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CBS:Romney camp denies "Anglo-Saxon heritage" comment


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.and quiet dismissal from the campaign staff. Everyone watch for the aide who doesn't arrive home on the official campaign jet.

You think they are going to do a bin laudin on him... pretend to throw him out of the executive jet on the way home over the ocean but secretly keep him in a dungeon in Utah pulling his toe nails out to see if Obama put him up to it?

Seriously though, I don't think this campaign staffer even should be fired, unless he believes what he said. You don't have to fire people for mispeaking, This was such a huge screw up, no chance Romney puts a guy out front like that if he actually has views like that. This guy was trying to think on his feet and failed... Tell him that and move on. Just don't put him in a position to think on his feet again any time soon.

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Did this deserve it's own thread? Frankly, there are going to be plenty of stupid comments made by Romney, Obama or their surrogates between now and 11/6. We probably don't need a thread for all of them.

As for the comment, since the people who actually will decide this election will not be paying attention until Mitt and Obama gives their convention speeches; this will be forgotten.

I think Obama- "You didn't build that" or Romney's "They can self deport" comments will have more lasting impact on the campaign.

Frankly, nothing has change my mind yet that Romney can win though he can hope the economic numbers start decline between now and 11/6- that will be what sinks Obama.

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You think they are going to do a bin laudin on him... pretend to throw him out of the executive jet on the way home over the ocean but secretly keep him in a dungeon in Utah pulling his toe nails out to see if Obama put him up to it?

Seriously though, I don't think this campaign staffer even should be fired, unless he believes what he said. You don't have to fire people for mispeaking, This was such a huge screw up, no chance Romney puts a guy out front like that if he actually has views like that. This guy was trying to think on his feet and failed... Tell him that and move on. Just don't put him in a position to think on his feet again any time soon.

The margin for error is pretty slim on the trail, and if it is confirmed that an aide did say this then there will be distance lest mostly because if you say "this person doesn't speak for the campaign" and they influencing the campaign then certain members of the media will make much hay from it. I'm wondering though if we'll hear bloviators on the Right doubling down on this aide's comment in order to make the comment seem more rational and less racist than it does right now. It's like corporations are people line, no one who knows anything about corporations believes that but when Rmoney started catching heat for it even from GOPers in stepped the bloviators to make the comment seem sensible.

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Fact Check: The Bust of Winston Churchill

Lately, there’s been a rumor swirling around about the current location of the bust of Winston Churchill. Some have claimed that President Obama removed the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office and sent it back to the British Embassy.

Now, normally we wouldn’t address a rumor that’s so patently false, but just this morning the Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer repeated this ridiculous claim in his column. He said President Obama “started his Presidency by returning to the British Embassy the bust of Winston Churchill that had graced the Oval Office.”

This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room.

News outlets have debunked this claim time and again. First, back in 2010 the National Journal reported that “the Churchill bust was relocated to a prominent spot in the residence to make room for Abraham Lincoln, a figure from whom the first African-American occupant of the Oval Office might well draw inspiration in difficult times.” And just in case anyone forgot, just last year the AP reported that President Obama “replaced the Oval Office fixture with a bust of one of his American heroes, President Abraham Lincoln, and moved the Churchill bust to the White House residence.”

In case these news reports are not enough for Mr. Krauthammer and others, here’s a picture of the President showing off the Churchill bust to Prime Minister Cameron when he visited the White House residence in 2010.

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Looks like it is a bit more complicated. Amazing to me that Krauthammer can say he did not state that Obama acted with "antipathy toward Britain" when he (the White House) returned the bust, as it is clearly the point of his bringing it up. I used to think the guy was a serious journalist.


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Krauthammer is not a journalist, he's a psychiatrist.

He has an amazing resume; from being with both parties to academic acheivements. You can set your watch however by his criticism of Obama which usually commences by the second sentence of any and all pieces he writes. He's got a good mind even if the band he's playing in only seems to have one note they can hit. Even I give Barry a break now and then. :D

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My point is that he's not a journalist. He's a commentator with opinions.

