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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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But look on the bright side!


The So Called wants to run the govt the way he does business and is putting Jared in charge of a whole new made up division to do just that.


If you look at the way business has been done lately, that kinda means he will fire the Republican party, giving golden parachute deals to a few at the top to bribe them into signing off on it, replace them all with half the number of new hires for lower pay/fewer benefits while doing the same amount of work while keeping their damn mouths shut. Any actual thinking or work that needs doing will be outsourced and then you stiff those contractors to boost the bottom line.


Have to be an improvement

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Trump has never been a competent businessman...ever. He is a gifted salesman, the world's best carnival barker, but NEVER a capable administrator. He has been able to leverage his father's name and reputation into sales, but has done nothing else.  He has far more in common with Kim Kardashian than Bill Gates or Warren Buffett.  Good businessmen don't go into chapter 11 six freaking times or get enmeshed in over 3500 lawsuits. Someone who understands how markets operate doesn't start a mortgage company at the height of a bubble just months before it crashes. 

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No, no, no, NO!! :angry: You're doing this all wrong GOP. You're supposed to be getting rid of Obamacare and screwing your constituents. That's what your constituents sent you there to do, dammit! Now get to screwing. Oh well, there's still tax "reform" and the budget left to do that. Just don't crap the bed on that too. Please.

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4 hours ago, FanboyOf91 said:
States expanding medicaid.



On 3/24/2017 at 4:57 PM, DogofWar1 said:

I wonder if now that repeal/replace is tabled for the foreseeable future, GOP controlled states who haven't expanded medicaid will do so.


Lots of the poorer ACA results stem from states who didn't take expanded medicaid, so one might expect holdout states to improve results if they take the expansion.


This would be helpful for state GOPers, since they can get better healthcare results during their terms while conveniently not telling people it is happening through the ACA.









Are beeped curse words still forbidden?  If not, I'll un-spoiler the vid.  Either way, nailed it.


By the way, everything you need to know about GOP views on healthcare can be learned from Rep. Labrador here:

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6 hours ago, The Sisko said:

Wow, Dump really is dumber than even I thought he was. I doubt it happens, but if the Dems agree to work with him on anything, they're total morons.

See, that's just the point.  We can't be that party...the one who ****s everything up for 75% just to protect ours.  We don't do that...and why we're considered "suckers" by others who will vote for Trump out of anger, knowing he's going to do absolutely nothing to help...they just wanna screw the Dems and complain about why, why, why me?

You chose him...now defend him, you idiots.

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Unless he agrees with single payer, Dems won't get into bed with Trump. The interesting thing is Trump isn't beholden to the insurance industry, except it's a profit making industry and he love profits and might not interfere with it.  Anything he's talked about with the industry in meetings can be walked back because he's a liar.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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17 hours ago, The Sisko said:

Wow, Dump really is dumber than even I thought he was. I doubt it happens, but if the Dems agree to work with him on anything, they're total morons.


If the Dems dont work w Trump and fill the void, Im afraid the Freedom Caucus might get what they wanted, an even more conservative plan. 


I heard an interview w one of their members, cant remember a name a Texas rep babin maybe, but he was asked if he could name some concessions that Freedom Caucus wanted but didnt get from Repubs. He sd the Freedom Caucus decided to not talk about specifics.


Things Im guessing Freedom Caucus wants:

- permanent defunding of PP, not just 1 year and have it up for renewal

- take away 30% premium increase penalty for ppl wout concurrent ins plan

- allow pre existing exclusions

- allow plans/sales across state lines (is that even possible? seems big for neo-cons)

- capping on medicaid 

- a bunch more that is way beyond my intelligence level


edit - i didnt know our very own Md Rep Andy Harris is a Freedom ****er .. 

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1 minute ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:


Things Im guessing Freedom Caucus wants:

- permanent defunding of PP, not just 1 year and have it up for renewal

Despite his dad being an OB/GYN (which should give every single woman on Earth a severe case of the shivers), Rand Paul don't give a ****.  And he's leading this nutbag of "you don't deserve anything you didn't earn, just die already" caucus. 

**** him.

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6 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Don't get sick. If you do get sick, die quickly.


Grayson had it right, far far right.



I was watching all those years ago when he did that...and some folks thought he was being "extreme".  He was absolutely serious, he meant it, and it will be the only viable option for too many people.


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