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AZC: Tennessee bill would jail Shariah followers


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I don't know, why are you afraid?

You can pretend you're not, but when you tell us to just wait and watch people being beheaded in this country.. sounds like you're awfully frightened to me.


Even if they were to continue with sharia law it would be fellow islamic followers who would be affected. Just like other immigrants harass and hurt fellow immigrants of their demographic because they tend to not go to the police.

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I think the bill is a load of b.s that will hopefully go away, but what about when Muslims hired to work as a public servants refuse service (Not bagging pork, a cabbie not giving a ride to someone with a dog or liquor) based on their Muslim beliefs?

Then they shouldn't have applied for the job. Cause selling pork is part of the job.

(You feel the same way about people refusing to sell condoms or birth control?)

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Then they shouldn't have applied for the job. Cause selling pork is part of the job.

(You feel the same way about people refusing to sell condoms or birth control?)

Like in some pharmacies, because of their RELIGIOUS beliefs, I am a christian and even I think it's bs......let people live their lives, just preach the word.....everyone WILL be JUDGED by GOD on judgement day, not man.
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Funny how the anti christian crowd who screams how there is no God shows solidarity for Allah.

Stupid are those who do not believe it will be the left who will be totally responsible when Israel is attacked soon though I do not really see them being that upset since you can't see them having a fraction of support that you see liberals / progressives rabidly giving the religion of peace.

Hey why should I care if wussy liberals in the US get beheaded by islamic radicals in the future? So far the only thing they have done is dismiss everything even when the talk of the potential for a Caliphate in the middle east or the Muslim brotherhood taking over Egypt

I'm Jewish, support Israel, yet I'm not scared. You are. Thanks for letting them win jackass.
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Even if they were to continue with sharia law it would be fellow islamic followers who would be affected. Just like other immigrants harass and hurt fellow immigrants of their demographic because they tend to not go to the police.

Sure, I agree totally. But passing this law won't affect that. If they're going to keep a closed society here (which as you point out, a lot do) then no law is going to matter...

UNTIL they try to stop the lawful operations of the police should one of them commit a 'sharia based' crime, like an honor killing.

But then again, the problem isn't necesarily Sharia, it's the people who refuse to assimilate to our laws.

This "law" is just fluff to keep the more xenophobic and ignorant among us pumping their fist against the Muslim Menace.

Now, I know you, I think,, you and i have been reading each other's words and opinions for a long time.

The happenings in the middle east should be giving all of us encouragement. And things like this "law" just put us on the wrong side of what appears to be a Great Awakening.

For all the world, it looks to me like these people that spent the last 40 years hating us.. want to BE us. (Maybe not entirely, but they want to live as we live. Free and making their own choices.

This should be celebrated. The radicals are on the run.

We're winning, bro. These revolutions prove it.

And as a private aside from one guy of similar age to another... how GREAT is it going to be to see Qadafi's body hauled thru the streets?

We've been waiting for this since Reagan's days.


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I think the bill is a load of b.s that will hopefully go away, but what about when Muslims hired to work as a public servants refuse service (Not bagging pork, a cabbie not giving a ride to someone with a dog or liquor) based on their Muslim beliefs?

Agree with you there. Those people need to get with the program, realize they are in America now or get fired.

I tend not to have much tolerance for those who are unable to do their job because of some silly interpretation they have, especially with dogs :doh:

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I think most are overlooking this bill is directed at organizations that support terrorism(and it's funders/supporters) and unlawful acts.

It is poorly drafted though

as to the aside ....it would bring me joy,but I wouldn't count on it

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This "law" is just fluff to keep the more xenophobic and ignorant among us pumping their fist against the Muslim Menace.


I generally respect your opinions, so I'm wondering if you've read the entire text of the proposed law? (I provided a link on the first page).

The reason I ask is that you seem to be arguing against what ND thinks the law is, and having read the entire thing, I don't see that it has anything to do with honor killing or any other such things.

It looks to me like they're trying to link sharia(or some components thereof) to jihad, and criminalize support of organizations that are identified as "sharia organizations that have intent to participate in terrorism or other shenanigans" (there's a couple of pages of dry bureaucratese describing the entire process of how such an organization is identified and whatnot)

There's even a section in the bill trying (probably unsuccessfully) to delineate between people who practice sharia and "the peaceful practice of islam"

I don't think that I agree with the underpinning "findings" of the proposed law, (although SHF promised a point by point rebuttal by the weekend :D) but I would be interested in seeing someone actually rip what's in the proposed law instead of all this other stuff.

