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Trade value of Santana Moss


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No idea what he'd get in a trade... maybe a 4th? He's a great guy to have on your team: speedy, elusive, productive, fun as hell to watch play, and a loyal teammate. But if we're really going to rebuild, we should trade anyone over 30 who can get us value. We need to get younger and stockpile picks. Rebuilding a team is painful in the short term but we have to bite the bullet and do it.

This should be our policy whether we are rebuilding or not. Don't the Eagles and Patriots pretty much follow this strategy?

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Moss says he wants to re-sign...lets sign-n-trade him lol...Tell him he's traded AFTER the fact, The Shanahan way lol...j/k

I'd trade him for a 3rd and even a 4th rounder and pick up a WR like Matt Szczur to replace him. To become great requires the sense of when change is necessary....and change is necessary. Especially if offered a draft pick and we have a chance to get a baller like Szczur.

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He has not trade value, he's going to be a FA as mentioned in many posts above.


Wide receiver Santana Moss says that despite the continued frustration of enduring one disappointing season after another in Washington, he still wants to resign with the Redskins this offseason when he will be a free agent.

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We NEED a true #1 WR. That ain't Moss. AA is solid as the #2, but I'd like to see him in the slot. I'm not even going to entertain the idea that Kelly ever actually plays, until he does. Austin is hardly worth mentioning, until he consistently does anything except be on a roster with major holes at WR.

Both FA WR named Jones, both play next to some of the best WRs in the league and would make solid #2's for us, but none of that actually gets us what we have lacked for a seriously long time.

IM0, our WR corps next year look like this. AA, Banks (who unless he shows anything except straight line speed, is not worth mention).

0ur oline is bad, but this is the largest hole on the team.

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As long as he isn't looking for the typical ridiculous contract that is served here in DC, I really would like to retain him.

Everytime I want to bail on him, he decides to go and produce. His big drop yesterday hurt, especially because it looked like the safeties momentum was going to take him out of bounds, and Moss could hop, skip, and jump into the endzone, however, at the same time Moss was just as big a part in getting the team into position to win in the first place.Both of his TD catches were pretty good. The first one, he took contact and busted through it, and the next one, he seemed to jump pretty high and still manage to get two feet down for the TD.....

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This just popped into my head. And I'm pro-Moss in terms of re-signing him, as long as its a reasonable deal with little guaranteed money.

But when was the last time Moss had a "big" catch? Just a great play, a great catch, or even a game-winning play? I think his second TD catch this past game against the Cowboys is about it. Like NoCal says, he got his feet down and made a good play.

But Armstrong now makes all of the great catches...he goes up over similarly sized DB's to nab errant deep balls, away from his body, with his hands. He dives and catches balls tipped off of other receiver's hands. He makes last second adjustments and comes back for poorly thrown balls.

None of this has anything to do with production. Moss is still a productive receiver, although I'd love to see both of these guys with a true #1 on the outside.

I'm merely talking about highlight-reel plays. Moss no longer makes them. Does that mean he's not a good receiver? No, this isn't about making ESPN's Top Ten. Circus catches don't count for extra points. I'm just saying that he seems to play more....pedestrian than in the past.

I've also noticed that he's seriously put on some muscle, which has slowed him down. But its probably also made him more durable, so maybe that's a wash. But it could also be why Armstrong (and previously Galloway) gets ALL the deep looks, when that was Moss' "thing" before.

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