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Why Mike Shanahan may start Grossman over Beck

Atlanta Skins Fan

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If Grossman starts over Beck it would be the same reason Brunell started over Ramsey.

A decision made from somewhere in the recesses of the coach's mind.

Certainly not a decision based on actual in-game performance in the National Football League. Nah, why?

"Brunell is in my bible study class" and "I like Grossman's tight spirals before they get crushed between the numbers of opposing DBs." are great, great reasons.

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---------- Post added October-18th-2011 at 03:56 AM ----------


If you mean the backup not taking any snaps in practice that's is standard across the NFL and has been for as long as I have been interested in the game and much longer. The starter gets all the work in the week.

My prev post meant that Coach can't be splitting the practice time if he wants to start Beck. Wednesdays practice will be two practices too many for Beck to miss.

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I'm not sure everyone realizes how lousy and pathetic our QB situation is. With just a decent QB, we are 5-0. How do we know that? The game we lost to Dallas we only scored 16 points and defense held Dallas to 18 points. Against Philly we put up only 13 points but our Defense held Philly to 20. We are only a QB away from being 5-0. Doesn't even have to be Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady. No, not Matt Stafford or Joe Flacco or Matt Ryan. Heck, not even Alex Smith or Curtis Painter!! Sad isn't it? We could and would easily be 5-0 with even a bottom tier QB such as Josh Freeman, Colt Mccoy,Cam Newton even Tavaris Jackson!!!!! Rex Grossman is below bottom tier, he's bottom of the barrel and dead last with 40 year old Kerry Collins in the league of starting QBs. We score 21+ points, convert a few 3rd downs and we're 5-0 leading the division. 30 of the other QB's in the league can do that, even first year rookies! Andy Dalton.check.

How do the skins starting QB rank up against other starting QBs in just their own division?


Tony Romo sits to pee

Michael Vick

All teams within the skins division saw the need for a legit QB and the impact it has on the team and the ability to keep up with other teams in just their own division. Everyone except for the skins.

What about the whole NFC?

Rank Player POS Team Rating

1 Aaron Rodgers, QB GB 122.5

2 Eli Manning, QB NYG 101.1

3 Matthew Stafford, QB DET 98.2

4 Drew Brees, QB NO 97.0

5 Alex Smith, QB SF 95.2

6 Tony Romo sits to pee, QB DAL 91.7

7 Jay Cutler, QB CHI 87.8

8 Michael Vick, QB 84.4

9 Donovan McNabb, QB 82.9

10 Matt Ryan, QB ATL 82.1

11 Tarvaris Jackson, QB SEA 81.0

12 Cam Newton, QB CAR 78.3

13 Josh Freeman, QB TB 78.2

14 Kevin Kolb, QB ARI 77.2

15 Sam Bradford, QB STL 72.0

16 Rex Grossman, QB WSH 66.5

Whole NFL???

