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You Know you are watching the Redskins play when....


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You're completely and totally beaten down by halftime and only stick around for the second half b/c you're a "fan" although you spend the entire second half wondering what the hell you're doing wasting hours and hours watching this team and you actually resent the fact that they have a chance to win late b/c you know all they're doing is tricking you into caring until they just simply drop a deuce at the exact moments where they needed to show up and win a big game that could mean the division title down the road.

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How about a good ol fun thread. Complete the sentence. I'll start

Carlos Rogers drops a 4th quarter interception to seal the game.

This can apply to every game this year with the exception being the Rams. It may not have sealed the game but the Colts scored 10 points off those dropped INTs. That makes me sick.

Gano, kick a damn field goal. Please.

Otherwise, great effort - they just fell short.

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