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NYT - My Ex-Gay Friend

Kosher Ham

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Jesus said if a body part caused you to sin to cut it off...so maybe left handed people should cut their left hand off..

Of course I'm not sure if he was being literal, that Jesus was a crafty wordsmith!

(Yeah, I'm just being stupid to fit in with the declining amount of logic in this thread)

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Please enlighten us on all the gay people you've known who have claimed that it was media influence that made them "choose" a gay lifestyle AND label themselves as "gay".

Or perhaps you should give us a list of links to respected studies that have been done that show how the media's influence has steered people towards "choosing" to be gay.

We all wait with eager anticipation. :yes:

Perhaps you could dislodge your head from your own ass and read my post.

I asked the question. Christ you are thick.

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Nope, Sharia law and muslims are a total different bag and please do not compare muslims to Christianity. thank you

Muslims - Believe in Abrahamic God and Jesus the prophet

Christians - Believe in Abrahamic God and Jesus the son of God.

Seems like a pretty good candidate for comparison.

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What does writing right handed have to do with choosing to be gay?

Besides the whole "born that way" argument and how both were punished and ostracized for doing what came naturally to them, and that their teachers and parents tried to "cure" them of the "unnatural" behavior, you mean?

God made us all in his image, with milliopns of urges, but if God's word say being a homosexual deviant is against his word and you go jump in bed with a man, he will judge you and I am willing to bet not in your favor. Besides being left handed is not against God's words

Again, I'll ask the question: should left-handed children and teenagers, even adults, been punished in any way for writing with their left hands?

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Jesus said if a body part caused you to sin to cut it off...so maybe left handed people should cut their left hand off..

Of course I'm not sure if he was being literal, that Jesus was a crafty wordsmith!

(Yeah, I'm just being stupid to fit in with the declining amount of logic in this thread)

Good disclaimer there guy, you aren't fooling anyone

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Perhaps you could dislodge your head from your own ass and read my post.

I asked the question. Christ you are thick.

What question did you ask me? :ols:...There's nary a question mark in your post/response to me. Go read it again and then copy and paste the question for me :thumbsup:...

And I asked a question back...for ridiculously obvious reasons.

Your view about how the media influences some to try a gay lifestyle and label themselves as "gay" must have come from somewhere, right?

So since you're ridiculing anecdotal evidence as irrelevant, just give us a list of what causes you to hold the beliefs you hold.

I can ask it again if you want to avoid the question lol...

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Muslims - Believe in Abrahamic God and Jesus the prophet

Christians - Believe in Abrahamic God and Jesus the son of God.

Seems like a pretty good candidate for comparison.

Muslims - reward in heaven, 72 virgins, kill the infidels who don't convert

Christians - accept Jesus in your life, go to heaven, those who don't accept Jesus, God will judge them

That seems comparable to you?

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Again, I'll ask the question: should left-handed children and teenagers, even adults, been punished in any way for writing with their left hands?

The problem is an invisible line is being drawn by some as to where you take the bible literally and where you don't. Some sinners are being castigated more than others when the Bible says that all sins are created equal. While your example may not be the most realistic one it is pertinent because why should adultery be allowed as Kilerbee suggests but not homosexuality. Aren't both sins equally as bad? If you were to create a code of law based on God's word wouldn't both these acts be subjected to the same level of punishment?

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Besides the whole "born that way" argument and how both were punished and ostracized for doing what came naturally to them, and that their teachers and parents tried to "cure" them of the "unnatural" behavior, you mean?

Again, I'll ask the question: should left-handed children and teenagers, even adults, been punished in any way for writing with their left hands?

When was writing with the left hand considered immoral, deviant and sinful in nature....please show me

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as a small aside, I think I was supposed to be left-handed but was taught to use my right-hand from an early age. Everything else seems to be left-side dominant. Left-footed, left-eye dominant, I can move my left nostril without my right but not vice-versa, snarl on the left-side of my mouth... can't write for crap in my left hand, though.

as an aside to this aside... my daughter is left handed, and does most things left dominant. but occasionally she used to write with her right hand, and when she DID she would write in perfect mirror-image right to left, everything backwards. I have no idea what the eff that meant, but i always thought it was kinda bizzare, and kinda cool.