1 Aaron Rodgers, QB GB 122.5

2 Tom Brady, QB NE 104.8

3 Eli Manning, QB NYG 101.1

4 Matthew Stafford, QB DET 98.2

5 Drew Brees, QB NO 97.0

6 Matt Hasselbeck, QB TEN 95.9

7 Ryan Fitzpatrick, QB BUF 95.3

8 Alex Smith, QB SF 95.2

9 Curtis Painter, QB IND 93.0

10 Tony Romo sits to pee, QB DAL 91.7

11 Matt Schaub, QB HOU 90.7

12 Ben Roethlisberger, QB PIT 90.0

13 Matt Cassel, QB KC 89.7

14 Jay Cutler, QB CHI 87.8

15 Philip Rivers, QB SD 87.6

16 Michael Vick, QB PHI 84.4

17 Andy Dalton, QB CIN 84.3

18 Jason Campbell, QB OAK 84.2

19 Donovan McNabb, QB MIN 82.9

20 Mark Sanchez, QB NYJ 82.3

21 Matt Ryan, QB ATL 82.1

22 Tarvaris Jackson, QB SEA 81.0

23 Joe Flacco, QB BAL 79.6 256

24 Chad Henne, QB MIA 79.0

25 Cam Newton, QB CAR 78.3

26 Josh Freeman, QB TB 78.2

27 Colt McCoy, QB CLE 78.1

28 Kevin Kolb, QB ARI 77.2

29 Kyle Orton, QB DEN 75.7

30 Sam Bradford, QB STL 72.0

31 Blaine Gabbert, QB JAC 71.1

32 Rex Grossman, QB WSH 66.5

33 Kerry Collins, QB IND 65.9

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Another thing is that I bet Mike S knows that Rex can throw for 300 yds while they know Beck probably isn't. And with this offensive line banged up like this, i rather have Rex in there too. People seem to think that this 4 Int game was out of nowhere but it is inconsistent Rex we all know. He will probably come back with a 4 TD game this weekend

Grossman's play has steadily gotten worse since week 1 it just happened to dip to atrocious in the Eagles game. There is no real logical argument to start Rex Grossman when you look at the numbers behind his performance in weeks 1-6.

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If Grossman starts over Beck it would be the same reason Brunell started over Ramsey.

A decision made from somewhere in the recesses of the coach's mind.

Certainly not a decision based on actual in-game performance in the National Football League. Nah, why?

"Brunell is in my bible study class" and "I like Grossman's tight spirals before they get crushed between the numbers of opposing DBs." are great, great reasons.

Spot on. The only valid reason I can think of for why Shanny may want to delay starting Beck is because he wants to give Beck more prep time and a more favorable match-up to maximize his chances at success. But I really can't think of a better match-up than against Carolina. They're not exactly the Ravens D.

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I'm not sure everyone realizes how lousy and pathetic our QB situation is. With just a decent QB, we are 5-0.

Yeah, it's the same situation that prevented us from being legitimate contenders in 2005 and 2007. This team is in desperate need of a real QB. We will never get anywhere without one.

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My prev post meant that Coach can't be splitting the practice time if he wants to start Beck. Wednesdays practice will be two practices too many for Beck to miss.

If they are going to switch to Beck he will get every rep. They may announce any switch officially after practice but they have to make the decision and switch before and let the players know.

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Everyone knew that this was going to be an issue before the season started. I understand the lynch mob mentality, but I think it's unfortunate. Either quarterback is likely to struggle, and we are in the middle of a rebuild. Personally, I am just happy that we were able to add some nice pieces. Cofield, Bowen, JJ, Helu, Kerrigan, Paul, Hank, etc. have me excited about being a fan again. One game does not change that, no matter how much kool-aid I threw up yesterday.

I am indifferent about who starts at quarterback on Sunday. I have a feeling that Rex will get one more go, and I'm okay with that. I truly feel like the job in the preseason was Beck's to lose. When he wasn't able to win that job over a a guy like Rex, it makes me wonder what kind of a dumpster fire Shanny is trying to keep us away from.


You should post more often.:ols:

As for who gets the start, I don't care anymore. I'm fine either way.

Another great ASF thread. Keep 'em coming!

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I really think Shanny is going to put Rexy back in because the team believes in him. I also think Grossman will bounce back to his normal self (2 turnovers/game).

That being said, I hope Shanny benches Grossman and puts Beck in. Beck has a better upside (cliche I know). His mobility gives him a huge edge with our OL condition and even though he had rough spots on Sunday, overall he looked decent (which is an upgrade). I think that once he gets some chemistry with our WR corps he could be a good quarterback. At least I am drinking the Kool-Aid.

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give Beck a shot for sure...the ONLY reason Moss is crying for Grossman??? FL boys and Beck has a thing w Austin and doesn't go to Moss as often....Moss wants Grossman for SELFISH reasons....the td to int percentage ALONE makes the case...c'mon Grossman SUCKS!!!!

I liked him at first but the last few games he has shown how bad he really still is...he didn't even put in the effort to get in shape??? KEEP REX ON THE BENCH!!!!

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Am i the only one who was absolutely impressed by Beck's performance?

