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Report: Redskins give Rex Grossman 1-year deal


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I'm fine with this. Keeping Rex allows more attention/resources to be devoted to Griffin, instead of wasting time teaching another place-holder the offense/system.

I'm aware I may be in the minority, but if Shanny doesn't feel Griffin is ready, I have no problem trotting out Rex for the first few games. IMO, next year is all about the development of Griffin. If he's ready to start Day 1, then by all means start him; but if the coaching staff feels like he needs to sit, then so be it. I hope/expect us to approach his development with care rather than throw him out there before he's ready.

That being said, if I had to guess, I'd say we'll see Rex start at first and Griffin come in around game 4 or 5. Just MHO.

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We needed to get this done. Rex is valuable in this offense. He may not be Tom Brady, he may throw picks, but I for one would feel extremely confident if Rex had to step in a few games because of injury (lets hope our QB stays injury free). He is genuinely just a nice guy, respects the Redskins, likes the organization, and likes the fans. Good move ShanAllen.

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Quotes from the washington post... For the people who thought he would be a bad locker room influence or have sour grapes.....

“I’m a firm believer in seeing things through, and I wanted to be a part of this team in any way possible regardless of what my role is, and help it get back on track,”

“They’re definitely taking a quarterback with the second pick of the draft,” Grossman said. “It’ll probably be RGIII, unless for some unexpected reason the Colts take him. But whether it’s RGIII or Luck, either way, I know that quarterback is going to be the franchise quarterback at some point. Like I said, I just want to be a part of this team. Whether it’s helping that guy get ready to play, or whether it’s playing until he is ready to take over, I just want to help out in whatever way it is.”

“I need to and can get better with consistency,” Grossman said. “I can go out and play lights-out one week, and the next week, not do so well. The number-one thing is turnovers. I’ve got to do better with decision-making, and things like that, and I think I can.”

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I'm glad to see so much support for this signing. This was very important to the team in my opinion. Rex knows this offense inside and out. It is very refreshing to hear his comments and his willingness to be a team player and take on any role that is given to him. He will prove to be a good mentor for RGIII and can teach him the in and outs of the offense and being a professional QB. A few of you can continue to hate on Rex all you want, but this was a very wise move.

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I was hoping the Rex era was over but I guess I was mistaken. I do not know for the life of me why the Skins did not try to sign a Garrard, Young, or even a Dixon. Rex may know the system but Rex does not know his receivers because he is definitely hitting the db's on the other team.

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I've said it on here before, it's gonna be like like 2006 Broncos. He's gonna be the week 1 starter and eventually get benched after Bad Rex shows up in a night game, after we start off 7-2 or something. Hopefully new RG3 can still lead us to the playoffs unlike that body builder Jay Cutler.

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I have no interest in watching Grossman next year. Could have found a better backup quarterback.

Can't believe you are making me defend him but I will. Look across the league and tell me which back-up is better than him? Yes you can name a couple but he is high on the list as a backup. You want Griffin than fine but he needs a vet to be there. Personally I think Luck is still in play or at least I can dream but would love for RGIII (Rex Grossman III) to be there either way to help them.

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Can't believe you are making me defend him but I will. Look across the league and tell me which back-up is better than him? Yes you can name a couple but he is high on the list as a backup. You want Griffin than fine but he needs a vet to be there. Personally I think Luck is still in play or at least I can dream but would love for RGIII (Rex Grossman III) to be there either way to help them.

Name a backup that is better than him...AND knows the system.

This is a smart move by the front office. Obviously, Rex is not the future but as others have said, now that's one less person who needs to be taught the system, and he's a great locker room guy from all accounts. Rex could very well start the year if RG3 is not ready yet. We could do worse. Beck's days are probably numbered, I doubt he makes the team.

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Could you ask for more from a backup?

- knows the system inside and out

- can play in a pinch and gives you a chance to win

- has numerous nicknames

- has infected numerous sigs

I don't care if he starts week 1. I just want him camping on the sidelines come game 9 (whatever week that is). If our future QB isn't ready to start by the season's midway point, we are in t-rouble.

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