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Why Mike Shanahan may start Grossman over Beck

Atlanta Skins Fan

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Although I agree that Mike S might has asked Rex to go more deep, the pass for example to Gafney was way under thrown. it was just a terrible pass. Also I believe the first deep on to Davis, he should not have thrown it to begin with because he was double covered. personally I am tired of all the excuses, Rex is turning the ball over either through an INT or fumbling over twice per game. That is just crazy IMO. Like i said i would be very upset if Mike S starts him again only to get another INT or a fumble, which right now with our OL issues is very possible.

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That's it i am convinced you know if the coaches tell Rex to throw deep, and the balls are intercepted its not his fault, its the receivers who should contest them. Just having fun. :) I watched Rex Grossman and Fred Davis on Comcast, and they were talking about 1 INT that was Fred's fault. What was the 2nd one that Fred supposedly owned up to? Rex seemed to blame another on Gaffney. The one real deep ball, Rex admitted he underthrew. I am not a Rex guy, but even I've been surprised how Rex poses no threat with the vertical game IMO all season.

To me the only reason why I'd start Rex again would be you can argue 4.5 games is not a lot to show what he can do. As for Santana, I'd be a rich guy if I had a dollar for every time he stood up for JC and at times GUSH about him, it just seems like what he does. Personally, at this point, I cringe watching Rex as our starter. I've argued with ASF about Rex a lot in the summer. The difference is ASF was high on Rex as a QB, down on Beck. I am down on Rex, uncertain about Beck. You got me if Beck in the answer but its worth looking at it IMO.

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At the beginning of the second half, Grossman sends it to Gaffney who is into triple coverage and that's a great catch.

Sure ASF come with a "IF" scenario here. But I think he's right on it.

See how Cooley was destroyed by Asomugha and got hurt? That was a short pass.

I also expect Grossman to be on a short leash next time out. If he goes on this way, the move will happen sooner than later. Hoping that Beck doesn't backfire.

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At the beginning of the second half, Grossman sends it to Gaffney who is into triple coverage and that's a great catch.

Sure ASF come with a "IF" scenario here. But I think he's right on it.

See how Cooley was destroyed by Asomugha and got hurt? That was a short pass.

I also expect Grossman to be on a short leash next time out. If he goes on this way, the move will happen sooner than later. Hoping that Beck doesn't backfire.

So he'll be on a short leash....but expected to let it fly and count on his second rate receivers to get the ball away from defenders? What's the point?

Shanny is an "all in" type of guy. I don't see him holding back Grossman; he'd rather hand him the clipboard.

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I'll support Mike Shanahan either way he goes with this decision right now.

You're going to be by yourself on that one. I want any coach of the Washington Redskins to do well, because that's my team, but I'm not going to have much faith in any coach stupid enough not to have figured out that Rex Grossman should never be a starter in this league. Or maybe it's Shanahan's arrogance that makes him think he can make Grossman into a starter-quality QB? Either way, it's yet another poor QB decision from this coach. First McNabb, now Grossman.

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I'm eager to see what Beck can do and starting him against a team like the Panthers would be the perfect opportunity for him. I understand the points the OP made and they are good points. But, also remember that Rex Grossman has been in the league for awhile now, and the type of game he played this past week is no foreign concept to Grossman. The "Good Rex, Bad Rex" concept is alive and well in D.C., and we probably need to keep in mind that Grossman, and probably Beck are nothing more than placeholders until our franchise QB arrives in D.C.

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Both QBs are lousy. I'm not sure it matters who starts.


I love all this analysis and debate raging over the has-been vs the never-will-be. It doesn't matter who starts. If our front office has any brains whatsoever the future of the team at QB isn't on the roster this year. Until then, we should be doing what teams with no QB and a decent defense do: Run the ball 40 times and let the defense do it's thing.

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I love all this analysis and debate raging over the has-been vs the never-will-be. It doesn't matter who starts. If our front office has any brains whatsoever the future of the team at QB isn't on the roster this year. Until then, we should be doing what teams with no QB and a decent defense do: Run the ball 40 times and let the defense do it's thing.

Agreed. But with that said, I think it DOES matter who starts. Beck is under contract after this year. Grossman isn't. Might want to let Beck get a chance. But other than that, they're both back up caliber QBs.

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Both QBs are lousy. I'm not sure it matters who starts.

