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Trade value of Santana Moss


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With Shanny being the authoritarian in D.C. right now, it seems like 90% of the roster is not guaranteed a roster spot next year. After watching yesterday's game, i bet that Santana lost some brownie points when he dropped the potential game winning catch.

With Moss coming off one of his best seasons as a Redskins, what potential trade value does he have?

Moss is 31 years old right now and perhaps his best days of football are behind him, i certainly don't know because i am not a coach. But it might be time to consider trading him this off season while he is coming off a great year.

Many teams could use Moss as an EXCELLENT slot receiver and i think he has potential trade value.

I love what Moss has done for us in the past few years, he has been the only wide receiver on the Skins that has actually had starting capability. With that being said, it may be time to part ways with him mainly because he's starting to get there in age, he may actually have some value, and the Skins are not going to be much of a contender for the next few years anyways.

What do you you think the trade value for Moss is? And would you trade him this offseason?


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No idea what he'd get in a trade... maybe a 4th? He's a great guy to have on your team: speedy, elusive, productive, fun as hell to watch play, and a loyal teammate. But if we're really going to rebuild, we should trade anyone over 30 who can get us value. We need to get younger and stockpile picks. Rebuilding a team is painful in the short term but we have to bite the bullet and do it.

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I say a 4th. Best case scenario. Maybe a 4th and a 7th.

Maybe we should trade him BUT I'm thinking if WR is one of our big weaknesses (and it is), do we really want to dump the best one we got? I think he most definitely can play a role here. And a 4th just isn't enough for me to do that.

---------- Post added December-21st-2010 at 03:53 AM ----------

He can (and pretty certainly will, I believe) void his contract after the season, so he doesn't actually have any trade value.

Didn't know that. Thanks for the fyi.

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Should of gotten what we could last off-season, or the year before that.

One of the biggest parts of being a great HC is knowing just when to cut ties with your older guys, no matter what attachment you have to them. Shanahan aside, who walked into a **** storm, we haven't had that for too long in DC

Not that we'd get much for him, but it's ridiculous he could walk for free this close season.


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I recall reading that Santana's contract "automatically" voids at the end of the 2010 season. I know his deal was restructured in summer 2009, so a lot of the money was front-loaded/converted to signing bonus. So his 2011 and beyond salaries are fairly low.

My preference would be to bring him back, but to also bring in a top flight receiver to go with him. The idea of putting a top shelf receiver together with Moss and Armstrong sounds perfect to me.

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Moss is going to have to take slot receiver money which I doubt he does.

We'll end up with a true #1 next year and won't be paying #89 big money to stay.

From Rotoworld:

5/5/2005: Signed a six-year, $31 million contract. The deal included $11 million in bonuses, all of which were paid in the first two seasons. A $2.955 million "signing" bonus was added to the contract in 2009 in exchange for Moss agreeing to reduce his base salary. 2010: $968,500 (+ $3.3315 million "signing" bonus), 2011: $1.192 million (Voidable Years), 2012: $1.4155 million, 2013: $1.639 million, 2014: Free Agent

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Offer him a 2-3 year deal, as a SLOT RECIEVER, reasonable money... Pray that Armstrong and Kelly (if he can stay healthy) step up as 1 and 2, or hope something falls in our lap for a true #1....

but for sake of the thread, IF we had the rights to trade, I would think a 3 would be best case, 2 if someone was beyond desperate, and 5 if we were just trying to dump him.

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Let him walk and replace him with a cheaper wr in jacoby jones. Houston will probably be losing there HC and that system so we can scoop alot of there good young castoffs. Maybe add James Jones as well go into 2011 with Jones,Jones, Armstrong, Kelly, Austin. Still draft WR's so they can learn behind our vets but any beasts that standout you phase them in and phase armstrong,Kelly or austin out as the season goes along!

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even if he walks, we should get either a 5th or 6th comp pick.

---------- Post added December-21st-2010 at 09:22 AM ----------

Moss has plenty left in his tank and he has more value to this team then a 4th (or lower) round pick would. Keep him.

People need to stop over-valuing trades because in case you haven't noticed the value of WR's has been low in recent years when it comes to trades.

there really is no point in keeping a 32 year old wide receiver when your team is rebuilding and trying to establish a young nucleus.

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I recall reading that Santana's contract "automatically" voids at the end of the 2010 season. I know his deal was restructured in summer 2009, so a lot of the money was front-loaded/converted to signing bonus. So his 2011 and beyond salaries are fairly low.

My preference would be to bring him back, but to also bring in a top flight receiver to go with him. The idea of putting a top shelf receiver together with Moss and Armstrong sounds perfect to me.

I agree ... we cuold surely use the help and i would welcome him back (and personally want him to stay and retire a skin as the "cowboy killa"). We can't just trade every player for draft picks. We still need to field a team, and we don't have an abundance of WR's on the roster already.

he has done a good job this year in this offense. he drops some balls, but its not like he is completely useless ... he;s still able to score TD's and make big time catches. he's got a couple years left in the tank. Now, if he wants to leave and go somewhere else, then I totally understand why he would want to do that.

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Should of gotten what we could last off-season, or the year before that.

One of the biggest parts of being a great HC is knowing just when to cut ties with your older guys, no matter what attachment you have to them. Shanahan aside, who walked into a **** storm, we haven't had that for too long in DC

Not that we'd get much for him, but it's ridiculous he could walk for free this close season.


Its kind of hard to do that when we are cycling through head coaches every 3 years.

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I guess you have to trade the only weapon at WR, other than Armstrong, to get any kind of draft compensation even if it is a 4th rounder. Come on! What is that? We need to trae the guy that produces every year because we need to rebuild and cut our losses. That would set us back even more than we are now. Yes we need some better receivers than we have now and more draft picks to go along with them. But, the way to do that is to have someone that can evaluate talent and not an owner that sees a good player on another team up for trade then pull the trade off by giving up to much. We gave up too much for Brown and McNabb in those trades. Giving up two draft picks for a hurt or declining player is not a good deal regardless of what he did in the past.

What would have happened if McNabb wasn't traded from Philly to the Redskins or any other team? Would he be starting for Philly this year? Would Vick be starting over him? Sure in hindsight you can say yes but no one knows for sure. So we are going to trade Moss for whatever we can get for him instead of keeping him so he can still produce but help the other WR's get better as a mentor. You have to put your best players on the field and so far no one has been able to unseat him at that position. We have drafted Thomas and Kelly to help with the WR corp but both failed to do anything. Thomas is no longer here and Kelly is on IR again. So Kelly will have his chance to prove that he can play this next year but he may not even make the team because he can't stay healthy. So consider him a bust even if he was drafted in the second round.

So keep Moss and draft smarter and don't trade for anyone that is past his prime, hurt the year before, or is just pure lazy because we don't need them. We need talented team players with a winning mind set that can make plays. Don't go out in FA and get someone else's leftovers because there is a reason why they are letting him go. Use FA wisely and don't just go after players that are looking for a big payday. Get players that truly want to be here and will buy into the system they are running. Everyone else needs to go or stay away.

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