Anyway, I'm not particularly trying to defend the law, I just feel a need to see it discussed as it really exists as opposed to the frothing mouth knee-jerk reactions that seems so prevalent in the tailgate, and even that mostly only because it's happening in the city where I work.


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I think the bill is a load of b.s that will hopefully go away, but what about when Muslims hired to work as a public servants refuse service (Not bagging pork, a cabbie not giving a ride to someone with a dog or liquor) based on their Muslim beliefs?

Same thing that should happen to a Catholic that does not give out certain persecriptions or a Jehovah's Witness who will not give a blood transfusion, either find another person you work with who will or maybe find another line of work that will not violate your conscience

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I generally respect your opinions, so I'm wondering if you've read the entire text of the proposed law? (I provided a link on the first page).

The reason I ask is that you seem to be arguing against what ND thinks the law is, and having read the entire thing, I don't see that it has anything to do with honor killing or any other such things.

It looks to me like they're trying to link sharia(or some components thereof) to jihad, and criminalize support of organizations that are identified as "sharia organizations that have intent to participate in terrorism or other shenanigans" (there's a couple of pages of dry bureaucratese describing the entire process of how such an organization is identified and whatnot)

There's even a section in the bill trying (probably unsuccessfully) to delineate between people who practice sharia and "the peaceful practice of islam"

I don't think that I agree with the underpinning "findings" of the proposed law, (although SHF promised a point by point rebuttal by the weekend :D) but I would be interested in seeing someone actually rip what's in the proposed law instead of all this other stuff.

Anyway, I'm not particularly trying to defend the law, I just feel a need to see it discussed as it really exists as opposed to the frothing mouth knee-jerk reactions that seems so prevalent in the tailgate, and even that mostly only because it's happening in the city where I work.


Well, first, I was talking with ND, and as is evident, that discourse has to be done on a certain leveI.

(not a dismissal, just an explanation.)

I did read it, but it really doesn't make much difference to me in regard to that conversation.

I think the fear of jihad in America is ridiculous, frankly.

We've had boots on the ground in the middle east for ten years and no jihad materialized.

To expect it here,,

again, it sure sounds like pandering to the lowest denominator, but also one of the most politically active by driving fears of homegrown terrorism "especially in tennessee" (alarm! alarm!)

As far as I know, the only major act of homegrown "terrorism" was perped by Americans. I think this law uses a known enemy, and juxtaposes the potential threat of this enemy onto hometown soil where it really doesn't exist.

While I believe we should be vigilant, I think this law would do more to drive paranoia against otherwise innocent people here in America.


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Agree with you there. Those people need to get with the program, realize they are in America now or get fired.

I tend not to have much tolerance for those who are unable to do their job because of some silly interpretation they have, especially with dogs :doh:

They should never work in a job that may conflict with their beliefs. If they don't like that, they are free to return to their home where they can not touch pork or give cab rides to people with dogs.

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So let me get this straight a bill introduced by two lawmakers, a bill that hasn't been passed, a bill that hasn't even hit the local media which tends to dig real deep for social injustice issues such as the death penalty being carried out on a guy who executed 7 fast food workers 20 years ago, has got you guys spun up. Wow it don't take much but guess whats coming down the road:

A bill about illegal immigration as tough if not tougher then Az

More guns laws that allow the citizens of TN to exercise their god given rights

Teachers Unions losing their collective bargaining power

These bills will pass with the support of the people of this state, the one you all are worried about??? Who knows but I would bet not. I love when people talk **** about a legislature that is following the wish's of their constituency (lowest denomenator pretty pompus if you ask me), you know the guys WE elected , not you, if you don't like it most of us don't really care this is our state not yours. I pay no state income tax, pay probably one third of the property taxes that most of you do, the home I own would have cost me three times as much in Maryland, I am allowed to exercise my right to keep and bear arms with little or no restrictions, for these and many other reasons I didn't settle in the Free (what a joke) State of Maryland when I retired and don't even get me started about Pennsylvania. So to recap, most of us in TN don't give a damn if you like our laws or not, don't come to Nashville maybe then I can get floor seats at the Gran Ole Opry. Oh and by the way I'm not afraid of a damn thing.

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Lowest common denominator can be pompous to you, but it doesn't make it any less true. Let us not pretend that evetyone in this country is as informed as we'd all like them to be. A vast majority of Americans are happily spoon-fed garbage, and we know it.

