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NYT - My Ex-Gay Friend

Kosher Ham

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The part of the article I found interesting which the author didn't delve into much is "how many kids today are seduced by the gay lifestyle?"

It's a pretty sweet deal, really. No responsibility, ever. You will never know the burden of having to support a family. You can just swing from boyfriend to boyfriend. Go clubbing and hang out with the guys well into your 40s, and be more than accepted for it. Don't really worry about your job because you are in the Nation's largest fraternity and you can get on somewhere else as long as you're in the club. You go to the best parties, get to wear the nicest clothes, drive the nicest cars, etc.

For those gays that want some semblance of what responsibility is like, they can both pool their $300k annual jobs and move in together in a $4 miillion flat in downtown Manhattan or San Fran, or make a show of public marriage in Massachussetts. Let's just never identify the marriage contingent as anything beyond outliers.

I'm not passing judgement, mind you. I don't really care what someone wants to do with their time. You're not that special. Quite frankly, if you are gay, chances are you are just as boring if not more boring than the rest of us. Stop acting like you're special, because you're not. Nobody outside NavyDave cares what you do with your sexual organs.

However, this is the first time in our nation's history where being gay is not only "okay", it's been glamorized quite a bit by society. I just wonder how many are sucked into the lifestyle for, well, the lifestyle.

This view is pretty much divorced from my experience as a lesbian and among lesbians in general. Sure, there are a few rich gals out there, but most are women who earn less than men and who often times do have parental responsibilities from being in heterosexual relationships.

But yeah, generally, the boys have a good time. And you can call it a lifestyle, but everyone lives a lifestyle. There is no choice to be hetero or homo sexual. The only choice we have is to live our truth. Or not.

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Sex between a man and a woman if even for pleasure still leads to procreations, God's plan, sex between 2 guys or 2 girls......no freaking genetic function (now we do all AGREE that everyone gets off with sex, but again there is a basic genetic function and drive that is missing with homosexual sex, other than just feeling good)

What about people who are infertile, where no amount of sex will produce a baby no matter what they do? Is there a genetic function and drive missing with those who are infertile and unable to have a child? Sex serves no purpose for these people "other than just feeling good".

I was just kidding with that comment, but if you don't like my view on gays so be it. I won't judge them , but GOD will, in the meantime I aint promoting or supporting that behaviour.

How about this: why don't we leave things like gay marriage up to the church? If your church is opposed to gay marriage, they don't have to marry them. But if a different church is fine with gays getting married, how about we allow them to do so?

You can spend your life doing what you like to do and focus on your own relationship with God, while allowing those who are different from you, like gay people, to do what they like to do. And they can focus on their relationship with God if they have one.

You are free to judge people however you wish, and say it publicly for that matter, but how about we stop infringing on the rights of people different from you. No matter how you personally feel about homosexuality, that should not give you or the Government the right to infringe on the rights of those who are homosexual.

You don't like gay marriage? Don't marry a gay guy and don't practice your religion in a church that condones homosexuality. But if a church does condone homosexuality and supports gay marriage, who are you to legally stop it?

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The part of the article I found interesting which the author didn't delve into much is "how many kids today are seduced by the gay lifestyle?"

It's a pretty sweet deal, really. No responsibility, ever. You will never know the burden of having to support a family. You can just swing from boyfriend to boyfriend. Go clubbing and hang out with the guys well into your 40s, and be more than accepted for it. Don't really worry about your job because you are in the Nation's largest fraternity and you can get on somewhere else as long as you're in the club. You go to the best parties, get to wear the nicest clothes, drive the nicest cars, etc.

For those gays that want some semblance of what responsibility is like, they can both pool their $300k annual jobs and move in together in a $4 miillion flat in downtown Manhattan or San Fran, or make a show of public marriage in Massachussetts. Let's just never identify the marriage contingent as anything beyond outliers.

What is the gay lifestyle in the Smokey Mountains like these days?

Coming out of the closet does not automatically mean that you are going to start texting with David Geffen. Yes, there is a high-profile, elite gay society in certain major US cities. But you can also say the same thing for Jews. A minority that is numerically over-represented in certain professions.

There is also a lot of evidence that as homosexuality becomes more acceptable, there is a "normalization" taking place within that culture. Hedonism is being replaced by coupling. It's really difficult to maintain that nightclub lifestyle in your 40s.

