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Report: Redskins front-runners for V. Young


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Texan here, who watched Young play from High School to now. The world is funny how it runs on rumors. The only 100 percent truth that's out about VY is that he punched a guy in a bar for talking mess about him or his school. VY has never been arrested, he has never been charged with a crime. A lot of the comments I see about him makes me laugh. He is labeled a headcase. He doesn't get in the media saying bad things about anyone, he doesn't talk bad about his team or former team, he never once went to the media talking bad about fisher. All he said was that he wanted to play, and wish he had some support. But yet all some people see is headcase, rumors and more rumors. Its just funny..

VY came from winning on every level, every single level. He has been the best since grade school. He came into the NFL and won the rookie of the year. Which is a feat in itself seeing as though he was only the third QB to do so the other 2 being being Ben Roethlisberger and Dennis Shaw a guy who played in the 70's. Matt Ryan became the fourth. And after all his accomplishments, he gets in the league with an initial accomplishment and he still doesn't have the backing of his own coach. Then his own fans boo him and he gets hurt. That's a whole lot of things he never dealt with ever before.

Regardless of what you think frustration with his situation is valid. He may have took it to far in a lot of people's eyes. The rumor of trying to kill himself is absolutely stupid and people just eat it up. Miscommunication, conjecture and a coach who doesn't like you blew this situation way out of proportion. If you do the least bit of research you will find that the whole idea of him trying to kill himself and being fine by the end of the night is totally inconceivable. A person that is so depressed that they are not only contemplating suicide but have taken actions to possible get it done usually a. is hospitalize for a few days or more, b. surrounded by family, friends or anyone to watch over them or c. gets it done and kills themselves. And you don't go from depression to killing yourself like you go 0-60.

People attempt suicide after a long history of depression. It just doesn't make since. Don't just listen to rumors and miscommunication. Do some research people.

Anyway on another note. The last time you guys had a mobile QB who supposedly wasn't living up to his potential before being a redskin, and there was a lockout you guys won the SUPERBOWL!

Doug Williams 1987, look it up! Have your own mind, do some research!!!!

Great post. I say all the time that people need to use their own brain instead of just listening to whatever the media says. Thanx for the post

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Hard to keep peoples attention past the first sentence .

Probably cause your one of the people I'm talking about. Its Interesting how young people or just a person that doesn't use his or her own mind has such a short attention span when your trying to tell them truth or hit them with a bit of wisdom.

Its that whole dad giving pearls of wisdom and all the son hears his charlie brown speech thing!

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I actually was the first one who quoted and agreed with your whole post lol. My comment was directed at some posters here who just comment with out at least trying to understand what there commenting on.I know what Vince's situation has been in the past and think a change of scenery is a good thing for him.

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Probably cause your one of the people I'm talking about. Its Interesting how young people or just a person that doesn't use his or her own mind has such a short attention span when your trying to tell them truth or hit them with a bit of wisdom.

Its that whole dad giving pearls of wisdom and all the son hears his charlie brown speech thing!

He was defending your post, which was a good one, btw. Settle down. :ols:

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Our FO runs things differently how? Last year's QB debacle isn't even resolved yet.

See: the draft. No forced qb picks. Qb is the most important position, but its also a huge investment. Minnesota is going to regret forcing ponder at 12. We would regret forcing a qb selection, which is why we didn't make one. Mcnabb was a mistake. One that costly won't be made again. I'm not saying I know the future or that shanny is some genius, but I think the qb situation won't be as dire come time for football. And its not a stretch to think shanahan planned it that way.

If you don't see how different this fo is than with vinny and Danny running the show, open your eyes son. Let the light shine in. It's glorious lol

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Anyway on another note. The last time you guys had a mobile QB who supposedly wasn't living up to his potential before being a redskin, and there was a lockout you guys won the SUPERBOWL!

Doug Williams 1987, look it up! Have your own mind, do some research!!!!

Doug Williams was a mobile QB?

Who knew. I guess now just being a black quarterback automatically means he was mobile or something. Dude was a statue when he was here from what I remember.

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VY is a better QB that most think. He improved tremendously in 2010.

McNabb is a HOF QB.

