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CBS:Romney camp denies "Anglo-Saxon heritage" comment


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He also gave back a bust of Churchill which seems well unusual or at least questionable for a head of state to do. I wondered what the motivation for doing that was. It's typically bad form to return any gift I believe. Was it symbolic?
I recommend doing at least a tiny bit of research before posting such things.
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I know you're one of the many here smarter than me,

Way to set the bar low there.

but you seem to take extra glee in it.

Didn't your people invent Schadenfreude?

Just gonna point out your people never almost conquered the world twice.

Almost indeed.

And the Irish saved civilization. And for that they should be eternally shunned.

Plus our beer is better.



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OK, so it wasn't the Queen. It was the Prime Minister.


My mistake. I thought that you were referring to the Queen's Ipod story, which was completely false. This mistake about the correct coding of the DVDs did happen, but the mistake didn't mean jack spit to Gordon Brown or anyone else other than the conservative media.

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I'm not voting for Romney (well, 90% sure I'm not) but I don't see this as a big deal. I suspect the Romney people meant to say they will foster better relations with the British than the Obama White House has, and that's it. I don't see anything racist or inflammatory about that.

I do think Predicto is closer to the truth, that maybe the Romney people are trying to fan some flames that may not really be that strong, but whatever. That's politics. Not much of a story if you ask me.

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Again, I don't think Romney is a racist. But with guys like Sununu last week, and then this. He's not helping himself with his friends.
On the contrary. The segment of right wingers who eat this stuff up are also some of Mitt's weakest supporters because they'd much prefer Palin or Bachmann. This is the kind of stuff they adore hearing.
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Well, Obama did send a collection of DVDs that didn't work in England over to the Queen after she sent something more appropriate of a Head of State, so there's that. *ducks for cover*

Romney's spokesman made an overtly racist remark about the sitting us president on foreign soil. I'm sorry I'm I'm Romney that's the equivalent of my spokesman running around the office in his underpants on live national TV... while beating a rubber chicken and being chased by a small Mexican hairless Chihuahua.

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Do you ever read a story and wait for 5 minutes before trying to see if you can find something unrelated that some Democrat somewhere did and try to deflect the discussion that way, while complaining about media bias?

The story and the Democrat I referenced are completely germaine to this conversation: race, elections, politics. I'm just asking for equal coverage on stories like this is all. I also can understand why you wouldn't want that story being covered. Heck, where's the story about Brian Ross calling the Colorado shooter a Tea Party member? Not seeing much coverage on that one, are we? Not shocking at all to me. I'm not trying to derail this thread but figured I'd point on a story which stands at the very least in equal contrast to this one, with a Dem making much worse statements. There is no need to get worked up over this. This is something worth keeping in mind even with our passionate feelings on subjects.

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My mistake. I thought that you were referring to the Queen's Ipod story, which was completely false. This mistake about the correct coding of the DVDs did happen, but the mistake didn't mean jack spit to Gordon Brown or anyone else other than the conservative media.

Granted, that the DVDs were coded wrong isn't that big a deal, but that he gave DVDs at all is a little juvenile, especially considering the gift that Brown gave Obama, no?

It comes off as if he forgot to get Brown a gift at all until the very last minute, then he ran to Wal Mart to find 25 classic American films (I know he didn't run to Wal Mart to get them).

I didn't really see much of the conservative media getting in a huff about the wrong coding, but in the actual gift instead.

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On the contrary. The segment of right wingers who eat this stuff up are also some of Mitt's weakest supporters because they'd much prefer Palin or Bachmann. This is the kind of stuff they adore hearing.

I suppose. I'd use the clip of Sununu in ads this fall to get the Dem base motivated.

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Granted, that the DVDs were coded wrong isn't that big a deal, but that he gave DVDs at all is a little juvenile, especially considering the gift that Brown gave Obama, no?