With or without the INT's Sunday, the game was going nowhere. We were terrible in the red zone. Im one of the most team supporting guys you'll meet. The guys in the gameday thread make me sick, and my entire family is the same way on gameday. Throw one INT and everyone is on the "WE SUCK!" wagon and the game is over, we already lost. I didn't want to believe in Rex, but since Shanahan did, I gave him the benefit of a doubt, and i have defended him all season, but i just can't defend him after Sunday. Rex has shown all year he can drive the field but can't get points. He continuously underthrows and overthrows his receivers deep. And much like Campbell during his time here, Rex throws almost everything HIGH. Throwing high gets your receivers killed. When the pressure comes, Rex folds. Watching him in the pocket makes me want to vomit. I feel like on any given play that ball is going to be fumbled. The last play of ours in the Cowboys game is what appears to be about to happen every time he scrambles (if you can call it scrambling). He makes absolute terrible decisions. Shanahan is not an idiot, in his interview he said "I know a pretty good QB who threw 4 INT's in a game". The difference is Brady's INTs were tips and good plays by the Bills. Rex's INTs were thrown into triple/double coverage bad decisions, or just his overall lack of accuracy. Shanahan knows this, he just cant go in an interview and say "Well, he made terrible decisions. He sucks, we're switching to Beck." The summary of his play at QB was the last INT he threw. Throw the ball away! It's simple.

Beck on the other hand, came in and shined. He stepped up in the pocket and made the throws he needed to make. That's something i haven't seen on the Skins in a long time. When pressure came, he used his protection, or he scrambled for positive yards when the pass just wasn't there (turns out Davis was open i believe, but hey, he made a mistake, he didn't see it. So he ran. Rex would have forced it to the other guy who is double covered). Beck's deep balls were fantastic. Two dropped big plays by receivers was the difference in the game, even though we had screwed up the entire game already. Had those two balls been held on to, we still tie or win. Beck underthrew a few, guess what? He isn't the starter. He came in cold. Timing is very important, and he doesn't know what to expect from some of the receivers. You know one receiver he probably HAS been working with in practice? AUSTIN. You see how that worked out? If you want to utilize Austin, Beck has shown that those two have a great connection. What really hit me was Beck scored the SECOND TD of his NFL CAREER while having 4 starts and on his second drive of his first game as a Redskin. Rex couldnt throw a TD in 3 quarters and he's been to the SB and is the Skins starter! Is this really even an argument? Rex has failed us, and the fans have a right to want blood.

Take the statistics and do what you wish with them. Statistics are for losers. The SD Chargers had the number 1 offense and defense last year, where did that get them? Anyone with eyes knows that Rex was outperformed.

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Am i the only one who was absolutely impressed by Beck's performance?.

New QB's typically will do well the first game or 2.

No one has any film on them. But after a couple weeks, there's film on them... mistakes they make are now clearly on record and defense can now create a game plan on how to exploit those weaknesses.

I'm sure it's part of the reason for Grossman's performance decline since game 1. With Armstrong out.. we lost our deep threat.. and since then our offense has been dead in water until we tried it again last week with Fred Davis and it didn't work out so well.

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New QB's typically will do well the first game or 2.

No one has any film on them. But after a couple weeks, there's film on them... mistakes they make are now clearly on record and defense can now create a game plan on how to exploit those weaknesses.

I'm sure it's part of the reason for Grossman's performance decline since game 1. With Armstrong out.. we lost our deep threat.. and since then our offense has been dead in water until we tried it again last week with Fred Davis and it didn't work out so well.

Yeah, i can agree with that. It just seemed like everything Beck did was quicker and more accurate though, it can't hurt.

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Yeah, i can agree with that. It just seemed like everything Beck did was quicker and more accurate though, it can't hurt.

I was impressed with him too, but was he playing against soft coverage.

But he never came close to throwing a pick and was making excellent reads.

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I really think Shanny is going to put Rexy back in because the team believes in him. I also think Grossman will bounce back to his normal self (2 turnovers/game).

