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CBS:Romney camp denies "Anglo-Saxon heritage" comment


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Romney spokesman in first oversees trip shoots campaign in the foot.

Romney camp denies "Anglo-Saxon heritage" comment

(CBS News) As Mitt Romney kicks off his European trip Wednesday with a visit in London, the Romney campaign is dismissing a report from the UK's Daily Telegraph that an adviser to the campaign made comments suggesting the Republican presidential candidate's commitment to rebuilding the so-called "special relationship" between England and the United States has to do with a sense of "Anglo-Saxon heritage."

According to the Telegraph, the adviser suggested that Mr. Obama could not understand the depth of the relationship between the two countries because he cannot fully appreciate the shared "Anglo-Saxon heritage."

"We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special," the adviser said of Romney, according to the Telegraph: "The White House didn't fully appreciate the shared history we have."

Andrea Saul, Romney's press secretary, disputed the comments and emphasized that they did not reflect the beliefs of the former Massachusetts governor.

"It's not true. If anyone said that, they weren't reflecting the views of Governor Romney or anyone inside the campaign," she told CBSNews.com in an email. Saul did not comment on what specifically was not true.

Per the Telegraph, this adviser and others quoted in the story spoke anonymously because they were not authorized by the Romney campaign to criticize Mr. Obama to foreign media.


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Per the Telegraph, this adviser and others quoted in the story spoke anonymously because they were not authorized by the Romney campaign to criticize Mr. Obama to foreign media.

If I'm reading that right, I give credit to Romney for telling his staff no criticism of the sitting President to foreign press.

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If I'm reading that right, I give credit to Romney for telling his staff no criticism of the sitting President to foreign press.

OR ... it looks like they're encouraged to criticize, just not in an official capacity and in a way that they could be held accountable. :ols:

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So what's more inflammatory. This linked article or the Democratic loon yesterday that explicitly called the Romney camp racists? Where's CBS' outrage over that woman's comments? The article in the OP is essentially meaningless in how it will affect the election in November.

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well, this was already being discussed in the official Mittens thread, but it's interesting that Rooney's camp is now denying it even happened and saying if it DID happen, he doesn't agree with it.

Romney is a guy who really wants to be President, and thinks if he adopts the right positions it gives him a better chance at that goal. This makes him look hypocritical as you adopts positions he previously attacked and attacks positions that he previously held.

But I don't think he's a racist. I don't think the spokesman is a racist either, He's an idiot because even if the were a racist he would have had to have been smarter than this guy to have hid it so long.

We chalk this one up to odd things people blurt out when they are trying to be accommodating and screw it up. chance Romney holds this view... Zero... The only poor reflection on Romney is it never looks good to have your "spokesman" mispeak in such a terrible fashion... Reflects poorly on Romney's otherwise rather sterling organizational chops. maybe... Mostly you should just shake your head and chuckle.

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Orig Posted by djd---So what's more inflammatory. This linked article or the Democratic loon yesterday that explicitly called the Romney camp racists?

I voted for "the democratic loon." Just like I did in '08. :D

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This comment reflects a popular meme with the conservative base - that Obama hates the British because of their colonial past in Kenya and is trying to alienate our most significant longstanding ally in the world.

Many conservatives are still convinced that Obama deliberately insulted the Brits by giving the Queen a recording of his speeches, even though this never happened (he gave her an Ipod containing video of her 2007 trip to America and filled with Broadway show tunes, along with a rare songbook signed by braodway composer Richard Rodgers - the Queen loves Broadway music).

I suspect that the aide was trying to tap into that fear among the conservative voter base (even though the fear is bullcrap), not that the aide was trying to be racist in any way.

---------- Post added July-25th-2012 at 11:43 AM ----------

Meh, won't affect the election.


---------- Post added July-25th-2012 at 11:45 AM ----------

So what's more inflammatory. This linked article or the Democratic loon yesterday that explicitly called the Romney camp racists? Where's CBS' outrage over that woman's comments? The article in the OP is essentially meaningless in how it will affect the election in November.

Do you ever read a story and wait for 5 minutes before trying to see if you can find something unrelated that some Democrat somewhere did and try to deflect the discussion that way, while complaining about media bias?

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OR ... it looks like they're encouraged to criticize, just not in an official capacity and in a way that they could be held accountable. :ols:

It's kiind of an unwritten political rule to not air our dirty laundry outside our boarders... I know that's shocking cause you guys all can see what's going on inside our boarders, but their is a long tradition on foreign trips not to bash the sitting president.. even when you really want too.

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Well, Obama did send a collection of DVDs that didn't work in England over to the Queen after she sent something more appropriate of a Head of State, so there's that. *ducks for cover*

You see. :ols: Many people still believe this nonsense. I think Romney's aide was echoing it.

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You see. :ols: Many people still believe this nonsense. I think Romney's aide was echoing it.

OK, so it wasn't the Queen. It was the Prime Minister.


Claim: If any other of our presidents had given Gordon Brown a set of Inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?

True. London newspapers in particular disapproved of the gift exchange between Prime Minister Brown and Obama when Brown visited the White House in 2009. It's true that Obama gave Brown a set of 25 American classic movies — that later turned out to work only on DVD players on this side of the Atlantic — and that Brown gave Obama a pen holder that was made from wood from a Royal Navy ship that conducted anti-slavery missions — wood from a sister ship was used to make the Oval Office desk.

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He also gave back a bust of Churchill which seems well unusual or at least questionable for a head of state to do. I wondered what the motivation for doing that was. It's typically bad form to return any gift I believe. Was it symbolic?

The bust was on loan from Tony Blair to his friend George Bush. It was never a gift, and at the end of Bush's term, it was returned. No insult intended or taken.

This happens all the time with items from all sorts of countries. (I know this to be a fact - I am close friends with a former head of the White House Gift Office). The only reason that this story became a "scandal" was because a British tabloid tried to make a fuss about it, and the US conservative alternative media ran with the story.

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Many conservatives are still convinced that Obama deliberately insulted the Brits by giving the Queen a recording of his speeches, even though this never happened (he gave her an Ipod containing video of her 2007 trip to America and filled with Broadway show tunes, along with a rare songbook signed by braodway composer Richard Rodgers - the Queen loves Broadway music).

This is another one I hate remembering. These type of incidents are often dismissive as "business as usual", but to me (and this applies to dems and gopers, though i think these days the gopers are notably "worse") they speak volumes on the serious cognitive and ethical dysfunction that permeates the political manifestations of our selfs (not "ourselves") and our society.

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This comment reflects a popular meme with the conservative base - that Obama hates the British because of their colonial past in Kenya and is trying to alienate our most significant longstanding ally in the world.

Many conservatives are still convinced that Obama deliberately insulted the Brits by giving the Queen a recording of his speeches, even though this never happened (he gave her an Ipod containing video of her 2007 trip to America and filled with Broadway show tunes, along with a rare songbook signed by braodway composer Richard Rodgers - the Queen loves Broadway music).

I thought the Brits kind of got sensitive when Obama returned the Bust of Churchill which was loaned to bush for the Oval Office. I think you are right though the Republican's kind of glombed onto after that.

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