It doesn't matter what QB we take in. If Shanahan punks him the QB will have no long-seasons value. After Campbell I assumed McNabb would get a least his multi-years to prove himself. But I guess the new Skins offense is "3/4 of a year or bust".

Well, in summary, it doesn't matter what QB starts here. Our Head Coach seems to have more influence on his performance (including in close 4th qtrs) than the actual QBs have.

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I actually was the first one who quoted and agreed with your whole post lol. My comment was directed at some posters here who just comment with out at least trying to understand what there commenting on.I know what Vince's situation has been in the past and think a change of scenery is a good thing for him.

That last post was kinda misleading, sorry. I got ya what your saying now. Thanks for the post.

I didn't grow up with this guy but I watch him play a lot. I won my first 200m race and 3rd in the 300 hurdles at his school when he was still in junior high and their was already talk about him. His school and my high school was in the same district. So I seen a lot of him.

In 2001 we had a super fast option QB who was a senior and Vince was a Senior at Madison. We were undefeated at the time. They met for a playoff game in the Astrodome. It was a back and forth game which ended with him having like 400 plus total yards 3 td passes. He won it in the last minute 61-58. One of Texas high school's highest scoring games.

But anyway lol it's just funny when I hear all these implausible things.

---------- Post added May-8th-2011 at 09:03 AM ----------

responding to SkinsFTW Doug Williams was a mobile QB?

Yea when he started out with Tampa Bay he was a mobile QB. That's why I said a mobile QB that wasn't living up to his potential. And let me clarify a mobile QB is not a running QB. I call Vince a mobile QB because he can also throw. That's why when he was coming out people were saying he had the potential to be better than Vick because in college he was a better passer than Vick along with equal rushing skills.

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Do some research people.

That's asking WAY to much of 98% of the board. :)

Otherwise, great first post. Especially since you touched on a few of the things LL & I have dropped before. Let me drop some connecting dots here now. :)

Shanny never scouted or interviewed Cutler before drafting him. He drafted him off of his buddy, Jeff Fischer's evaluation.

Shanny & Fischer aren't the same guy. They have different personalities. Fischer didn't want VY. Shanny thinks he can save VY's career.

Now its still possible Shanny goes with Beck &/or Rex i& never brings in VY. Especially if the lockout ends to close to or already into the season as VY wouldn't have time to learn a fraction of the playbook.

But if FA were to start tomorrow I'd be bringing VY in.

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But if FA were to start tomorrow I'd be bringing VY in.

Add in the fact that the new FO will not be giving up draft choices (either trade or wait to be cut) and I am betting they create a cap friendly contract. If VY does not work out cutting him will not take a chunk out of the cap like it was under Vinny. And this includes throwing salary money at him to lure him away from other teams.

In the end, brining him in will simply be taking a chance on a player that could pan out or eventually be cut without sacrificing future cap space and contracts.

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I just don't see why you wouldn't. I don't necessarily think he has a great chance to succeed, but to me it's a simple low-risk/high-reward type of move, and those are ideal in my opinion. Carriker being a prime example.

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I actually was the first one who quoted and agreed with your whole post lol. My comment was directed at some posters here who just comment with out at least trying to understand what there commenting on.

I know what you mean. This forum seems very very devided on the idea of Vince Young playing QB for us but some of the the thing being said here by the supporters just make me laugh

"Vince Young is far from selfish"

One of the funniest things ever written here. What would you call someone who mentally flips out ruining his chance to start for your team mid season like Young did exactly if your not admiting it was selfish? And he did that twice already, lol

"Having a new signing will always bring news, but it really wouldn't take away from the team"

Im sure in 2008 when he was suicidal his team was thinking that, or when he flipped out on his coach and got IR'd for bad behavior his team was thinking that as well, lol. And what's to say our movement of "character leaders" wouldn't get undermined the moment we make the signing splash of signing Young?