It comes off as if he forgot to get Brown a gift at all until the very last minute, then he ran to Wal Mart to find 25 classic American films (I know he didn't run to Wal Mart to get them).

First, I don't have any information to believe that Obama had any idea what Gordon Brown was going to give him in advance, do you? Second, perhaps Brown is a film buff (I know that the Queen's gift was specifically crafted to her interests). I have no idea if this is true or not.

I do know for a fact that in most cases the President doesn't have anything to do with the choice of gifts to give - that is the job of the White House gift office. Five minutes before the meeting, an aide gives him the item, tells him what it is, and the cameras turn on.

I also know that no one paid any attention to the gifts from George Bush's White House to any other country, much less made up and repeated ridiculous stories about them. That level of obsessive crap is reserved for the conservative media's assaults on Obama.

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The story and the Democrat I referenced are completely germaine to this conversation: race, elections, politics. I'm just asking for equal coverage on stories like this is all. I also can understand why you wouldn't want that story being covered. Heck, where's the story about Brian Ross calling the Colorado shooter a Tea Party member? Not seeing much coverage on that one, are we? Not shocking at all to me. I'm not trying to derail this thread but figured I'd point on a story which stands at the very least in equal contrast to this one, with a Dem making much worse statements. There is no need to get worked up over this. This is something worth keeping in mind even with our passionate feelings on subjects.

Perhaps it's a timing thing. It sure looks like a weak effort to deflect the discussion (along with a stereotypical complaint about how biased it is for anyone to discuss anything about a Republican without first finding something bad to say about some Democrat).

Hell, I was in here expressing the view that the statement by Romney's aide WASN'T racist or intended to evoke racial feelings, and that isn't even good enough. I need to mention Al Sharpton first. :whoknows:

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First, I don't have any information to believe that Obama had any idea what Gordon Brown was going to give him in advance, do you? Second, perhaps Brown is a film buff (I know that the Queen's gift was specifically crafted to her interests). I have no idea if this is true or not.

I do know for a fact that in most cases the President doesn't have anything to do with the choice of gifts to give - that is the job of the White House gift office. Five minutes before the meeting, an aide gives him the item, tells him what it is, and the cameras turn on.

The President doesn't get to keep the gifts he receives. I could be wrong, but I believe the President also has to pay for the gifts which he gives on behalf of the United States, as well as all the entertaining he does at the Whitehouse. It's why many presidents were broke after leaving office...

Coarse they make so much money now after leaving office that's no longer a huge issue.....

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The President doesn't get to keep the gifts he receives. I could be wrong, but I believe the President also has to pay for the gifts which he gives on behalf of the United States, as well as all the entertaining he does at the Whitehouse. It's why many presidents were broke after leaving office...

Coarse they make so much money now after leaving office that's no longer a huge issue.....

Only part of that is true. The President can't keep valuable gifts, and most of them are returned or sent to the National Archives. (My friend told me about Bill Clinton holding an emerald and ruby necklace from the Sultan of Brunei worth several million bucks, and joking that he shoould just keep it and resign his office.

The other part is not accurate. The taxpayer picks up the cost of White House entertaining, not the President.

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First, I don't have any information to believe that Obama had any idea what Gordon Brown was going to give him in advance, do you? Second, perhaps Brown is a film buff (I know that the Queen's gift was specifically crafted to her interests). I have no idea if this is true or not.

I do know for a fact that in most cases the President doesn't have anything to do with the choice of gifts to give - that is the job of the White House gift office. Five minutes before the meeting, an aide gives him the item, tells him what it is, and the cameras turn on.

I also know that no one paid any attention to the gifts from George Bush's White House to any other country, much less made up and repeated ridiculous stories about them. That level of obsessive crap is reserved for the conservative media's assaults on Obama.

