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Is it important to enjoy your job?


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I don't enjoy my job much at all but I believe the main reason I work is to put as much food on my family's plate as possible.

I think as long as you don't work so many hours that it affects your home life and you can leave your work worries at the office, making money is the reason to work.

I could get a more enjoyable job for $30K less but I don't think it's worth it.

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My grandma gave me a pearl of wisdom when I got my 1st real job:

She told me, "Find a job that you love doing and you'll never work a day in your life"

The real world issue with this is that most of everything I really enjoy doesnt pay enough to make my bills, if it would pay at all.

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I don't know. I sort of wrestle with this question a lot. On one hand sure, everyone should enjoy their job because they spend the majority of their life doing it. On the other hand though we cannot all do what we love ... this area costs a lot of money to live in. Sometimes obligations (to family, significant other etc.) trump ones ideal occupation.

I am currently at a job that is def not my dream at all. Just don't think it's realistic and possible to get a job doing my dream (and who knows if it would be better ... grass isn't always greener) and afford to live in this area and support my family.

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There has to be balance between job satisfaction and quality of life (meaning, money). If you HATE what you do, then no amount of money is going to keep you from being miserable. However, if you can tolerate what you do and you are well compensated for it, it allows you to be happier once you leave the workplace. Having a ****ty job is stressful, worrying about bills during all of your waking hours is way worse.

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I love what I do, but it hasn't always been the case.

I've had good jobs working for good people that I've absolutely hated.. not doing what I wanted. I can remember having very lengthy discussions with myself on my way to work every day as to why I shouldn't just turn around ad quit. Had no reason to hate it.. but I was miserable.

So yeah, I think it's important.


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It's very useful to enjoy your job or at least the majority of it. It will impact you otherwise eventually. I guess the question lies where in the spectrum between love and hate you are. If you hate your job and are miserable and feel you have to sell your soul daily because of the wretched things they make you do... I think that's worth a 30K paycut for piece of mind and sanity. If it's just boring and blah and you can keep your life full in other ways, then despite not enjoying your job, you're okay.

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For me it's critical. My motivation and performance drop drastically if I don't like what I'm doing as a whole. Every job has it areas you don't like but if the overall profession is something that I don't enjoy I'm not going to do very well. It's just the way I'm built, thankfully I don't have to worry about that as I've found my calling and love what I do.

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I think we have to refine the question.

To me, no, you don't have to ENJOY your job but you can't HATE your job. I think TOLERATE is a word I would use to describe my satisfaction. But, there are upsides...I love my compensation, I very much like many of the people I work with, etc. I just don't wake up excited to support Federal IT projects...but I can do it without hating it.

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Let me tell you a fact of life.

You work for compensation. You don't do it for love of the work or any other bull**** excuse. You do it for compensation.

That being said, you are doing it for 1/3rd or more of your day. If you don't enjoy it or your peers, it affects the other two thirds which is your sleep and your downtime/sparetime. Work displeasure creeps into your personal time and everything sucks.

So yes. I'd say enjoying 1/3, half of your waking day, is very important.

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My motto is work to live, don't live to work.

I don't hate my job, don't love it either but I'm pretty well compensated for what I do, I get to work from home a few days a week, and I have a good work/life balance. I'm also pretty good at leaving work behind at the office and not stressing about things.

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I don't know that every job you ever have (possibly including the one you have now) has to be one you love. But IMO you should always be working toward a happier long-term situation if you're truly unhappy with some aspect of your life, and that includes your job. To my mind, it's important to end up in an enjoyable work situation even if you don't have it right now. Just be thinking, planning, preparing, and eventually moving in that direction.

This really rang true for me:

My motivation and performance drop drastically if I don't like what I'm doing as a whole.

This, a million times. When I'm bored, irritated, etc. my work performance goes way down. I've really only had one job in my life that didn't have me waking up saying "Uggghhhhh, not another day at that pointless place" after a few months. I still have that one job and I hold onto it very tightly.

There's also something to be said for really getting to know a borderline-intolerable job before giving up on it. As others mentioned, sometimes the people around you can make a "bad" work situation pretty damned good. Ditto for a "great" job where you're surrounded by stiffs or sharks all the time.

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