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Lets be honest....how many of you really know what you are talking about?


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I read though the tailgate and stadium daily. Post quite a bit as well, hence the 16k posts in 9 years.

We have had a range of discussions over the years, from the economy, to military strategy, to wars, to bailouts, to draft picks, to global warming, to the Bible to NCAA football/basketball, the NHL, women, and who knows what else.

But be honest, how many of you really have a clue what you are talking about in each of these threads and aren't just reading headlines or posting something from somewhere else?

We go from discussing Egypt/Tunisia one week to Wisconsin the next week. Now I don't know about most of you, but to me those are completely different topics which even experts on each take years to learn about.

Off the top of my head I can only think of a handful of people who know their stuff inside and out. Techboy on the Bible, Predicto on law and PeterMP on global warming and carbon emissions.

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I feel like I am a very reliable source on Penn State sports, MLB in general, and a mishmash of unimportant subjects. I'll fully admit to talking out of my ass occasionally, and by occasionally, I mean a lot of the time.

I never bother to get into the political threads because I just don't study or follow them enough.

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Good question. Lets face it though, people are going to lie about what they don't know and what they do know anyway. Especially if it is no way to prove them wrong.

I will say this though, I think majority of the people bring an original opinion to the board. :2cents:

As for me, I know nothing; I went to DCPS.....

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I read though the tailgate and stadium daily. Post quite a bit as well, hence the 16k posts in 9 years.

We have had a range of discussions over the years, from the economy, to military strategy, to wars, to bailouts, to draft picks, to global warming, to the Bible to NCAA football/basketball, the NHL, women, and who knows what else.

But be honest, how many of you really have a clue what you are talking about in each of these threads and aren't just reading headlines or posting something from somewhere else?

We go from discussing Egypt/Tunisia one week to Wisconsin the next week. Now I don't know about most of you, but to me those are completely different topics which even experts on each take years to learn about.

Off the top of my head I can only think of a handful of people who know their stuff inside and out. Techboy on the Bible, Predicto on law and PeterMP on global warming and carbon emissions.

What kind of math have they been teaching you up there in your jackwagon falls church area? :silly:

EDIT: for the lazy ones, he has 17k posts....unless he did 1000 in the process of about 1 minute

Everything I know I credit to google

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I don't inherently know much about most of the topics discussed. But, when I read an article (and sometimes do a little further research on the more complicated topics) I feel educated and intelligent enough to come up with an opinion. I will say though, I'm very regularly having that opinion swayed in these threads. In fact, very rarely do I enter a thread to "win a debate"...I'm usually trying to learn from you guys.

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I know everything.

How dare you question me?

I know amazingly little about sports despite listening and watching some type of sport nearly every day.

Most of my sports-related content is just re-posting other people's content that they tweeted or posted off online journalistic sites. :ols:

Example: I pimp the Phillies as a good team despite alleged injuries to their hitting and notorious hitting deficiencies

I laugh at people who say the Phillies won't win the NL East, then Game 1 happens and the Phillies are down 4-0

Real sports expert I am lol

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I read though the tailgate and stadium daily. Post quite a bit as well, hence the 16k posts in 9 years.

We have had a range of discussions over the years, from the economy, to military strategy, to wars, to bailouts, to draft picks, to global warming, to the Bible to NCAA football/basketball, the NHL, women, and who knows what else.

But be honest, how many of you really have a clue what you are talking about in each of these threads and aren't just reading headlines or posting something from somewhere else?


As a very experienced poster myself I cannot tell a lie....

I could tell you that I completely understand each of these issues and just happened to be always right when I take a my stance...

I have always had this ability which even fascinates me especially because my stance has at times not only change yearly but on a daily basis.... yet I continue to be right....

I have friends that are so amazed they always seem to look just astonished and think I should talk to doctors .....I guess to give them a little advice.....



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You have 17K posts, that much I know. (In 7 years)/

Is it really necessary to know anything here? Honestly, everyone has an opinion and this is the place to express them for better or worse. I often post the opposite of my opinion for my own perverse reasons. It's not life or death in here, throw an idea on the fire and watch it flame up.

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I have my own opinions based on what I read, and I try to spread that out, but as someone said it's basically a "jack-of-all-trades" type of thing with me as well.

Things I feel that I have a pretty firm grip on: Wesleyan Theology, Revelation, Gospel of Matthew, Bible, Biblical and Church history, the church, Methodism, missions. Basically the things I studied in seminary.

I'm passionate about other things though. ;)

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I don't claim to know a lot about everything. Which is perhaps why I seldom get deeply into these discussions.

"Better to keep you mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

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But be honest, how many of you really have a clue what you are talking about in each of these threads and aren't just reading headlines or posting something from somewhere else?


I know very little of what I'm talking about. I suspect if I did, it wouldn't be much fun to talk about stuff.

However.... I NEVER post things from somewhere else. My ridiculous thoughts are my own.

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