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Food Stamps: A Rant.


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I hope you know you're talking to a Pirates fan. I'm going to log off and go pack up the car. :ols:

Pirates fans still exist? I mean, I'm an O's fan and I'm amazed I still claim that much. In fact, I told my buddy up here that we'll have to see a Pirates/O's game the next time they play in Pittsburgh just so we can watch 2 horrible teams play in a 3/4 empty stadium. You can join, hell they have "all you can eat" seats for like, $50 to get people to come!

But I meant a football game....you know, with real athletes. :evilg:

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This post is the most confusing post that I've ever read, ever.

Probably because it was directed toward you. In fact, it was meant for evil genius to respond to because he called my handling of a situation at work as callous and I suspect he's still butthurt over called him a callous whiner in a previous thread :D

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in the old days you could not buy candy/sodas/chips etc with your food stamps

Now MD lets you just take the cash out of your account. I se people all the time buying 1 item them taking max cash back

and i never see them using coupons

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Probably because it was directed toward you. In fact, it was meant for evil genius to respond to because he called my handling of a situation at work as callous and I suspect he's still butthurt over called him a callous whiner in a previous thread :D

Lets watch that potty mouth, young lady!

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zoony, you had about three minutes of observance, not even interaction, of her, and you can, all of a sudden, say what benefits she's eligible for?


What's her name? Income? Religion? DV history? Child count (hers, adopted, foster, or kinship)? Housing situation? IQ? Cognitive ability? Multiaxial? Psychosocial?

You don't know the answers to any of these, but these are all questions that we ask to determine who is eligible for what.

There's no excuse for her rudeness, but don't judge what you don't know.

I get the "don't judge" message, but his point is that there's something wrong with the PROGRAM. Food stamps should be a last resort, after you sell your new car and shut off your fancy cell phone. This lady is clearly not hurting for money.

I'm sorry, but I work hard. It's annoying when people who don't work hard get EVERYTHING that I work hard for. I wonder what percent of people on welfare have cable television. It should be ZERO, but I'm sure it's not.

And as for the poster who said bad foods are cheaper, that's complete garbage. You can get a couple of pieces of fruit for the same price as a McDouble, and it's just as filling (and WAY better for you). In fact, most of that bad food is pretty expensive.

EDIT: And no matter what your IQ is or how many kids you have, you should not be allowed to buy $150 in Snickers with tax money.

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1) Your use of the word "epidemic" kind of negates your credibility. As someone who works in the field and has both a bachelor's and master's in the field, I'm going to defer to my education and experience. You have an extremely small sample size, so the validity and reliability of your study is nil.

2) Explain to me the process, please. Then go and do it. Then report back. Thanks. :)

1) If you are going to drop your supposed education and career as a trump card, then list the degrees and what you do in this field that qualifies you as an expert on welfare fraud. My sample size spans 10 years of purposeful observation,. I have witnessed thousands of food stamp transactions and stand by my assertion. It is an abused and overused system lacking in oversight and proper management.

2) You don't have to be unemployed to qualify, so it is a bit of a moot point. If you are, you have to show that you've "registered" for work. You might have to attend job fairs or work training seminars if requested. Very little effort required.

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thyroid problems can cause massive obesity, even for people who are technically on a starvation diet.

My sister has thyroid problems and has a wheat allergy and is overweight. She literally eats only 1900 calories a day at age 16, its very depressing to watch.

I will give it to you though, obesity and overweight issues are almost always entirely preventable through good diet and exercise.

No disrespect (and it sounds like she's legit), but 1900 calories a day isn't that small. I'm 6"1' and 165 pounds, and I usually eat less than 1900 calories a day. I used to eat much more (and I used to weigh 20lbs more, too).
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Scooters, cell phones, food stamps, sweet midsized sedans and accessible parking?!

Sign me up!!

Actually, I would hate to trade places with that person.

I've had that person as a client and her life has tons of challenges that you may not see in 5 seconds.

This client, whose husband left her, moved out of state and doesn't pay the support he's supposed to. He left the house to go into foreclosure. She's been a homemaker for years and is a person with LD. She suffered years of abuse from her husband and at one time, was in a car accident that severely effects her physical stamina. While she may walk around here and there, she needs that Accessible parking. She has two kids who both have challenges and receive alternate education services. One child is a person with autism and often refuses to eat, so she bribes him with mini Snickers bars to eat dinner.