It matters quite a bit. You (and anyone else who's been paying attention) KNOW Grossman is lousy, but you're only GUESSING on Beck. Grossman has starting something like 46 games in this league and at this point, it's safe to say he's not going to become Tom Brady by this time in his career. Beck has started 4 regular season games (on an awful 1-15 Dolphins team that came within an overtime game of going 0-16) in the NFL. We have no idea how high his ceiling is. Right now, he only has to be better than Grossman to be an upgrade, and that's a pretty low bar at this point.

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It matters quite a bit. You (and anyone else who's been paying attention) KNOW Grossman is lousy, but you're only GUESSING on Beck. Grossman has starting something like 46 games in this league and at this point, it's safe to say he's not going to become Tom Brady by this time in his career. Beck has started 4 regular season games (on an awful 1-15 Dolphins team that came within an overtime game of going 0-16) in the NFL. We have no idea how high his ceiling is. Right now, he only has to be better than Grossman to be an upgrade, and that's a pretty low bar at this point.
Reminds me of the old Ann Landers quote: "It's better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt." Go Beck!
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are you a lobbyist? you should be.

interesting that grossman seems to have support among those he throws to. while i've supported shanny and whoever they pick as QB, rex has regressed, essentially, every week.

certainly, not all those INT's were bad throws. the first one was a beauty, actually. seems our receivers arent aggressive enough at times trying to fight for the ball. i dont kow if its rex, kyle, WR's, or a combination of all 3, but we arent scoring. becks mobility should be a plus, and i'd like to see what he has. somehow, i think shanny will convince himself that grossman isnt that bad.

can we trade for cutler?

---------- Post added October-17th-2011 at 10:12 PM ----------

you want the less mobile QB out there with a banged up line?

WHAT!!? Trade for CUTLER? Are you smoking something? or did you fall out of a tree and bump your head? Talk about going from bad to worse. If you think that Grossman is bad, Cutler is worse. I say give Grossman another chance to redeem himself because I do believe that it was the game plan and the play calling that was to blame. So I say let him start and run the ball more. Let him get into a rythm and build his confidence back up. Beck led the team on a couple of drives but it was all in garbage time and that wows some people. No one knows what would have happened if Beck was the starter if the outcome would have been any different. I am still not going to get excited or worked up about it because only disappointment is around the corner.

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Beck led the team on a couple of drives but it was all in garbage time and that wows some people. No one knows what would have happened if Beck was the starter if the outcome would have been any different. I am still not going to get excited or worked up about it because only disappointment is around the corner.

Do you even watch games? Beck came in late in the 3rd quarter down 20-6. 14 points down with over a quarter to play is not garbage time!

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WHAT!!? Trade for CUTLER? Are you smoking something? or did you fall out of a tree and bump your head? Talk about going from bad to worse. If you think that Grossman is bad, Cutler is worse. I say give Grossman another chance to redeem himself because I do believe that it was the game plan and the play calling that was to blame. So I say let him start and run the ball more. Let him get into a rythm and build his confidence back up. Beck led the team on a couple of drives but it was all in garbage time and that wows some people. No one knows what would have happened if Beck was the starter if the outcome would have been any different. I am still not going to get excited or worked up about it because only disappointment is around the corner.

You think Cutler is worse than Grossman? I don't see how anyone could justify that opinion. It's plainly obvious the opposite is true.

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Exactly. Beck is not going to pull a Todd Collins 07 and save our season...more like a TC 2010 and lay an egg(s).

You may be right but its just a guess. Until we see Beck play over an extended period we just dont know. We DO know what Rex is its time to find out what Beck is IMO.

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why start grossman if you "yank him if he throws an interception"? I mean, he's going to throw an interception at some point. Not only because that's what he does, but because that happens to NFL QBs.

There is no potency to a threat like: "Play good or else!" This is the NFL. It doesn't work like that.

It's simple, and the head coach has actually been saying it clearly: You play the guy who gives you the best chance to win.

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Both QBs are lousy. I'm not sure it matters who starts.

You had many agree with you, but I don't. One QB is lousy, one may or may not be. Beck might turn out lousy. He might turn out decent. I want to see it. I don't want to speculate. I don't want to label someone as bad when they haven't even played a full regular game with us. This season, we have a five game sample size of Rex. I want to see Beck over a span of games like that. Who knows, maybe with a few full games under Beck's belt, he'll grow better. Until Beck comes out and plays like bad Rex for a couple games, I'm going to have the cup is half full attitude.

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It's simple, and the head coach has actually been saying it clearly: You play the guy who gives you the best chance to win.
Of course. That's the way it has to be. But, IMO, given Rex's performances, if the Shanahans stick with Rex, I will take it less as a signal that they still have faith in Rex and more that they have none in Beck.
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