One factor to consider is that the first two generations of "out" homosexuals - the ones who created these outposts in San Fran, NYC, DC, and Miami - were either wiped out in a plague or saw their friends wiped out in a plague. That leads to a certain level of fin de siecle decadence in its aftermath.

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Quoted for stupidity.

If anyone thinks that people are becoming gay to get rich, go clubbing and avoid responsibility, I laugh in your face. There is absolutely no reason you can't do all of the things you just listed and stay straight, especially if you make 300k. .

Seriously, what a dumb post.

Do you watch any television ?

We obviously agree on certain parts, but look at the picture presented to you.

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The part of the article I found interesting which the author didn't delve into much is "how many kids today are seduced by the gay lifestyle?"

It's a pretty sweet deal, really. No responsibility, ever. You will never know the burden of having to support a family. You can just swing from boyfriend to boyfriend. Go clubbing and hang out with the guys well into your 40s, and be more than accepted for it. Don't really worry about your job because you are in the Nation's largest fraternity and you can get on somewhere else as long as you're in the club. You go to the best parties, get to wear the nicest clothes, drive the nicest cars, etc.

For those gays that want some semblance of what responsibility is like, they can both pool their $300k annual jobs and move in together in a $4 miillion flat in downtown Manhattan or San Fran, or make a show of public marriage in Massachussetts. Let's just never identify the marriage contingent as anything beyond outliers.

I'm not passing judgement, mind you. I don't really care what someone wants to do with their time. You're not that special. Quite frankly, if you are gay, chances are you are just as boring if not more boring than the rest of us. Stop acting like you're special, because you're not. Nobody outside NavyDave cares what you do with your sexual organs.

However, this is the first time in our nation's history where being gay is not only "okay", it's been glamorized quite a bit by society. I just wonder how many are sucked into the lifestyle for, well, the lifestyle.

Probably far fewer than the number who are sucked into an almost identical lifestyle without the "being gay" part.

What you've described above is largely the same swinging-single lifestyle enjoyed by who-knows-how-many young hetero folks in cities all over the world, significantly including the US.

In the bigger picture, what really seems to be glamorized these days is the forever-young lifestyle of perpetual adolescence. Perhaps hetero culture has borrowed some of the glamor and how-to-live-it-up tips from gay culture, but there's no need to "turn gay" in order to enjoy these spoils of a largely responsibility-free life -- including the occasional dips into the realm of grown-up social/financial constructs.

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 12:49 PM ----------

Black is an action ? News to me.

But gay is an action?

Or are you on about something else here? Please explain. This will be interesting.

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Plenty of people choose to "be black" by their actions.

So in Metro DC being black is being college educated, likely a government worker, Married, two kids, an owner of a House a nice ride or two. Other places there is the hoodrat mindset where you see saggin pants and wifebeater Tshirt or shirtless.

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What about people who are infertile, where no amount of sex will produce a baby no matter what they do? Is there a genetic function and drive missing with those who are infertile and unable to have a child? Sex serves no purpose for these people "other than just feeling good".

How about this: why don't we leave things like gay marriage up to the church? If your church is opposed to gay marriage, they don't have to marry them. But if a different church is fine with gays getting married, how about we allow them to do so?

You can spend your life doing what you like to do and focus on your own relationship with God, while allowing those who are different from you, like gay people, to do what they like to do. And they can focus on their relationship with God if they have one.

You are free to judge people however you wish, and say it publicly for that matter, but how about we stop infringing on the rights of people different from you. No matter how you personally feel about homosexuality, that should not give you or the Government the right to infringe on the rights of those who are homosexual.

You don't like gay marriage? Don't marry a gay guy and don't practice your religion in a church that condones homosexuality. But if a church does condone homosexuality and supports gay marriage, who are you to legally stop it?

Which I do and I am sure a lot of people do as well, besides I am not worried about them just giving my views, and you shouldn't worry about people worrying about gays trying to make their behavior look "normal" because it's not

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I'm trying to behave myself, and didn't want to call zoony's post stupid. But - hey - when predicto takes the low road, there is usually some justification.

One factor that is never considered in the hedonism often cited in the gay community is the fact that we are talking about a community of nothing but men. (Lesbians - as LSF points out - are not really in this same world, despite what "The L Word" would have you believe). Not only is it a community of men; it is a community of men who are experiencing a sense of freedom for the first time in their lives.

Imagine a lacrosse team if every woman they met actually DID want to have sex with them. The issue is not homosexuality; the issue is men.

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I love posts like mine because it gives the PC Police an opportunity to swarm and show everyone on the internet how enlightened they really are.