"So many players in the league over the years have become much better players than when they started, many early draft picks or QBS falter because they were not developed or in the proper scheme... Inviting VINCE YOUNG, BRADY QUINN, MATT LEINART, MARC BULGER, ALEX SMITH, RUSSELL, CLAUSEN...etc... those are just a few names of QBS who have not had the proper development or been able to succeed at the nfl level,"

How many of those guys have started 50+ games over their "not properly developed" careers? This reminds me of Campbell and there are still people out there who think he wasn't handled or developed correctly or given enough chances thats funny

"We wouldn't bring him here if he didn't fit. We wouldn't bring him here if he was going to be a headache"

As if the Titans didn't think the exact same thing. What makes any one believe after the Hanyesworth crap last year that he can control Young any better then Fisher did? I'd argue that Hanyesworth under Fisher had less off the field problems then he did coming here working with Shannahan and likely we would see the exact same thing out of Young. Of course there is nothing, zero proof in the idea that any player would come here and be expected to be a headcase like Young actually is but that doesn't stop it from happening does it? Best laid plans are often destroyed

"Bottom line - we need a QB. Vince is a winner"

Hahaha I already did the research for you all showing that the offense was more pass happy under Collins and they allowed Young to throw much much less when he was in there. "Winning" is over rated when it comes to QB's and Young doesn't have the tools to run this precision offense. He couldn't run the offense in Tennessee that they wanted him to. Think about the offense with Grossman last year and with McNabb, which looked better? You can ignore all of the facts about Young but simply passing 15 times a game and winning because your Defense and Running Game took over doesn't make you anything special in my eyes. Young sure as hell won't be coming here throwing for 300 yards a game ever, he only did that once in his 5 year 50+ game career. If you just want someone to hand off why spend the money for Young?

"Texan here, who watched Young play from High School to now. The world is funny how it runs on rumors. The only 100 percent truth that's out about VY is that he punched a guy in a bar for talking mess about him or his school. VY has never been arrested, he has never been charged with a crime. A lot of the comments I see about him makes me laugh. He is labeled a headcase. He doesn't get in the media saying bad things about anyone, he doesn't talk bad about his team or former team, he never once went to the media talking bad about fisher. All he said was that he wanted to play, and wish he had some support. But yet all some people see is headcase, rumors and more rumors. Its just funny.."

Another Texan here and I completely disagree with what you just said here. I've posted here lots of truths about VY like hes started 50+ games and only thrown for 300 yards once in his career, that Fisher completely changes his offense with Young allowing him to throw next to never compared to his competition. And how he's had off and on the field problems in his career, and how he couldn't get along with one of the most friendly player coaches in the league, and how he threw his uniform in the crowd and flipped off the hometown fans so forth. So while you may not "like" the truth and just want to be like all of these other posters repeating "He's a winner" and such the point is that what you said is not the only 100% truth about this guy and saying it is beyond funny to me. Stop ignoring everything so you can push for this guy. Pumping up a player is fine, as long as you have some thing to say about him but you didn't say anything except gloss over everything and make excuses for him.

This isn't true: Jason Campbell < Vince Young because Jason never had any problem like VY

This isn't true either: Jason Campbell = Vince Young because after so many starts Campbell had produced more then Young had

This is true: Jason Cambell > Vince Young

And half the forum wants this guy? Too funny. Happy Moms day to everyone

---------- Post added May-8th-2011 at 12:31 PM ----------

Especially since you touched on a few of the things LL & I have dropped before. Let me drop some connecting dots here now. :)

Shanny never scouted or interviewed Cutler before drafting him. He drafted him off of his buddy, Jeff Fischer's evaluation.

Shanny & Fischer aren't the same guy. They have different personalities. Fischer didn't want VY. Shanny thinks he can save VY's career.

You had it right up until that last sentence.

The idea that Shanny can salvage a bad players career who has off and on the field problems didn't work out with Hanyesworth and I can't recall a single time that Shanny was able to do that with anyone he had working for him. I know he tried it with Clarrett and that was a failure. What player can you point too was as troubled and in the public eye for misbehavior and fighting with coaches like this guy was that leads you to believe that Mike Shannahan could turn that career around?

Or even what makes anyone think that the exact same player he was in Tennessee won't be the exact same guy he will be here? I love conspiracy's as much as the next guy but that's all this sounds like to me. A bunch of you thinking Young got a raw deal and him coming here will be like some knight showing up on a white horse to save us. Sorry I don't see anything in Young's NFL game to think he is a good fit for this offense and see nothing but negative he can cause the team.