Seriously AR, you're a smart guy.

Do you honestly think that Sharia America is a possibility? (rhetorical question, of course not. As i said, you're a smart guy.)

Does this not look like pandering for votes by stirring fears?

Whether or not they are following the wishes of their constituents is matter of debate, since I'd have to be convinced that their consituency thought up this fear of Sharia taking over Tennessee all on their own, and also if they did, why no one ever once told them how ridiculous this fear actually is.

This is pandering.. using fear of an issue that doesn't actually exist in Tennessee except at possibly the most miniscule level.

Preying upon ignorance and fear = catering to the lowest denominator.


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Lowest common denominator can be pompous to you, but it doesn't make it any less true. Let us not pretend that evetyone in this country is as informed as we'd all like them to be. A vast majority of Americans are happily spoon-fed garbage, and we know it.

Seriously AR, you're a smart guy.

Do you honestly think that Sharia America is a possibility? (rhetorical question, of course not. As i said, you're a smart guy. You know better.)

Does this not look like pandering for votes by stirring fears?

Whether or not they are following the wishes of their constituents is matter of debate, since I'd have to be convinced that their consituency thought up this fear all on their own, nd also if they did, why no one ever once told them how ridiculous this fear actually is.

This is pandering.. using fear of an issue that doesn't actually exist in Tennessee.

Preying upon ignorance and fear = catering to the lowest denominator.


What I'm trying to tell you is that most folks here have no idea about this bill, so I'm not sure who the two reps are catering to, it hasn't hit the media and take my word for it the Murfressburo Mosque case was all over the news for months...its probably just two knuckleheads looking for 15 minutes of fame, just give us a little more credit OK.

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Bang, sharia followers supporting others in crime or terrorism is certainly a possibility here...and already exists according to the feds

Will it be embraced here?...No, no more than other radicals are(you know,those crazy right wing militia guys)

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. So to recap, most of us in TN don't give a damn if you like our laws or not, don't come to Nashville maybe then I can get floor seats at the Gran Ole Opry. Oh and by the way I'm not afraid of a damn thing.

we can keep dreaming on that one.

Better to continue to put the focus on stories like this and keep hoping that Deliverance gets played on a 24 hour loop on TBS. Keep all of the ********s in jersey


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I love when people talk **** about a legislature that is following the wish's of their constituency (lowest denomenator pretty pompus if you ask me), you know the guys WE elected , not you, if you don't like it most of us don't really care this is our state not yours.

The government should follow the will of its people. The government should not pass laws that are in direct violation of the Constitution. All citizens of the U.S. have the right to choose any religion they wish. They have the right to worship openly. Limiting how someone can worship is in direct violation of Freedom of Expression. Now, there are caveats... if your religion calls for human sacrifice you can't do that. If it calls for rape or abduction you can't do that. But there are already laws on the books detailing the behaviors which are illegal... we do not in this country limit the ability of a person to follow their religion. It's part of the very essense of America. You can wear your cross. I can wear my yarmulka. She can wear her burka. We celebrate our differences and we gladly embrace the concept of the melting pot. Not this xenophobic and anti-religious stuff.

We allow the Hasidic, the Amish, the Wikka, we allow lots of extreme religious practices in this country. That's a strength. That's also a keystone of who we are.

We need to be better than this.

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So to recap, most of us in TN don't give a damn if you like our laws or not, don't come to Nashville maybe then I can get floor seats at the Gran Ole Opry. Oh and by the way I'm not afraid of a damn thing.

Then you won't mind when we point out how ignorant and bigoted these types of laws and those that support them really are.

Who knows I might visit TN and the Gran Ole Opry. You haven't reached Arizona status yet, a state that I simply won't visit and personally had a hand in canceling events scheduled to take place there. You'd be surprised how common that is by the way. Event planners on the east and west coast have all but forgetting Arizona exists because it generates so many complaints.

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What I'm trying to tell you is that most folks here have no idea about this bill, so I'm not sure who the two reps are catering to, it hasn't hit the media and take my word for it the Murfressburo Mosque case was all over the news for months...its probably just two knuckleheads looking for 15 minutes of fame, just give us a little more credit OK.

Fair enough.

Lets see how much support the knuckleheads get.

And FTR, even through my argument here, I dont' think this law will pass.

I still have faith in the sane, but the insane do have a loud voice.


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