There are actually very few journalists these days. They are news readers, commentators, and the like.

Rachel Maddow, who I think is very good, is a commentator and a political science major. That makes her at least knowledgeable in the field of politics and she and her staff actually research her show.

Journalists report the 5 Ws and 1 H plus they get 2 independent sources for their reportage. Anything else is just commentary, regardless of political persuasion. The Rachel Maddow Show comes the closest to professional journalism.

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My point is that he's not a journalist. He's a commentator with opinions.

There are actually very few journalists these days. They are news readers, commentators, and the like.

Rachel Maddow, who I think is very good, is a commentator and a political science major. That makes her at least knowledgeable in the field of politics and she and her staff actually research her show.

Journalists report the 5 Ws and 1 H plus they get 2 independent sources for their reportage. Anything else is just commentary, regardless of political persuasion. The Rachel Maddow Show comes the closest to professional journalism.

agreed. She really knows her stuff. I think as a whole the profession has been well 'downgraded' isn't the right word but it's experienced a sea change with th advance of technology. It's not all bad though because I believe bloggers can vet stories and information where in the past the public was beholden to the print and broadcast media. It's certainly a mixed bag.
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agreed. She really knows her stuff. I think as a whole the profession has been well 'downgraded' isn't the right word but it's experienced a sea change with th advance of technology. It's not all bad though because I believe bloggers can vet stories and information where in the past the public was beholden to the print and broadcast media. It's certainly a mixed bag.

RE: bloggers. I read most of what they say with a grain of salt unless what they are talking about is sourced in other places. Until then, it is also just someone's opinion. I do agree that bloggers can bring another perspective that is worth thinking about.

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RE: bloggers. I read most of what they say with a grain of salt unless what they are talking about is sourced in other places. Until then, it is also just someone's opinion. I do agree that bloggers can bring another perspective that is worth thinking about.

I agree. I think what appeals to me is their ability to serve as a check on a sometimes corrupt or terribly biased media (some elements of the media that is).

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He has an amazing resume; from being with both parties to academic acheivements. You can set your watch however by his criticism of Obama which usually commences by the second sentence of any and all pieces he writes. He's got a good mind even if the band he's playing in only seems to have one note they can hit. Even I give Barry a break now and then. :D

I think Krauthammer is an interesting case study for the phenomenon of political topics leading to emotional responses with decreased critical thinking skills in even the brightest people (AKA Jumbo's sig). He is a very intelligent fellow and he definitely does have an impressive resume. However, all of that intellect obviously doesn't stop him from turning into a Republican shill when writing political pieces. He really can't go more than a couple of sentences without somehow going after/blaming Obama and he seems to frequently cite "facts" to bolster his case that have been completely debunked (the Churchill bust for example). A guy as smart as he is either knows that what he is saying is false but doesn't care, or has gone into "willful ignorance" mode where he grasps at it because it fits his narrative and doesn't bother to fact check because it might intrude on his belief structure.

Obviously there are people who do this on the other side as well, but I've always been particularly intrigued by CK.

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Was the Churchill bust story "completely debunked" though? I'll admit I haven't followed up on it but I also read the WH PR man had to walk back his comments that it wasn't returned because in reality there were 2 busts the entire time. And one HAD been returned as reported. Again I haven't followed up but it sounds fishy to me and I think it's both strange and sad we all have to delve so deep to find out what really happened. I'll look into it at some point.

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Krautheimer's intelligence actually works against him in terms of intelligent discourse. He knows why he's on the air and what his audience wants to hear and so, it's relatively easy for him to do the gymnastics to give his public what he thinks they desire. He's always been a conservative commentator, but if you deconstruct his writing over the last decade you can certainly see a clear trendline from reason to bombast.

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