But really Predicto, pretend like the media doesn't glamorize the gay lifestyle. Talk about your idiots. And now that we all know you are an enlightened mind for the ages, drop the bull**** for 5 minutes and let's actually talk about the question I posed.

On the one hand we have people arguing that lots of gays aren't really gay, hence the subject of the article in the OP. Then these same people get their panties in a wad when it is suggested that many people might be seduced by the glamorous lifestyle.

I think Predicto feels like gay people are akin to blacks in Mississippi circa 1934. Not sure why he feels that way living in San Fran.

Wonder if HBO would ever write an urban sitcom without a lovable token gay dude? Or would that even be worthy of social consideration in 2011?

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Do you watch any television ?

We obviously agree on certain parts, but look at the picture presented to you.

I am raising my family in the heart of the Castro District in San Francisco. I don't need to watch TV edit things up to make them more outrageous. I just walk out my door and down my street.

We went camping this weekend with 7 couples and their kids. Two were gay couples. They were doing the same things as the rest of us. Caring for their kids, working on their careers, reading a good book. For some reason, none of them dropped their pants and starting doing a Y-M-C-A chant the entire weekend. Go figure.

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Perhaps you need to figure out what you like about what you believe, before you talk about what other believe in that you don't like.

I like a lot about what I believe in, Jesus Christ; anyone who claims to be gay and love Christ is full of crap.....I guess they guy in that article figured this out and made his CHOICE , stop going out with guys.....hopefully it helps lead him to the path of salvation (trying to steer thread back on topic)

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One factor to consider is that the first two generations of "out" homosexuals - the ones who created these outposts in San Fran' date=' NYC, DC, and Miami - were either wiped out in a plague or saw their friends wiped out in a plague. That leads to a certain level of fin de siecle decadence in its aftermath.[/quote']

This is very true. It is also true that a lot of the people in the clubs are getting a lot of Ya-Yas out because they recently escaped from places where they were not allowed to be themselves at all.

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 09:59 AM ----------

i'm trying to behave myself' date=' and didn't want to call zoony's post stupid. But - hey - when predicto takes the low road, there is usually some justification.

One factor that is never considered in the hedonism often cited in the gay community is the fact that we are talking about a community of nothing but men. (lesbians - as lsf points out - are not really in this same world, despite what "the l word" would have you believe). Not only is it a community of men; it is a community of men who are experiencing a sense of freedom for the first time in their lives.

Imagine a lacrosse team if every woman they met actually did want to have sex with them. The issue is not homosexuality; the issue is men.[/quote']


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Lol, those jokers make a lot of cash...I think they offer some seminars, I will send you an email on that in a sec..............

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 12:29 PM ----------

........Life sucks doesn't it?.....HIS CHOICE !!!

So then you chose to be straight? Why would sexuality be a choice for one group and not the other? If you're answer is because one is natural and the other isn't, then why does homosexuality exist in nature as well? Why does asexuality exist? Why do some male species lay eggs?

It's not like being gay is a glamorous choice anyways. Sure in some outlets it gets hyped up, but overall it is still something that is oppressed and not understood, which is why so many gays hide their sexuality until they are older (the term "coming out of the closet"), why would someone choose that and hide it for years? They wouldn't. But they would accept it as they grew more comfortable with who they actually are, who they were born as, but kept suppressed by an overall unaccepting society. My uncle dated women when he was younger, and later on he told me it just never felt right to him. Most of our family knew he was gay before he even came out. It was never a choice, it was who he was, and something he struggled with accepting. It's not a choice for us heterosexuals, it's not a choice for homosexuals.

Now, on the other hand, you absolutely can choose to be ignorant, or pretend to understand something that you have not personally known, or pretend that a book written over a thousand years ago let's you understand complex subjects such as human sexuality, how the Earth was created, and where humans come from.

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The part of the article I found interesting which the author didn't delve into much is "how many kids today are seduced by the gay lifestyle?"

It's a pretty sweet deal, really. No responsibility, ever. You will never know the burden of having to support a family. You can just swing from boyfriend to boyfriend. Go clubbing and hang out with the guys well into your 40s, and be more than accepted for it. Don't really worry about your job because you are in the Nation's largest fraternity and you can get on somewhere else as long as you're in the club. You go to the best parties, get to wear the nicest clothes, drive the nicest cars, etc.