You don't need to know what you're getting to give a meaningful gift. But you're right - Brown could have been a film buff. However, I would expect that in an exchange between Heads of State (or close thereto), that the gifts be something that you can't just run out to Wal Mart to get, that they be something of a little more significance, like what Brown gave Obama. You're not only giving something to the person, but also to the position. DVDs don't exactly ring of professionalism. If he wanted to give them to Brown for his birthday, then go right ahead.

The IPod story is different, because it was something personalized to the Queen. I have a really hard time believing that Brown requested the DVDs, or that they were personalized for him. If he did or they were, though, then all of what I just said is moot.

And for what it's worth, the liberal media's made up assaults on Bush and other conservatives (attacks on their intelligence, etc) were just as ridiculous as what the conservatives are doing to Obama. That's for a different thread though, so I don't want to get into that rabbit trail.

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While this comment could be made in many threads, I'll make it here---we have a fair number of conservative posters on this board (happily), even saying it does currently "lean more left" than "right."

Rather than seeing occasionally repeated calls about why some "conservative story" isn't being featured in a thread, I'd like to see some of these members go ahead and start such threads.:)

What a concept. :D

I don't get it. The demographic that would would stereotypically associate with independent, action-oriented, self-sufficient, do-it-for-yourself-and-not-depend-on-others would rather just kvetch?

What decade exactly did the right replace the left as the constantly whining demographic? :pfft:

I have noted for some time that there are few demographics that out-whine the most powerful subgroups in our culture.

Anyway, sorry, a bit OT, and I meant no harm (this time). :evilg:

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Rather than seeing occasionally repeated calls about why some "conservative story" isn't being featured in a thread, I'd like to see some of these members go ahead and start such threads.:)

What a concept. :D

I don't get it. The demographic that would would stereotypically associate with independent, action-oriented, self-sufficient, do-it-for-yourself-and-not-depend-on-others would rather just kvetch?

What decade exactly did the right replace the left as the constantly whining demographic? :pfft:

I have noted for some time that there are few demographics that out-whine the most powerful subgroups in our culture.

Anyway, sorry, a bit OT, and I meant no harm (this time). :evilg:

That's because typing takes a lot of work :silly:

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While this comment could be made in many threads, I'll make it here---we have a fair number of conservative posters on this board (happily), even saying it does currently "lean more left" than "right."

Rather than seeing occasionally repeated calls about why some "conservative story" isn't being featured in a thread, I'd like to see some of these members go ahead and start such threads.:)

What a concept. :D

I don't get it. The demographic that would would stereotypically associate with independent, action-oriented, self-sufficient, do-it-for-yourself-and-not-depend-on-others would rather just kvetch?

What decade exactly did the right replace the left as the constantly whining demographic? :pfft:

I have noted for some time that there are few demographics that out-whine the most powerful subgroups in our culture.

Anyway, sorry, a bit OT, and I meant no harm (this time). :evilg:

That's a reasonable request Jumbo. I do post from a conservative viewpoint and have, at times, toyed with starting more threads about some of the topics which I rail about. I will most likely start some going forward but overall I just don't typically start threads on this board (I think I've probably started less than 5 in all of my time here). This is by no means a cop out but I've already figured any political threads I would be inclined to start would most likely be met with more than a fair bit of scorn and, even worse, snark. I've thought to myself: what's the point? ES has many posters favorable to the left side of the aisle and, as Wrong Direction eloquently phrased it a couple weeks back, it's a sometimes lonely fight taking up the conservative position on this board. Heck, I find the liberals on the board easily as "hive-minded" about Obama as any conservative would or could be about any GOP candidate. I cite as evidence here how often just completely trivial stories are turned into links as supposed evidence of the evil that assuredly abides en masse within the conservative ranks. Does anyone thinking person really believe this? I think a part of my reservation about opening more threads is how quickly the dialogue can and does devolve into personal attacks or just simple sniping back and forth and snarkiness. At my advanced age I just get worn out with that kind of dialogue, life's too short for it. I'll keep fighting the good fight, which is conservatism, for me. I may even open a thread, one well documented, cited and reasoned. I think it's the "adversarial" edge that creeps in which just kills some of these political threads for me. And I'm sure you Mods must loathe them. If I've contributed to that in any way, apologies. I still think ES is a great interchange of divergent views.

