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Poll: Do you believe that John Beck is now the starting QB for the Washington Redskins?

Commander PK

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Simple enough. Is John Beck the starting QB for the Redskins now.

For me, I don't see how you can't go with Beck now. I've been in Rex's corner since the Shanahan's made the switch last season. I have hoped beyond hope that he would work out, but after today, and the steady decline in his play this season I just don't see how Beck doesn't get his shot now.

and I hope and pray that Beck does work out, because if he doesn't what then?

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and I hope and pray that Beck does work out, because if he doesn't what then?
The disadvantage of not having a young QB to groom.

Beck is a much better fit to our offense and should provide a nice spark but that can't last more then a couple games.

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I picked "Yup", because i want him to be. But will he? IDK, what they're going to do. All i do know is that Grossman has regressed every game since playing the Giants. Obviously he's not getting any better. Heck at best he may teeter on average to mediocre. At worse, he will single handedly lose you games as he did today. There's no redeeming him at this point, just make the switch now and get it over with.

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He has to be the starter now. Grossman continues to make terrible mistakes in games. Our defense can't win the game on its own, the offense has to help out too.

John Beck looks more poised in the pocket and is a bigger threat to make plays. As I was watching him today, I realized how much I liked his demeanor and decision-making more than Grossman.

Grossman is simply NOT a starting QB. He's a decent backup but he obviously doesn't have what it takes to be a starter in this league. He makes too many crucial mistakes and singlehandedly helped us lose this game with his 4 interceptions. He just doesn't have it. At this point, we can't really go wrong with seeing in what we have in John Beck. We already know we're getting a hot-and-cold Rex if keep him our starter.

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At first I thought yes but after further thought I think no, mainly because I think the coaches want to see how Rex will respond after the benching. For Rex this might be a wake up call or something. But yea I think the coaches give him one more week and if he fails it's Beck after Carolina.

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I do believe that Beck is now the starter but I gotta say that this is how Grossman plays the game. Grossman is a risk-it-all type of player and he has been that way his entire career. A lot of throws will make you scream in excitement, but most will make you hold your breath and hope for the best.


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At first I thought yes but after further thought I think no, mainly because I think the coaches want to see how Rex will respond after the benching. For Rex this might be a wake up call or something; but yea I think the coaches give him one more week and if he fails it's Beck after Carolina.

I think saying "we'll look at the film"... signs Rex's death warrant.

Because anyone looking at that film is going to see exactly how bad he was.

And besides.. we saw his reaction.

He sulked.


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It's obvious he is! He has the bigger upside plus the whole "Unknown" factor helps go along with the whole Rebuilding thing Beck is the starter unless the Shannys want Dc to riot in this *****! To me it's simple play the QB who has the stronger arm,is more mobile. Imagine how bad we will tank if Rex continues to be the starter? Every home game when he stinks it up Beck chants will start early. Do we really think that RG or any team can, or will be an successful team under those circumstances? Booing and chanting for the Back up after every bad play or pass? This is the reason why we will start Beck

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I don't see how you can put him back in as the starter after today. You risk losing your locker room and your fan base, and Snyder would be soon to follow. Then we would all sit around and talk about how and why we let good coaches go, and why only the Jim Zorns of the world would be stupid enough to take this job.

The Defensive unit, as well they should be, were visibly upset with the production of the offense. It was embarassing. Our offense looked like it couldn't score on a high school team.

I firmly believe that Beck is NOT the answer, but I really think he is a better fit for this offense.

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Beck did two things that made me very happy to see;

1) He moved up in the pocket perfectly when pressure came

2) He ran ten yards for a first down. Has Rex done that this season yet?

He looked rusty with his few errant throws, but right now he has way more upside than Rex. It's time to start Beck.

It did hurt losing our left side [Trent Williams, Kory Lichensteiger], and Beck is more suited for that since he can move around to avoid pressure.

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It has to be Beck. Shanahan will have a full-on fan revolt should Rex get out there and have another game like today's. He left Cooley out to dry on that quick throw to the left. He threw into triple coverage repeatedly. He missed a wide open Fred Davis for a first down on third and long so he could throw the ball out of bounds down field to no one. Instead of running for the first down he threw his fourth interception right to the Eagles' defender. He flat out stunk up the joint. The Eagles should all get together and send him a nice thank you card because their win today was a big season saving gift from #8.

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Beck did two things that made me very happy to see;

1) He moved up in the pocket perfectly when pressure came

2) He ran ten yards for a first down. Has Rex done that this season yet?

He looked rusty with his few errant throws, but right now he has way more upside than Rex. It's time to start Beck.

It did hurt losing our left side [Trent Williams, Kory Lichensteiger], and Beck is more suited for that since he can move around to avoid pressure.

All true, and gives us reasons to be optimistic.

I like them both. I actually felt bad for Rex watching his post game presser. I have no doubt his heart is in the right place.

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Translation, teams are catching on. Cutting off the run and forcing him to throw the ball is the new MO.
Could be.

But the awfulness of some of those INTs makes me think Rex is regressing, too. I was expecting a roller coaster ride with Rex, like the Arizona game. But I think he's consistently got worse.

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I dont see why Beck wouldn't be the starter.. I mean, Rex has regressed fairly steadily as the seasons gone on.. He's not our future (either is Beck) so why not give the hotter hand the ball? What I do know is that were getting to the point of when/if we ever get a decent offense, we'll win quite a few ballgames.. Really liked how the D adjusted and held them scoreless in the 2nd half.. Think they were just too gassed at the end..

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I am a patience guy. But at this point, Beck should start for the next 5 games at least. With Rex, he won't win games for you with his passing. We win with the runs and our D. Today, we can see why bad Rex comes out. We couldn't run the ball. Beck is still the unknown to most of us. At least he is more mobile than Rex. He got 2 good runs today. My worry right now is our Oline. We don't have great depth there and losing 2 today is tough. Also, is this the end of Cooley era here?

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Tough choice for Shanahan. If Beck sucks he's 0-3 in two seasons at choosing the most important position on the field. He said it beat himself he'd stake his reputation on these two. He has to some degree done exactly that. How sure is he that he wants the world to see John Beck?

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