normally do. Not saying he isnt as fast right now, cause only he knows and coaches know that, but I can't imagine he would be 100% yet. Cause if he was, there is no question that Shanny would start him.

Also, the fact that they didnt even activate him should somewhat tell his true status right now. Which is if Cousins gets hurt, RG3 is not yet in good enough shape to back him up, so we put the rest of the load on Rex Grossman. With the playoffs on the line, even the division, Im sure Shanny wants the best chance to win on the field. Cause nobody in their right mind would put Rex Grossman in over RG3 if RG3 could really go today.

From years past, I have seen all the "great" qb in our league keep playing with all kinda injuries ie Brady, Favre, Rodgers, Big Ben, etc.. Everyone who plays hurt risks making the injury worse but guess what, those guys keep pushing for the good of the team. Kirk, hasn't played, untested and will have to go against a good pass rush for a whole game, not just a couple of plays. Rex, I have no faith, we seen what he did the last couple of years.TRASH. They say that Rg3 injury is not that bad but what its attached to is crucial. I think that rings true for every freaking injury people have. They are all apart of a system. If Rg3 had played and got hurt season is over, true indeed, but guess what?? We rest him and we lose with the combo platter of Kirk/Grossman, OUR SEASON IS STILL OVER. I dont' know about you but I like my best playing if it prevents me from making the rest of the season garbage time. You know what Garbage time is dont' you? Garbage time is the LAST 5 years in Redskins world.

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There is a reason RGIII is not active, today. And I feel it's actually worse than originally thought. If it was a 50/50 option, why not have him active and in the backup role.... I'm fearful of loose knee ligaments leading to a tear of the others.... that puppy needs some heal time. But I was all about the trade Cousins for a high draft picks, a-la Kolb.... but with RGIII being out 2 times this year, and I don't want him out again EVER, it's difficult to say that we will need a quality backup....

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