So if I see her at the store and she's riding in a scooter, buying candy bars, and parking her car in a accessible space, I'll say hello and treat her like a person, and not a leech.

For the OP's shopping list, what percent of that $150 in bad food do you think was going to help her autistic son's eating habits?
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Probably because it was directed toward you. In fact, it was meant for evil genius to respond to because he called my handling of a situation at work as callous and I suspect he's still butthurt over called him a callous whiner in a previous thread :D

This post wins purely because of the use of "butthurt". :D

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Lets watch that potty mouth, young lady!

Wwwaaaaiiiiihhhhhhttt! What potty mouth? I threw out the term :butthurt: which I will stand by in regards to that poster because I believe that this case.

Really, what did I do wrong polywog99999?

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This thread reminds me of the time Ol Dirty **** of Wu-Tang Clan fame went and picked up food stamps in a limo, soon after his album went quadruple platinum.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYy1QI6ZOeY&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYy1QI6ZOeY&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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No disrespect (and it sounds like she's legit), but 1900 calories a day isn't that small. I'm 6"1' and 165 pounds, and I usually eat less than 1900 calories a day. I used to eat much more (and I used to weigh 20lbs more, too).

maybe but 1900/day does't lead to obesity usually

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This thread reminds me of the time Ol Dirty **** of Wu-Tang Clan fame went and picked up food stamps in a limo, soon after his album went quadruple platinum.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYy1QI6ZOeY&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYy1QI6ZOeY&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

whan a sack of ****

no wonder people think welfare is for bums

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This thread makes me angry.

Its because of beauracratic bull**** that food stamps are good for anything more than produce, canned goods, bread, milk, and juice.

Until one of our greasy politicians (where's the change barack?) steps up and places an emphasis on logic over votes...it's only going to get worse folks.

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Nice socialist swipe. Very clever. :rolleyes:

Believe it or not, in most states it is REQUIRED that a person actively look for a job when applying for any benefits. Just because one person does it doesn't mean that the person is representative of the whole. But, you know, when education is too hard, stereotyping is easy. :)

Looking for a job and trying to get hired are TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS

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1) Your use of the word "epidemic" kind of negates your credibility. As someone who works in the field and has both a bachelor's and master's in the field, I'm going to defer to my education and experience. You have an extremely small sample size, so the validity and reliability of your study is nil.

2) Explain to me the process, please. Then go and do it. Then report back. Thanks. :)

Dude your arrogance is mindblowing.

Listen, I'm right around your age, so maybe you'll get it soon enough like I did, but no matter how good you THINK you are, no matter how educated you THINK you are, there is always, ALWAYS someone who has an edge on you in every category.

I cant believe you just threw your average education and limited experience out there when you're rocking a single advanced degree and what, maybe 8 years max experience? Do you realize you could be talking to someone who has literally 3x+ the education and 4x+ the experience you do?

Dude I'm a young, confident, sometimes ****y guy, but give me a break...wake up man you are embarrassing yourself.

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For the OP's shopping list, what percent of that $150 in bad food do you think was going to help her autistic son's eating habits?

("her son with Autism" is the person first phrasing, btw)

I have no idea as I don't know that person, I just know one that fits into a somewhat parallel situation. I was just explaining how snap judgments can be deceiving. I have no idea what the person Zoony saw was doing with a country farm's worth of bacon.

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I've talked to people from both Workman's comp and unemployment here in Utah,and if what they said to me is true elsewhere,then "overwhelmed" is the word of the day. It was like this before the economy went South,and can imagine that it is worse now,(the implication I received from a person in the state unemployment office was that this was definitely the case. Duh). I would imagine this is true with the food stamp program as well. It's...."tough" for them to look at each and every individual case. "Widespread" abuse of the systems isn't anything new,at least according to the folks I talked to. I can see how it wouldn't be all that tough with Unemployment and to a degree,workman's comp. Again,would imagine the same could be said for the Food Stamp program. Especially if they are as overwhelmed as other programs. It sucks,because obviously there are those who really need it,but people are people and some,if not many,will take advantage.

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Texas is NUTS man, I went to Austin for spring break and holy cow.. literally..

Austin is one of the most physically fit cities in the entire country. It is usually always ranked in the top 10 in the country for healthy lifestyles.

Outside of Austin . . . . that is another story.