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Texan here, who watched Young play from High School to now. The world is funny how it runs on rumors. The only 100 percent truth that's out about VY is that he punched a guy in a bar for talking mess about him or his school. VY has never been arrested, he has never been charged with a crime. A lot of the comments I see about him makes me laugh. He is labeled a headcase. He doesn't get in the media saying bad things about anyone, he doesn't talk bad about his team or former team, he never once went to the media talking bad about fisher. All he said was that he wanted to play, and wish he had some support. But yet all some people see is headcase, rumors and more rumors. Its just funny..

VY came from winning on every level, every single level. He has been the best since grade school. He came into the NFL and won the rookie of the year. Which is a feat in itself seeing as though he was only the third QB to do so the other 2 being being Ben Roethlisberger and Dennis Shaw a guy who played in the 70's. Matt Ryan became the fourth. And after all his accomplishments, he gets in the league with an initial accomplishment and he still doesn't have the backing of his own coach. Then his own fans boo him and he gets hurt. That's a whole lot of things he never dealt with ever before.

Regardless of what you think frustration with his situation is valid. He may have took it to far in a lot of people's eyes. The rumor of trying to kill himself is absolutely stupid and people just eat it up. Miscommunication, conjecture and a coach who doesn't like you blew this situation way out of proportion. If you do the least bit of research you will find that the whole idea of him trying to kill himself and being fine by the end of the night is totally inconceivable. A person that is so depressed that they are not only contemplating suicide but have taken actions to possible get it done usually a. is hospitalize for a few days or more, b. surrounded by family, friends or anyone to watch over them or c. gets it done and kills themselves. And you don't go from depression to killing yourself like you go 0-60.

People attempt suicide after a long history of depression. It just doesn't make since. Don't just listen to rumors and miscommunication. Do some research people.

Anyway on another note. The last time you guys had a mobile QB who supposedly wasn't living up to his potential before being a redskin, and there was a lockout you guys won the SUPERBOWL!

Doug Williams 1987, look it up! Have your own mind, do some research!!!!

First post.

"You guys" in reference to fans/the skins.


Hi Vince, I hope you are signed the second this lockout ends.

As for addicted et al, it's funny, one of the biggest strikes you all had against Campbell was, in essence, "screw the stats, he's not a winner!! he's too passive; I want my qb to be passionate about winning!!". Now, when speculation that Young is going to join the team gets out, these very same people are saying "well winning isn't that important, and omg look at those terrible passing stats!! and look! he got upset after losing to us last year! BAD ATTITUDE!!"

The absurdity of it all is very amusing. How someone could argue with the idea of bringing him in to compete for the starting QB spot is truly puzzling. Though it's my opinion that Vince Young comes in and immediately gives us a better chance to win than ANY of the other QBs on the roster, there is absolutely no harm in letting him compete. He is a proven commodity, period. Though he has his issues, he's more than worth taking out a flyer on. Shanahan proved this year with Fat Al and DM5 that there are consequences for insubordination, and that, beyond being a competitor and hating losing, a bad attitude will land you on the :pooh:list. This will go for him, too.

The upside of bringing in VY? Huge. The downside? Near nil.

Do the right thing, Coach Shanahan.

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RESPONDING TO ADDICTED: All that was to much to Quote.

Well I was speaking in general about all the things I hear about VY not just on here. I should have clarified that. I didn't make no excuses I said he had a valid point to be frustrated. If I was him my blowup would have not taken as long. Me and Fisher would have fallen out probably in year 2 or something but that's besides the point. Like I was saying I was mostly speaking in general. No matter what NFL team forum you go to there are bad things being said about Vince Young. These are things to the point that pretty much add up to him being a criminal.

For you to say there is nothing you see that would make you think he is a good fit for this offense says to me that you may have not watched him play. Just because your from Texas doesn't mean that you watched him or liked him. It just says your from Texas. And I said I was from Texas because it was my first post and I'm not really a Redskin fan.

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That's asking WAY to much of 98% of the board. :)

Otherwise, great first post. Especially since you touched on a few of the things LL & I have dropped before. Let me drop some connecting dots here now. :)

Shanny never scouted or interviewed Cutler before drafting him. He drafted him off of his buddy, Jeff Fischer's evaluation.

