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Report: Redskins give Rex Grossman 1-year deal


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hate the move. rex might know the system, but do you really trust him to "mentor" a young quarterback like RG3? all football players want their own playing time and rex is young enough and has started enough in his career to legitimately believe he's got a chance to continue to do so for at least a few more seasons. i could see him doing everything in his power to keep RG3 holding a clipboard as long as he possibly can and/or ensuring that he doesn't do so well when he does play; including "tutoring" him with misinformation. hell,. if he hired jeff gillooly to take a pipe to RG3's knee, i would not be surprised.

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I like the move too. I agree with the points already mentioned that support Rex staying in the fold (so I won't rehash them). Don't look now, but The Skins are building CONTINUITY. Now get London Fletcher re-signed and the team's offseason has been largely successful.

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Are you guys still going to like this move when it's announced that Rex is the starter for week 1?

Exactly. Grossman doesn't belong in this league anymore. I'd rather see RG3 take his lumps all season long instead of Grossman on the field. He's a better option than Beck, but not a better choice overall.

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Exactly. Grossman doesn't belong in this league anymore. I'd rather see RG3 take his lumps all season long instead of Grossman on the field. He's a better option than Beck, but not a better choice overall.


It's a real long shot that RG3 (or Luck) will be sitting on the bench come week 1.

They would have to look REAL bad and/or REAL lost in mini-camps, OTAs, training camp, and the preseason for that to happen. You don't draft somebody that high (and give up picks like the Redskins did) just to sit them on the bench (even for a season).

I believe whomever we choose with the second pick will be starting week 1. You don't have to worry about Grossman. If the Redskins believed he could lead this team, they wouldn't be pursuing Griffin/Luck (and they would've signed Rex to a deal longer than 1 year :) ).

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He might see the actual field of play. That's some WAY skeery **** right there.


You're too harsh on him, GHH. He DID move the ball well and there were times where our offense was pretty explosive (vs. Giants, at Cardinals, vs. Pats, vs. Cowboys, at Seattle, vs. Patriots, at Giants, and vs. Vikings). That was without Pierre Garcon and Joshua Morgan. He certainly threw way too many inopportune INTs and I'm not minimizing that issue (which is why we're saying he's a good back up, not a starter), but let's not act like that's all there was to Rex. He's a more than capable back up in this offense.

At least with Rex under center our offense was exciting to watch, both good and bad. My how quick we forget some of the recently putrid offense's we had to witness under Gibbs 2.0 and then Zorn. It was a miracle every time we exceeded 20 points, remember? With Rex, putting up 20 points was actually possible.

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Orton would have been a better choice, and I hope Grossman won't see the field. Good luck Robert.

Nah, Orton wouldn't have been a better choice. You really don't want two qbs starting from zero. We want our coaches to be able to really focus on RGIII or Luck. Grossman affords them that opportunity. Now, if the training staff can really get on Grossman's case and improve his armstrength by about 10 percent... he'll be more than adequate as a back up.

The kid came in fat. Hopefully, he's the kind that responds to coaching and needs discipline. The decisions we have to live with, but his long ball can get longer and his pitches can get faster.

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Have to agree with the majority here, smart move that allows the staff to focus on the getting the rook up to speed instead of devoting resources to a newly signed vet backup starting from 0.

I also find it heartening that, in spite of all the flak aimed at Rex last year, people here understand how this fits into the larger scheme of things, is the fanbase really getting over the kneejerk reactions of our dismal past? One can only hope.

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Nah, Orton wouldn't have been a better choice. You really don't want two qbs starting from zero. We want our coaches to be able to really focus on RGIII or Luck. Grossman affords them that opportunity. Now, if the training staff can really get on Grossman's case and improve his armstrength by about 10 percent....

Don't you think it would be better to work on his accuracy rather than his arm strength, and make him quit his old "f it I'm going deep"? I think RG3 will start from day 1, since in my book he is more talented than Cam Newton, I'm very confident. RG3 is very smart, he will figure out the NFL system mostly by himself and with the coaching staff, I don't see what Grossman could teach him.

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hate the move. rex might know the system, but do you really trust him to "mentor" a young quarterback like RG3? all football players want their own playing time and rex is young enough and has started enough in his career to legitimately believe he's got a chance to continue to do so for at least a few more seasons. i could see him doing everything in his power to keep RG3 holding a clipboard as long as he possibly can and/or ensuring that he doesn't do so well when he does play; including "tutoring" him with misinformation. hell,. if he hired jeff gillooly to take a pipe to RG3's knee, i would not be surprised.

See Post #37 and read the underlined part. Your thinking and assumptions are incorrect.

Quotes from the washington post... For the people who thought he would be a bad locker room influence or have sour grapes.....

“I’m a firm believer in seeing things through, and I wanted to be a part of this team in any way possible regardless of what my role is, and help it get back on track,”

“They’re definitely taking a quarterback with the second pick of the draft,” Grossman said. “It’ll probably be RGIII, unless for some unexpected reason the Colts take him. But whether it’s RGIII or Luck, either way, I know that quarterback is going to be the franchise quarterback at some point. Like I said, I just want to be a part of this team.
Whether it’s helping that guy get ready to play, or whether it’s playing until he is ready to take over, I just want to help out in whatever way it is

“I need to and can get better with consistency,” Grossman said. “I can go out and play lights-out one week, and the next week, not do so well. The number-one thing is turnovers. I’ve got to do better with decision-making, and things like that, and I think I can.”

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It is what it is. Personally I was fine with the thought of never seeing Rex throw as a redskin again. I admit he has the ability to get your hopes up in a game, then back-hand you into reality. Lets see he can't scramble, Is not a accurate passer, (Unless your talking about the occasional bursts between his interceptions) And he makes terrible decisions. Unlike Brett Farve when Rex decides that it is time to prove he is the "GREA"T quarterback that he envisions himself to be and "Let-err Rip" (this happens numerous times in a game) He lacks the strength to overthrow the coverage and lets it fall helplessly into the defenders's hands. But who knows may be that Sexy Rexy is a better mentor than player. And uses the "Do as I say, Not as I DO" approach. Rex may be ok as a backup, (As long as he never plays in a game for the redskins). Might be that he can mentor RG3 as the great quarterback that he has envisioned himself, but lacked the ability and skills to be. Lets face it if Rex lifts and throws the "golden football", At least it will transform into a turd before it gets into the defenders hands

.Good luck and welcome RG3 Hail to the Redskins!

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Don't you think it would be better to work on his accuracy rather than his arm strength, and make him quit his old "f it I'm going deep"? I think RG3 will start from day 1, since in my book he is more talented than Cam Newton, I'm very confident. RG3 is very smart, he will figure out the NFL system mostly by himself and with the coaching staff, I don't see what Grossman could teach him.

I think if coach's couldn't get it into head after eight years in the NFL, they aren't going to. His mental game is locked, but what is possible is trying to improve his fastball and his long ball so one he tries to fit it in it gets to the receiver fractionally faster or just a bit further.

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