That being said, I hope Shanny benches Grossman and puts Beck in. Beck has a better upside (cliche I know). His mobility gives him a huge edge with our OL condition and even though he had rough spots on Sunday, overall he looked decent (which is an upgrade). I think that once he gets some chemistry with our WR corps he could be a good quarterback. At least I am drinking the Kool-Aid.

The team believes in Grossman...ehhh, maybe on paper they do, but deep down they know WHEN he comes out and has another horrific game everyone will be against Rex hitting the field, then they can find the self-comfort in trying to prove to the fans and the team he did it for the better of the team.

Rex is done. There's no other way to explain it. Rex is done. Putting him out there will create separation on the team, because there will be a point when some players will start to want him out, while other players will want to wait; this will create distractions in the locker room, and its not needed...

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In his chat today, NFC East blogger Dan Graziano indicated that based on conversations he had with Redskins players in the locker room, they don't like Beck.

Wonder what the deal is there. Truth to this? Any insiders want to weigh in?

Hey -- the guys in Green Bay didn't exactly love Favre either.

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In his chat today, NFC East blogger Dan Graziano indicated that based on conversations he had with Redskins players in the locker room, they don't like Beck.

Wonder what the deal is there. Truth to this? Any insiders want to weigh in?

Hey -- the guys in Green Bay didn't exactly love Favre either.

I think this is all being exaggerated. Jabar Gaffney was talking about how Beck has swag in the huddle and he he liked him during the competition, Jamaal Brown endorsed Beck the other day. Moss and Young both said basically that they didn't think Rex should be benched because of one bad game and deserves another chance. I don't see that as "hating" Beck. I haven't seen any quotes from any defensive player and nothing to lead me to believe that they don't like Beck...at most people just think Rex needs another shot.

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I think this is all being exaggerated. Jabar Gaffney was talking about how Beck has swag in the huddle and he he liked him during the competition, Jamaal Brown endorsed Beck the other day. Moss and Young both said basically that they didn't think Rex should be benched because of one bad game and deserves another chance. I don't see that as "hating" Beck. I haven't seen any quotes from any defensive player and nothing to lead me to believe that they don't like Beck...at most people just think Rex needs another shot.

You're probably right. But Graziano seemed to be talking about off the record conversations he had in the locker room. Couldn't tell if they didn't like him as a player or person.

I blame last year's mullet. Doesn't make a great first impression.

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I had noticed that not all of Grossmans INT's were necessarily his fault last game as well but I still dont want to see him on the field at all.

The problem is, this isnt the only bad game Grossman has had. He has had several bad games and we have been winning in spite of grossman, rather than because of him. If he had played well in the other games I'd be all for giving him another shot. Unfortunately he consistently turns the ball over and makes bad decisions. Even the arizona game that we won on a throw of his, we were in that position largely because of mistakes he made earlier in the game.

What explains his interceptions in the rams game?

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In his chat today, NFC East blogger Dan Graziano indicated that based on conversations he had with Redskins players in the locker room, they don't like Beck.

Wonder what the deal is there. Truth to this? Any insiders want to weigh in?

Complete speculation here .... Beck is a bit of a self-promoter. ("John" shirt latest example.) If he's been waging a locker-room campaign to start, that would go over poorly.

The backup QB is not supposed to hint that he might be a better starter than the starter. In past years, Grossman and Collins mastered that art of being invisible until being called into a game.

The starting QB is sort of like a presidential election. The campaign is supposed to end with the election. If the loser continues to campaign, that's very poor form.

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Yea, I'll disagree and say everyone of those interceptions were Grossman's fault. The first one to Davis was with safety help over the top with a defender underneath. Would have had to have been a perfect catch/throw and when was the last time we saw that from that bum?

The second one...tried to force it into coverage...FAIL.

The third one....a pathetic duck that didn't even give Gafney a chance to bat it down.

The fourth one...LOL.

Barring injury, that was the last pass Rex Grossman has thrown as a member of the Washington Redskins. Maybe he can hold the snaps on field goals from now on.

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