Shanny & Fischer aren't the same guy. They have different personalities. Fischer didn't want VY. Shanny thinks he can save VY's career.

Now its still possible Shanny goes with Beck &/or Rex i& never brings in VY. Especially if the lockout ends to close to or already into the season as VY wouldn't have time to learn a fraction of the playbook.

But if FA were to start tomorrow I'd be bringing VY in.

Really? After dealing with a head case like Hayensworth, a prima donna like Portis, and a running QB who couldn't execute his playbook like McNabb, and rejecting all of them, why in hell would he bring in a guy who was a combination of the three?

Have you noticed something about this draft class?.... Brains. They all seem to have them. Our top draft pick wasn't the biggest name, he was the guy with good character, an outstanding work ethic, and high motor. How about Roy Helu? Have you listened to him speak? Not only is he going to make Portis look like a complete loser on the field, he makes him look like the egotistical moron he is off it.

And how about team building 101... How are you going to teach all of this new offensive talent how you want your offense run by putting them under a QB who can't run it himself? Why choose VY as a stopgap veteran when he is the least professional choice possible? What message does that send to the rest of the team? That you can be a complete nutcase as long as you have physical gifts and potential?

Honestly TK, you said yourself that he drafted Cutler without interviewing him himself, based only off of Fischer's evaluation. What do you think Fischer said about Young? And why would Fischer's opinion suddenly not matter when Shanahan, like the rest of us has seen VY melt down with his own eyes? And why waste a single snap for a guy who could, and probably will, melt down when you need him most? This crap about " he knows this is his last chance" is bull****. He should have known it was his last chance after his first major melt down. He's a head case. It' his nature and he is not going to change.

Vince Young exemplifies everything that has been wrong with this team since Snyder took over. Signing him would be the single dumbest move possible and if it happens, I swear to god, I'm done with this team.

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First post.

"You guys" in reference to fans/the skins.


Hi Vince, I hope you are signed the second this lockout ends.

As for addicted et al, it's funny, one of the biggest strikes you all had against Campbell was, in essence, "screw the stats, he's not a winner!! he's too passive; I want my qb to be passionate about winning!!". Now, when speculation that Young is going to join the team gets out, these very same people are saying "well winning isn't that important, and omg look at those terrible passing stats!! and look! he got upset after losing to us last year! BAD ATTITUDE!!"

The absurdity of it all is very amusing. How someone could argue with the idea of bringing him in to compete for the starting QB spot is truly puzzling. Though it's my opinion that Vince Young comes in and immediately gives us a better chance to win than ANY of the other QBs on the roster, there is absolutely no harm in letting him compete. He is a proven commodity, period. Though he has his issues, he's more than worth taking out a flyer on. Shanahan proved this year with Fat Al and DM5 that there are consequences for insubordination, and that, beyond being a competitor and hating losing, a bad attitude will land you on the :pooh:list. This will go for him, too.

The upside of bringing in VY? Huge. The downside? Near nil.

Do the right thing, Coach Shanahan.

Love this post! I'm not Vince though. Although I wish I had some of his money, this gas is kicking my butt!

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Just a crazy hypothetical question Mad Mike?

You will be done with your team you say. I understand that because I am done with my Texans until we get new coaches. While we have never even been to the playoffs, and have the 32 worst defense, arguably the worst secondary in history. I'm pretty confident that we won't win the Superbowl anytime soon so I won't be mad if we make the playoffs.

My question is would you be Mad, Mad Mike if your team signed VY and a miracle happen and they went to the Superbowl with him in 2011 or 2012?

Like I said remember 1987 ! The last time you guys had a mobile QB who supposedly wasn't living up to his potential before being a redskin, and there was a lockout you guys won the SUPERBOWL!

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Shanny never scouted or interviewed Cutler before drafting him. He drafted him off of his buddy, Jeff Fischer's evaluation.

The last thing I'm gona' do is call Coach a liar. I don't personally know him from Adam. But whatever he's told you or whomever Boss man, I find it real hard to believe a football franchise invests the 11th pick of a draft in a guy on someone not even involved with that franchise's recommendation without so much as scouting him themselves. Even less so a two time SB winning, HoF headed HC such as Coach Mike.


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