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The Racial Biases of Duke Hating


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"Duke has been this generation's most successful men's college team, so haters come with the territory. But what's increasingly disconcerting is the racial element that often seems to be at the heart of antipathy toward Duke. Over the past two decades of Duke dominance, the haters have had one thing conspicuously in common: The slick-dishing Bobby Hurley? Hustling overachiever Steve Wojciechowski? Sharp shooter J.J. Reddick? Duke haters especially hated these guys. Yet you almost never heard the haters go after a Grant Hill or a Chris Carrawell or a Nolan Smith. It's been the white players at Duke who've usually drawn the most venom... especially from white fans."

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First, a disclosure: I'm a Duke Blue Devils fan. I didn't attend the university, and I've been told by someone from the South that I would have fit in better with the student body on the rival Chapel Hill campus than I would have with the one in Durham. (I think she meant that as a compliment, and as a lifelong state-school guy, I take it as such.) But I can't help it; I simply enjoy watching Mike Krzyzewski's team win year after year by playing disciplined, fundamentally strong basketball while avoiding the showboating and individual-over-team play, not to mention the NCAA violations, that often mar the college game.

Bandwagon front runner. Duke fans are the Lakers/Yankees/Cowboys fans of college sports.

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How can you not hate a guy names Miles Plumlee or Mason Plumlee? That's just asking to be punched in the grill.

And HH...after watching their first game, I hate BYU. More specifically, I hated listening to the announcers slobber over Jimmer Fredette. Especially when he went through a cold streak of missing 5 or so shots and turning the ball over a few times. Didn't matter, Jimmer was God..and oh look, he signed a contract to succeed with his older brother and isn't that wonderful and *BANG* Just shoot me.

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Yes. It's obviously racial. All of us whites who hate the whites on Duke...

White on white crime, I tell you! (And for the record, most sane human beings don't actually HATE the person. They hate the player. JJ Reddick could be a great guy for all I know. I don't know him in the least. I know I hated him when he played for Duke as a player)

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I'm a Duke fan (by blood, parents went to Duke). Everything I've found out about the hate is that Duke's a private institution that wins. UNC has nowhere near the vitriol that Duke has, and historically they've won as much as Duke has. But since they're a public institution, they don't get the hatred.

---------- Post added March-24th-2011 at 01:08 PM ----------

was I the only one expecting this to be about the lacrosse thing?

I was expecting some reference, so no.

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I'm a Duke fan (by blood, parents went to Duke). Everything I've found out about the hate is that Duke's a private institution that wins. UNC has nowhere near the vitriol that Duke has, and historically they've won as much as Duke has. But since they're a public institution, they don't get the hatred.

Yep. That's all it is.

If Stanford won as much as Duke does, people would hate Stanford the same way. Probably even more, because it is even more rich and elite than Duke is.

It's human nature to root againt the school where the kids pretty much have it made.

And we all root against this guy the same way (and he probably goes to Duke)...


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I'm a Duke fan (by blood, parents went to Duke). Everything I've found out about the hate is that Duke's a private institution that wins. UNC has nowhere near the vitriol that Duke has, and historically they've won as much as Duke has. But since they're a public institution, they don't get the hatred.


I lived in Durham through elementary school and part of middle school so I'm a Duke fan as well. The only way you become a Duke fan is to live in Durham, go to school there, or have someone in your family go to school there. And the hate definitely comes from the fact that it's a private institution that wins. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I'd hate them if they were green.

I'll admit, I hate Duke because they're good, and they're ALWAYS good. I love to watch Kszssysyzyysfski lose. He's a great coach, no doubt. I have nothing but respect for the man. I like to see him get beat because he's so good. When he loses, it's something.

Same for their players. For the most part they get good character guys who are decent people and great basketball players. And I love to watch them get beat because they're good and when they lose, that's something.

I have no ACC connection, not an alum of any rival,, in fact my favorite NCAA basketball team (Villanova) rarely plays them. I just hate 'em because they're good.

I don't even know if "hate" is the proper word for it. Envy is good. I wish my Wildcats were that consistently good.


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People hate Duke for several reasons.


Lack of inside game.

Dirty play.

K's constant working of the refs -- no other prominent coach does this as badly as him

The fact that they get a disproportionate amount of bad calls go their way...thank God I'm not a Clemson fan.

Their players are often douches (see: Reddick, Laetner, Hurley, Henderson...)

Their players rarely achieve anything resembling NBA success due to lack of fundamental coaching at the college level

Their fans, and students, are elitist douches (for the most part).

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I'm a Duke fan (by blood, parents went to Duke). Everything I've found out about the hate is that Duke's a private institution that wins. UNC has nowhere near the vitriol that Duke has, and historically they've won as much as Duke has. But since they're a public institution, they don't get the hatred.

That's it, though I'm not sure people are really literally thinking private institute vs public. Basketball is a street sport. Duke is the furthest thing from the streets. It's a style thing. And they win. It just doesn't feel right. It's annoying and aggravating.

And it's got nothing to do with race. People love Bird, people love Blake here at Maryland, people love Nash from freaking Canada. Etc etc.

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If you haven't read it, Grant Hill's response to Jalen Rose is excellent. I don't think there's a more stand-up guy in sports on and off the court.

The Quad: Grant Hill’s Response to Jalen Rose

I am a fan, friend and longtime competitor of the Fab Five. I have competed against Jalen Rose and Chris Webber since the age of 13. At Michigan, the Fab Five represented a cultural phenomenon that impacted the country in a permanent and positive way. The very idea of the Fab Five elicited pride and promise in much the same way the Georgetown teams did in the mid-1980s when I was in high school and idolized them. Their journey from youthful icons to successful men today is a road map for so many young, black men (and women) who saw their journey through the powerful documentary, “The Fab Five.”

It was a sad and somewhat pathetic turn of events, therefore, to see friends narrating this interesting documentary about their moment in time and calling me a ***** and worse, calling all black players at Duke “Uncle Toms” and, to some degree, disparaging my parents for their education, work ethic and commitment to each other and to me. I should have guessed there was something regrettable in the documentary when I received a Twitter apology from Jalen before its premiere. I am aware Jalen has gone to some length to explain his remarks about my family in numerous interviews, so I believe he has some admiration for them.

In his garbled but sweeping comment that Duke recruits only “black players that were ‘Uncle Toms,’ ” Jalen seems to change the usual meaning of those very vitriolic words into his own meaning, i.e., blacks from two-parent, middle-class families. He leaves us all guessing exactly what he believes today.

...though the well thought out response probably isn't helping his street cred. :)

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