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Look it's like this, unless you have proof that the aide DIDN'T say what is quoted then you're just spinning your wheels and makng a lot of noise for something you cannot substatiate. You can complain about liberal media bias, about smears and race baiting all you want but none if them mean anything if the aide DID say what is reported....anything else is just playing damage control because you're not interested in the truth.

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Look it's like this, unless you have proof that the aide DIDN'T say what is quoted then you're just spinning your wheels and makng a lot of noise for something you cannot substatiate. You can complain about liberal media bias, about smears and race baiting all you want but none if them mean anything if the aide DID say what is reported....anything else is just playing damage control because you're not interested in the truth.

I'm not sure any post that begins with "Look it's like this" is going to be well reasoned or end well (just saying). I just re-read the original article and I can't honestly tell if the statement attributed to the aide was ever actually said by her. I'm trying to sift thru the quotes from each side and it's unclear to me. Probably not surprising, it's election season.The problem with electioneering is either side can float something and then just sit back and hope some of the publc takes it prima facie as gospel. No? It stinks. Unfortunately it also probably works because we live in an era of both hyper news speed and ADD.

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I'm not sure any post that begins with "Look it's like this" is going to be well reasoned or end well (just saying). I just re-read the original article and I can't honestly tell if the statement attributed to the aide was ever actually said by her. I'm trying to sift thru the quotes from each side and it's unclear to me. Probably not surprising, it's election season.The problem with electioneering is either side can float something and then just sit back and hope some of the publc takes it prima facie as gospel. No? It stinks. Unfortunately it also probably works because we live in an era of both hyper news speed and ADD.

Deejaydana, I think you are taking entirely the wrong approach on this. Rather than deny the event, you should dismiss the event. I don't think Mit Romney has ever been associated with racism. This entire thing is basically an unfortunate choice of words along an unfortunate line of reasoning, which should be put in the rear view mirror as fast as the GOP can. That doesn't happen by claiming the quote didn't happen, that happens by explaining it as a mistake, a poor choice of words, a temporary sugar imbalance by this spokesman having nothing to do with the beliefs or feelings of the candidate.

Here is the Quote and the original telegraph article.

n remarks that may prompt accusations of racial insensitivity, one suggested that Mr Romney was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries than Mr Obama, whose father was from Africa.

“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have”.


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I'm not sure any post that begins with "Look it's like this" is going to be well reasoned or end well (just saying). I just re-read the original article and I can't honestly tell if the statement attributed to the aide was ever actually said by her. I'm trying to sift thru the quotes from each side and it's unclear to me. Probably not surprising, it's election season.The problem with electioneering is either side can float something and then just sit back and hope some of the publc takes it prima facie as gospel. No? It stinks. Unfortunately it also probably works because we live in an era of both hyper news speed and ADD.

Now that is a reasoned response and one believe it or not I agree with, if you had led off that way you probably wouldn't have been jumped on by so many.

---------- Post added July-25th-2012 at 05:36 PM ----------

Deejaydana, I think you are taking entirely the wrong approach on this. Rather than deny the event, you should dismiss the event. I don't think Mit Romney has ever been associated with racism. This entire thing is basically an unfortunate choice of words along an unfortunate line of reasoning, which should be put in the rear view mirror as fast as the GOP can. That doesn't happen by claiming the quote didn't happen, that happens by explaining it as a mistake, a poor choice of words, a temporary sugar imbalance by this spokesman having nothing to do with the beliefs or feelings of the candidate.

.....and quiet dismissal from the campaign staff. Everyone watch for the aide who doesn't arrive home on the official campaign jet.

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