For those gays that want some semblance of what responsibility is like, they can both pool their $300k annual jobs and move in together in a $4 miillion flat in downtown Manhattan or San Fran, or make a show of public marriage in Massachussetts. Let's just never identify the marriage contingent as anything beyond outliers.

I'm not passing judgement, mind you. I don't really care what someone wants to do with their time. You're not that special. Quite frankly, if you are gay, chances are you are just as boring if not more boring than the rest of us. Stop acting like you're special, because you're not. Nobody outside NavyDave cares what you do with your sexual organs.

However, this is the first time in our nation's history where being gay is not only "okay", it's been glamorized quite a bit by society. I just wonder how many are sucked into the lifestyle for, well, the lifestyle.

If a kid decides to be gay just for the (supposed) benefits, I think it's safe to say that he/she was already gay. I mean, think back to when you were 16. If being gay was as socially acceptable as it is now and you had the same delusions about how great the gay lifestyle is, could you have just simply made the choice to be gay?

I mean, when I was a teenager, just seeing a mildly attractive girl in tight jeans had my hormones going wild and had me scared to get called to the front of the class to answer a problem on the board. I don't think someone can fight their natural urges just to receive some sort of imaginary lifestyle benefits from a change in sexual orientation.

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On the one hand we have people arguing that lots of gays aren't really gay, hence the subject of the article in the OP. Then these same people get their panties in a wad when it is suggested that many people might be seduced by the glamorous lifestyle.

I think Predicto feels like gay people are akin to blacks in Mississippi circa 1934. Not sure why he feels that way living in San Fran.

Wonder if HBO would ever write an urban sitcom without a lovable token gay dude? Or would that even be worthy of social consideration in 2011?

Media makes a lot of lifestyles appear glamorous. The Godfather made life in the Mafia look awesome. Scarface made being an international drug kingpin look awesome. Pretty much every rap video made since 1996 has made a life of hedonism look captivating. Some media depictions of the homosexual lifestyle have probably done that, but I don't think it is in the numbers you suggest.

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I like a lot about what I believe in, Jesus Christ; anyone who claims to be gay and love Christ is full of crap

This is how fundamentalists tend to view the world. "1) I love Jesus, 2) thus my values must be exactly the same as Jesus's values, 3) thus, if someone has different values than me, they must hate Jesus and they are going to hell."

Not very compelling to the rest of us, frankly.

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Now, on the other hand, you absolutely can choose to be ignorant, or pretend to understand something that you have not personally known, or pretend that a book written over a thousand years ago let's you understand complex subjects such as human sexuality, how the Earth was created, and where humans come from.

I will take the word of God over you anyday buddy, just saying. Call it whatever YOU want to. I guess supporting gays makes you feel cool and enlightened, like to see you go to any Baptist chruch and say that crap.......heathen

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 01:07 PM ----------

This is how fundamentalists tend to view the world. "1) I love Jesus, 2) thus my values must be exactly the same as Jesus's values, 3) thus, if someone has different values than me, they must hate Jesus and they are going to hell."

Not very compelling to the rest of us, frankly.

Well, work on acepting Jesus into your life, then the rest will come in due time.

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Imagine a lacrosse team if every woman they met actually DID want to have sex with them. The issue is not homosexuality; the issue is men.

Still hung up on the Duke thing? Oh yea, they were INNOCENT, and the "victim" is now in jail for murder.

Couldn't say football, or soccer?

My thoughts on this, after reading the salvos going back and forth, You are gay by choice. Michael changed his choice.

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This is very true. It is also true that a lot of the people in the clubs are getting a lot of Ya-Yas out because they recently escaped from places where they were not allowed to be themselves at all.

Since I've gotten boring and domesticated in the last few years, I really no longer have my finger on the pulse of these urban movements as I used to. But even five or six years ago, there seemed to be a growing movement from the "elders" in the gay community (which in the Post-AIDS epidemic world is a new thing in its own right) to tone it down a bit. I haven't been to a Gay Pride parade since 2005, but even then, I was noticing more strollers and khakis than one saw five or ten years earlier. There is also going to be the floats with buff dudes in boy shorts but it was no longer the dominant theme.

I really don't think there has ever been a definitive mainstream account of what happened at a community level after ten years of the AIDS crisis. You had a lot of men come out in the 70s and build a new world and suddenly, most of those people were dead. I used to go to a "theater bar" on 14th Street that was owned by this older queer couple. All the young gay guys seemed to view them as some kind of elder statesmen, mainly because they had "survived."

I actually found them kind of uninteresting as people, though they did have decent stories from the 80s.

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