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NCTimes: USGS Upgrades Baja California Earthquake to 7.2 mag.


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I heard on tv that this was the biggest earthquake in SoCal in 18 years. And I missed it! :( They even evacuated Disneyland.

My boyfriend told me it was stronger than he's ever felt, and that he almost rushed outside during it... my brother said the pool water spilled over.

Some video on front page of cnn.com

Edit: I guess this is a better link: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/04/04/mexico.earthquake/index.html?hpt=T1

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What is up with all the earth quakes? I have no idea what amount of activity is considered normal but there seem to be a lot of earth quakes lately.

End times baby! We are overpopulated and Mother Earth is slowly expelling us. I fully expect the next deadly quake to be in the U.S. If that quake were hit somewhere that usually hasn't had quakes or quakes in a long time; that city will be wiped off the map.

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It wasn't that bad up here. I'm sure it was stronger near San Diego. I was in a stronger one last summer when the epicenter was in Hawthorne, which is literally up the block from me. Even though it was only like a 4.5

Definitley tons of earthquakes recently.

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It's just a run-up until Yellowstone blows.

Oh no I forgot about Old Faithful. Anybody heard about a massive underwater volcano in the Canary Isles that could wipe out the entire eastern seaboard if it erupts and triggers a tsunami? Thats the one I'm REALLY worried about.

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What is up with all the earth quakes? I have no idea what amount of activity is considered normal but there seem to be a lot of earth quakes lately.

Baja April 04, 2010 (7.2)

Southern California April 04, 2010

East Sea of Japan March 14, 2010 (5.6)

Indonesia March 14, 2010

Chili, March 11, 2010 (6.9)

Turkey, March 8, 2010 (6.0)

Sumatra, March 5, 2010 (6.5)

Taiwan, March 4, 2010 (6.4)

Argantina, February 27, 2010 (6.1)

Chile, February 27, 2010 (8,8)

Japan, February 26, 2010 ( 7.0)

Hati, January 12, 2010 (7.0)

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Baja April 04, 2010 (7.2)

Southern California April 04, 2010

East Sea of Japan March 14, 2010 (5.6)

Indonesia March 14, 2010

Chili, March 11, 2010 (6.9)

Turkey, March 8, 2010 (6.0)

Sumatra, March 5, 2010 (6.5)

Taiwan, March 4, 2010 (6.4)

Argantina, February 27, 2010 (6.1)

Chile, February 27, 2010 (8,8)

Japan, February 26, 2010 ( 7.0)

Hati, January 12, 2010 (7.0)

That strikes me as a lot in four months. Is that a lot?

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That strikes me as a lot in four months. Is that a lot?

Yeah I think that is a lot. I also think these earthquakes are not only more frequent, but are bigger. I remember the earthquake which hit San Fran in 89 during the World Series was only a 6.9 magnatude quake and that was a pretty big and rare event....

This year we've had five quakes larger and all seemingly to be remote from each other. Japan, Taiwan, Chile, Hati, and Baja.

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What is up with all the earth quakes?

All part of mine and Lex Luthor's evil plan (using SUV's to increase global warming) to get rid of the People's Republic of Calif and adjacent wicked states resulting in a New West Coast with exciting new places like Luthorville, NavyDaveton, Otisburg.... otisburg??? :):rolleyes:

superman the movie 1978

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That strikes me as a lot in four months. Is that a lot?

Eh, not really. I mean, we might be experiencing more in a smaller amount of time than normal, but these things aren't exactly linear. It varies. The Earth just dissipates energy and the fact that they're kinda all over the place is a good thing; the lack of a focal area would seem to indicate there's no real build-up of energy in one place.

Some stats from the USGS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/year/eqstats.php

Keep in mind that our ability to detect earthquakes increases all the time, due to increased numbers, and sensitivity, of seismometers.

Even if we do end up having an unusually active year, it doesn't really mean anything--next year could be unusually inactive. And we're dealing with a geologic timescale, not a human one.

That, or the world is about to crack open and send us all to the fiery depths of the Earth...

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I just moved from Japan to San Diego and me and my wife both just felt the biggest earthquake ever, and she's Japanese. I thought I was getting away from them by leaving Japan and moving to a part of California that usually doesn't have them.

Everyone here says that this was the biggest one they've felt and I've talked to some old people. I guess the LA quake in the 90's was a lot smaller.

We were in the grocery store in downtown SD, 1/2 way checked out and all the store employees ran out leaving us standing there so we ran out too. Then they closed the store for the day. The quake seemed pretty long but I didn't hear anything breaking but the tall lights in the parking lot were swinging around pretty good.

When it happened I was thinking that LA was finally having the big one thats been predicted but I guess that one will come later, just like Tokyo. I'm glad to be out of that city though because Tokyo is going to be mass carnage when the next one hits.

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7.8 shakes Indonesia.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A major earthquake of magnitude 7.8 shook the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the U.S. Geological Survey said Tuesday.

A local tsunami watch was in effect for Indonesia, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

The quake was centered 127 miles west-northwest of Sibolga, Indonesia, and was at a depth of 28.6 miles, the USGS said.

It initially reported the quake's magnitude at 7.6.

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