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The problem is an invisible line is being drawn by some as to where you take the bible literally and where you don't. Some sinners are being castigated more than others when the Bible says that all sins are created equal. While your example may not be the most realistic one it is pertinent because why should adultery be allowed as Kilerbee suggests but not homosexuality. Aren't both sins equally as bad? If you were to create a code of law based on God's word wouldn't both these acts be subjected to the same level of punishment?

Adultery should never be allowed, it's immoral and deviant just like stealing, murder, illegal drug use and homosexuality, there you go!

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 02:46 PM ----------

Neither are you, guy. :)

Sorry I am not using big words to fool people around here like some do on a constant basis. People just need to give have straight discussions as to why this homosexual crap is not going to be accepted in mainstream, not now. But homosexuals are doing a good job of trying to make i tlook normal, but CRISTIANS who follow the word of God know otherwise

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Adultery should never be allowed, it's immoral and deviant just like stealing, murder, illegal drug use and homosexuality, there you go!

So you believe that adultery should be made illegal? Do you believe the punishment should be the same for homosexuality, if so what would it be?

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Muslims - reward in heaven, 72 virgins, kill the infidels who don't convert

Christians - accept Jesus in your life, go to heaven, those who don't accept Jesus, God will judge them

That seems comparable to you?

It's only the muslim extremists who preach and practice killing :infidels," much as Christian extremists bomb abortion clinics, beat gays to death, burned heretics at the stake, drowned women to see if they were witches, etc. etc.

For a guy preaching tolerance and non-judgement you sure do seem to be doing a lot of both in this thread

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i can't believe that some people merge murder and illegal drug use (smoking grass??) into the same deviant and 'immoral' behavior class. I am going to hell in a handbasket for sure.

We should merge this and the War on Drugs thread for maximum lulz.

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Muslims - reward in heaven, 72 virgins, kill the infidels who don't convert

Christians - accept Jesus in your life, go to heaven, those who don't accept Jesus, God will judge them

That seems comparable to you?

I think the belief systems are comparable. Christianity has become more diluted with time, though, so it is no longer as extreme as some Islam is today. The bible professes that gays should be killed, witches should be killed (do you believe in witches?), unruly kids should be killed, you can sell your daughter into slavery.... Conveniently, most of that stuff is no longer followed by most modern Christians, but you don't think there was a time when Christianity declared war on folks for having different beliefs? Just look at the Crusades. The whole fundamentalist "Gods Law" movement is regressing back to those times which is akin to Sharia Law.

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I mean what next, NAMBLA members start fighting for their rights as well, as long as the child say yes . I mean come on people deviant, immoral behavior is always that. No matter how QUEER EYE for the gay guy, or other BS shows try to shove that crap down peoples throats especially kids of today.

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 02:49 PM ----------

I think the belief systems are comparable. Christianity has become more diluted with time, though, so it is no longer as extreme as some Islam is today. The bible professes that gays should be killed, witches should be killed (do you believe in witches?), unruly kids should be killed, you can sell your daughter into slavery.... Conveniently, most of that stuff is no longer followed by most modern Christians, but you don't think there was a time when Christianity declared war on folks for having different beliefs? Just look at the Crusades. The whole fundamentalist "Gods Law" movement is regressing back to those times which is akin to Sharia Law.

New testament, son

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The problem is an invisible line is being drawn by some as to where you take the bible literally and where you don't. Some sinners are being castigated more than others when the Bible says that all sins are created equal. While your example may not be the most realistic one it is pertinent because why should adultery be allowed as Kilerbee suggests but not homosexuality. Aren't both sins equally as bad? If you were to create a code of law based on God's word wouldn't both these acts be subjected to the same level of punishment?

My issue was basically to compare aspects of being human that are innate and for which we have no real override...committing adultery might be at some level "innate", in that perhaps we are born with the desire to mate with many different people. But we have an override capability to suppress that urge to commit adultery if we choose. But we do not have override over something as base as what gender we are attracted to. It would be like suppressing breathing...sure, you can do it for awhile but you're gonna have to inhale and exhale at some point lol...being left-handed or right-handed is the same way.