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If you build it....they will come

Ok so your upset that some fat ***** is taking advantage over the free lunch, free parking spot, free scooter, and god knows what else that piece of garbage is sucking off us hard working tax payers right?

Well sir what can we do about it?

I'm not at all suprised to see this sort of thing ever. Hell it doesn't surprise me when I go into Walmart and see illegal immagrints who legally don't belong in this country using some check thing to get a tax free discount either. Fact is the human spirit today is the weakest it's ever been in all our history. Everyone walks around with an entitlement attitude, people feel they are owed something, people feel they don't have to work hard for it anymore. This has been getting worse and worse since they day I was born and it's not changing anytime soon

You can not ignore the fact the baby boomer generation raised most of us. And they were the "me first" generation. You can not ignore that we are starring at bankruptsy as a nation today and at the same time the old babyboomers are not willing to give in and sacrifice because they want that money. The country be damned. These are our role models for the past 60 years

You can't ignore the fact that to eat healthy requires usually more money, more imagination, and more work to feed yourself and we have become an incredibly lazy country.

All of these things plus more really don't even get to the crux of the issue in my opinion. Politicans buy votes with these entitlement plans. If you want some of mine then vote for the socialist, he will redistribute my wealth and all of you can have some too. Why does this **** keep happening? Because every one of us feels like we are owed something from this country.

If your black you want some reparations for slavery, if your white you want some reparations for things like BET and NAACP and preferential job placements for non whites, if your a woman you want reparations for the long history of being treated lesser then everyone else, if your Japanese you want it for the A Bomb, if your Mexican or Native American you want it because this was your country first, and on. Everyone wants something for some ancient history crap no matter what ethnic group you fall into. Everyone wants something for nothing.

Ask not what your country can do for you...remember that?

People like yourself point to the real people that need it and say "great program but it's being abused" but your wrong. The answer is not social welfare and handouts. That only leads to abuse. What about the welfare crack head who trades his cards in for drugs, or the homeless person who trades his for a bed to sleep in for 2 weeks? You think if you could only buy the essentials abuse would stop? I don't. Doing that would just cover up the problem.

Unfortunately our best option is to kill all of those programs. Get rid of the attitude of entitlement, get rid of the system that wants to give you something for nothing, get rid of belief that the country or anyone owes you a damn thing. **** that noise. If you have the program people will abuse it as sure as the sun will rise somewhere on this planet every day. Either get rid of the program or join the program for your own happiness. You can not beat them

So I say go get that scooter, go get that welfare card, and suck off the countries dying tit like everyone else. Get in where you fit in, at least while you still can. Change aint coming, this is all going to **** soon, might as well take advantage now. We all know the lazy people in this country aren't willing to work to change a damn thing anymore or believe we can turn this sinking ship around. So if it so pleases you go get that welfare card and spend spend spend and enjoy that snicker sandwich.

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When I lived in HIgh Level for a few years (small town in north alberta) I volunteered at the food bank (before you start thinking im a fat ghandi, I did it because a really hot chick i was seeing ran the show) anyway for the first few years that I sorted and moved food, what I saw disgusted me, the food bank was housed in the Native friendship center on the edge of town, and I noticed that several of the people who came to pick up packages drove far nicer vehicles than I did, dressed in newer fancier clothing(I was paying off a student loan) and acted like asshats if we didnt give them extra luxury goods like canned ravioli and steak.

I finally lost my cool once when a local bands chief came in and asked for a package and was ignorant to the female volunteer at the front. He berated her and called her a racist when she asked for his reason for requiring food bank help (something they did for anyone using the service) and then said he was only going to take some of the package. (apparently he wasnt hungry enough to eat kidney beans.) My day job was working for North Peace tribal council so I knew how much that dip**** was getting paid (about 3 times what I made at my well paid job) so I came out front and said that the service was for people who needed it because of hardship not because they spent their cheques at the video lottery terminals.

We helped a lot of needy people, and for that alone the service was awesome, but man I hated the douchebags who would take food from needy childrens mouths and think nothing of it.

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I cant believe you just threw your average education and limited experience out there when you're rocking a single advanced degree and what, maybe 8 years max experience? Do you realize you could be talking to someone who has literally 3x+ the education and 4x+ the experience you do?

Did you just claim that having experience, a related 4 year degree, and a related masters..... Is average?! Do you know what average means? Yes there are people that could have 3 times the related education and 4 times the related experience. In the US there are most likely less than 5000 people that would fit that description

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