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What has turned this team around?


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I know you guys don't want to hear this but I will say it......Dan Snyder turned this team around by giving Shanny the opportunity to bring RGIII to town. He has stayed out of the frayed and not publicly meddled with this team a la Jerry Jones. You don't hear anything from him but "I hate those bleep bleeps. His is doing what an owner is suppose to do, hence becoming very likeable again. My vote is Dan Snyder bringing the once in a lifetime quarterback to this team. He let Shanny do his thing and now RGIII and the SKINs are doing their thing.

If you like him or not, we need to give Dan Snyder credit, I do....thanks

T Alston

Life Long Redskin fan and fan till I die


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The Bye gave the entire Skins group time to reflect, and rest up. (Very important for Morris,I thought really did seem to be nearing his rookie wall in the games leading up to the bye).

The Eagles gave the team the opportunity to get 'healthy' and into a winning mindset -- especially on defense. And it carried over into the Dallas game when the team got streaky hot against a primary rival. And that mindset persisted.

There was a motivational element to it -- Shanahan did essentially put his team (and maybe even some coaches) on notice -- and they've responded.

The Skins have a lot of 'team-character' players on thier roster-- and they showed they're not willing to give up. Griffin's a big part of this too -- as an important team leader, he added to the never-say-die mindset of the players.

Garcon's return and WRs showing improvement -- allowing more deep throws or long runs.

Ooops -- almost forgot... a kicker who seems to be able to perform in the clutch.

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What turned the season around was a little good luck. The bye came at the perfect time, they got a couple pieces back, they were able to get away from all the media induced panic, and play an absolutely God Awful Eagles team to end the losing streak.

They got a little confidence, and then played a great game on national TV on Thanksgiving against a very average Dallas team, and won that.

The got more confidence.

Then went out and played a pretty good game and beat the Giants.

Now they have even more confidence.

Though injuries to Hall and suspension to C. Griffin are going to hurt their chances against the Ravens. Boldin and Rice are going to be a nightmare for them.

What has turned this team around?

One word: Robert Griffin III

Not to be an ass, but that's actually 3 words. :)

---------- Post added December-5th-2012 at 07:52 AM ----------

We started to do our midseason slide, when Shanny named RG3 the team captain, said the season was over and then put everyone on notice.

It became do or die time and it was placed squarely on the shoulders of our franchise player and he has risen to it and taken a hold of this team and may never let it go.

Hail RG3 and HttR!

Team voted him team captain, not Shanny.

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The main reason to me imo is that the defense is getting stops at crucial moments instead of folding like fine origami. We still get raped through the air but when the chips are down we have been keeping people out of the end zone, creating a turnover, or getting a straight up stop.

Secondarily has been the return of Garcon. None of our receivers outside of Morgan imo are consistent. Even with Morgan he is a possession 10 yard catch and a cloud of dust guy no one is afraid of him. With Garcon back not only is he producing at a high level but his threat (and aldricks) are forcing teams into two deep saftey looks which is easy pickins on the ground for Morris and Griffin

and finally we are MUCH better with the penalties. My god it was like we were getting flagged every other play earlier in the season and that has calmed down a lot. We aren't in as many 3rd and longs on offense because of this

edit : Kobra has been huge too. Don't have to worry about a soul crushing miss from relatively makeable distances anymore

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Not to be an ass, but that's actually 3 words. :)

---------- Post added December-5th-2012 at 07:52 AM ----------

I know, I said it that way as a joke. ;)

In all seriousness, I still say its RGIII. Yes, Garcon and Cobra Kai are huge, but I really feel that RGIII's winning attitude is really beginning to infect the rest of the team. They believe in themselves not just because they've won 3 in a row, but because RGIII believed in them in the 1st place....

...and Yes, I do have a huge man-crush in Robert Griffin. Why do you ask?

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In short, accountability. Something this team has lacked for a long time. Players don't want to let one another down and it's a beautiful thing.

Great Keim article about how guys like Trent and london are play through injuries that probably should have sidelined them for a week, but they feel they owe it to the team now.

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RGIII and coaching on both sides of the ball.

Kyle has adapted his offensive play calling to be extremely well balanced and more traditional in the red zone and not as cute.

Haslett and the defense have been better prepared and executed better the last few weeks.

Getting Garcon back definitely helps too but I still want to see RGIII looking towards JM, SM, and LH as well

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A nice embarrassing loss before the long bye week caused the turn around.

Showing confidence in our offense, starting with accepting the ball on coin tosses. Anyone know a site that tracks the coin toss win loss numbers? Accepting tells the offense, we believe in you. Its more than what we do on the opening drive, its the mindset of the players knowing the coach believes in them.

Realizing that our front 4 was not getting any pressure at all, and changing up what we do on defense, cannot be overstated in helping us the past 3 weeks. You can say it was Garcon in the lineup that was key to finally beating a rookie QB (Foiles) - but I call bunk. Haslet has been doing things very different the past 3 games including often rushing 5.

Nick Sundberg

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I would have to say when they team handed Griffin the "C" on his jersey. Think about it. He's a rookie, he knew his place on the team as a rookie. He never made waves and let guys like Santana and Fletcher "lead" the team. He said as much during the OTAs and TC that it wasn't his place to lead at that time. He was just trying to learn the plays and get cohesive with the team.

So in other words, the team stopped looking at him as a "rookie" and accepted him as someone they could trust to lead them. He earned their trust and now he's playing out of his mind to not disappoint their decision.

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If you believe Steve Young the turnaround occurred after Shanahan told the media that he's gonna start evaluating for next year. Young believes that was a real motivational comment.

I think the play calling has been much better.........especially against Dallas and NY. We are a very dangerous team right now. Anything the defense adds is a bonus.

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