When was writing with the left hand considered immoral, deviant and a sinful in nature....please show me

Should I take it that your answer is "No, they shouldn't have"? lol...

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I mean what next, NAMBLA members start fighting for their rights as well, as long as the child say yes . I mean come on people deviant, immoral behavior is always that. No matter how QUEER EYE for the gay guy, or other BS shows try to shove that crap down peoples throats especially kids of today.

But I am just curious because you state that Sharia law is nothing you would like to see but you also state that God's law is superior to man's. Therefore do you believe a country should be run by God's law or man's? If so have you read Leviticus? How would you decide which of God's laws to apply if you do not apply them all?

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So you believe that adultery should be made illegal? Do you believe the punishment should be the same for homosexuality, if so what would it be?

Different degrees of punishment and sin, but at the end of the day it's sin, don;t pray for forgiveness Bible say you are going to Hell, doesnt matter is you steal a penny or murder someone.

But with man, there are varying degrees of punishment, which I agree with of course

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Vibrant. Asheville, NC especially. The entire hipster arts & crafts movement in Asheville is centered around the Gay Community.

Well, it is every game man's dream to sell overpriced antiquies to tourists from Charlotte who can't afford the gas to get to Branson.

You seem to have confused me with someone who said anything of the sort. So, that's on you, not me.

The implication was that being gay was a ticket to riches and a glamorous life-style that most of us can only dream about. If that was not your intent, it was how it was read.

All I said is that (a) the media has portrayed the lifestyle as glamorous and (B) in many respects it is and © I wonder how many sexually confused / ambiguous kids this lifestyle attracts nowadays that 50 years ago would not have.

Is this a bad thing though? Maybe media representations do overly-glamorize the lifestyle. But no more so than sneaker commercials and MTV Cribs do for the lifestyle of athletes and rap stars - and that is a lifestyle that is actually unattainable to a large degree. It's better for sexually confused teens to have - I dunno - Sanford from Sex and the City as a role model (I'm hopelessly out of date on my cultural touchstones) than to have no role model. It may be unrealistic to live that life, but it also doesn't drive one into a world of lying and self-loathing.

That's right. This media glamourization thing only exists in my own mind.

I'm hoping we are reaching a point of normalization in media depictions. We went from no depictions - except as serial killers - to a sort of Step and Fetchit characterization in about five years. I'm hoping that something like "The Kids Are All Right" is new norm. Stories about people who happen to be gay. Not stories about people who happen to be gay AND FABULOUS!!!!

Onward enlightened ones. Show us the path. :rolleyes:

It's more fun when you are being a dick to people who are not me.

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 01:53 PM ----------

Predicto's anecdotal life experiences: relevant.

I just now got the memo, 1000 pardons.

That's amusing. Tell us about your latest business trip. See any fat people?

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I think the belief systems are comparable. Christianity has become more diluted with time, though, so it is no longer as extreme as some Islam is today. The bible professes that gays should be killed, witches should be killed (do you believe in witches?), unruly kids should be killed, you can sell your daughter into slavery.... Conveniently, most of that stuff is no longer followed by most modern Christians, but you don't think there was a time when Christianity declared war on folks for having different beliefs? Just look at the Crusades. The whole fundamentalist "Gods Law" movement is regressing back to those times which is akin to Sharia Law.

I mean wasn't this country founded on Christian beliefs, I mean of course we have laws to govern man, doesn't mean we should just straight up embrace stuff that man has deemed cool, like "homosexual behavior" and disregard the Bible.

Last post, enjoy yourselves poeple

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i can't believe that some people merge murder and illegal drug use (smoking grass??) into the same deviant and 'immoral' behavior class. I am going to hell in a handbasket for sure.

We should merge this and the War on Drugs thread for maximum lulz.

I'm on the express bus to hell apparently.

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New testament, son

"I have not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets" - Jesus.

Its very convenient to ignore the roots of a religion as they tend to be more crazy and out there. But do you really believe God used to be a vengeful omniscent being that eventually decided that all these things he saw as horrible and needed punishment by death suddenly changed his views?

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