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Put the Damn Phone Down, Idiot!

Ghost of

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So I'm driving back from class and it's been snowing all morning, but fortunately, not too heavily so the roads aren't in awful shape but you do have to be careful.

I'm on the home stretch because I'm not even a mile from home at this point, in fact, my turn is like like a block or so away but this is a hilly thoroughfare. There is snow on the road but there are tracks to follow to stay safe.

So, as I'm driving, there's another car in the left lane (two lanes each way) and I'm cool at first then I see in my sideview mirror that this person is over the dashed lane lines. At first I think it's because we're starting to go downhill on an angled curve. But it keeps happening and she's going well over into my lane and she's gaining speed. Finally, I make some motions in the side mirror (hoping she sees something) to move over, I think I even honk.

She finally recovers, goes way over into her own damn lane and drives by and I see this ***** with her damn cell phone and one hand on the wheel, it looks like she's either texting or looking at something on her phone.

I lose it, I honk, I gesticulate like a villager from Lefkas, and yell noiselessly (from her perspective) as she drives by.

It's bad enough a thing to do when the roads are clear and conditions are perfect. Seriously, did this idiot not realize that going downhill, in the snow, at an angle may require more of her attention than a few fingers on the wheel? Am I surprised that it was a woman? No. Am I surprised that someone doesn't know when they're swerving into the other lane? Yes. How does this escape your vision? Oh yeah, right---texting---that's what's in your ****ing vision you stupid *****!

And if I had chased her down, run her off the road, pulled her out of her car a la GTA and beaten her to death, I'd be the one to go to jail!

So, summary death sentence for moron, selfish ****ing drivers who come close to killing other people or what? These people are worse than Ted Bundy.

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And if I had chased her down, run her off the road, pulled her out of her car a la GTA and beaten her to death, I'd be the one to go to jail!

Yeah, society has just lost all perspective of what's important.



Saw a story, once, about devices that will jam cell phones. They're illegal to use, but not to sell or buy. The article said that there were allegations, for example, that some hotels use them so that cell phones won't work in the hotel, and guests will have to pay the hotel's jacked-up prices for phone calls.

And I've always had this vision of installing one in my car, so that it's on whenever the car's running. No cell phone usage within a half-block of my car.

But then it occurs to me that if I did that, then instead of being surrounded by idiots on cell phones, I'd be surrounded by idiots who are looking at their call phones, yelling "Hello! Hello! Can you hear me? Hello!". They'd probably be more distracted.

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Yes, the cell phone-at-all-costs degenerates are the worst kind of scum. Do they not realize that the cell phone is affecting their driving? Has this not been on the news?

The worst part is the girl who almost crashed into me, at NO POINT, dropped her phone. The phone was what was important. Considering the time and direction, I can't imagine anything pressing enough to justify it, especially since the road straightens out eventually and gets flat, and you could probably get away with some of that later.

Some people simply don't care. Of course, again, if she crashed into me, and I flew off the road (going downhill) and flipped over, it would garner comments like "people need to be careful in the snow" instead of "this ***** needs to die."

I think I could almost forgive actual cell phone use but she wasn't talking into it and looking ahead--she spent the entire time looking at the goddamn phone (texting or internet?)

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And if I had chased her down, run her off the road, pulled her out of her car a la GTA and beaten her to death, I'd be the one to go to jail!

That's a damn shame.

I feel your pain though. I don't drive much but I've been there before: Dumbass driver putting everyone's life at risk by texting/talking/reading/etc. and the cops never seem to catch them or pull them over. And if they do we aren't hearing about it. They should crack down on stupid **** like that more often.

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Texting while driving = DWI

:applause: God forbid but if I was ever in an accident after knowing I was okay and so was the other person and the vehicles were not in flames; the first thing I would want to know is if the other person was on their phone or texting. Any accident that is caused by texting or cell phone use needs to punished just like drunk driving.

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Meh, I have to talk on the phone in the car the weeks that have me driving site to site.

Luckily I'm familiar with hands free devices, have never been in an accident that was my fault (or even that involved my car moving at the time), and have a completely spotless driving record. If you're holding your phone while driving, you ARE DOING IT WRONG.

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i think the reason why women are terrible drivers is because they are so confident in their multi-tasking skills, a trait so helpful in life but dangerous while driving, that they do both like its a normal activity. Thing is driving requires your undivided attention. Listening to the radio or music is ok but even that can be a little risky. Most drivers I know instinctively turn the radio down when they get lost or in a part of town they don't know, i think it helps them focus.

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i think the reason why women are terrible drivers is because they are so confident in their multi-tasking skills

Disagree. I've been in the car with women drivers who have both hands on the wheel like a death grip and they still are ****ty drivers.

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i think the reason why women are terrible drivers is because they are so confident in their multi-tasking skills, a trait so helpful in life but dangerous while driving, that they do both like its a normal activity. Thing is driving requires your undivided attention. Listening to the radio or music is ok but even that can be a little risky. Most drivers I know instinctively turn the radio down when they get lost or in a part of town they don't know, i think it helps them focus.

Are any of those driver's that do "instinctively" turn the radio down women? Because what you describe is a common reaction by males, good and bad driving males.

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But then it occurs to me that if I did that, then instead of being surrounded by idiots on cell phones, I'd be surrounded by idiots who are looking at their call phones, yelling "Hello! Hello! Can you hear me? Hello!". They'd probably be more distracted.

Exactly! :)

Only thing worse than a texting driver is a driver who's actually trying to make their phone work! LOL Imagine the concentration during a tech jones. Crystal meth has nothing on a cell phone for some people.

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Most people can't even drive and then you add having them on cell phones uggh. I hate when I am at a light and the car coming the opposite direction thinks its fine not to use their turn signal because they are on their phone. Or that person on the highway going 50 mph in a 65 and I am wondering what the heck are they doing and when I pass them they are talking on their phone. Even worst is when they are in the passing lane going slow cause they are on their phone.

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I do it, but only when there are no distractions possible...

Like when I'm going through a school zone at around 2:30pm... I can't pay attention to my text convo, the road, AND the kids darting in and out of cars...

And I mean I'm aware, because I'll text "OMG kids are driving me crazy through this school zone JEEZ!!!!"

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Disagree. I've been in the car with women drivers who have both hands on the wheel like a death grip and they still are ****ty drivers.



It's so true.

But in all seriousness, if you text when you drive, you're seriously playing with karma and natural selection. Pay f-ing attention, you are operating a motor vehicle. Talking is one thing, you can hold it up to your head, looking down while driving is stupid and seriously we survived decades without obsessive cell phone use, you can last 20 minutes...

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I had one last summer. I am driving back towards my house, and I come up to a stop sign. There is a pick up coming from Home Depot to the intersection (he has the right of way) . There is a kid heading towards me in his lane, headphones in his ears, playing with his cell. Breezes right through the stop sign a T-BONES the pick up!! lumber and other stuff flies out of the truck all over the road. The guy in the truck gestures me to pull over so I can be a witness when the cops got there. This kid that hit him had THE BALLS to play innocent when the cops got there. He acted like it was the other guy's fault. The cop laughed at him and wrote him up for everything he could think of.

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I'm probably in the minority here but I think we should encourage cell phone usage while driving. Also encourage putting on make up, reading a book, doing your taxes, or anything else you can think of.

We need to stop hand cuffing Darwin. Let the stupid people do these stupid things. then we can all laugh when we drive by and they are burning to death in a fiery wreck.

It could actually solve a lot of the countries problems. Cut down on over population. And think of all the jobs that would be opened up!

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I'm probably in the minority here but I think we should encourage cell phone usage while driving. Also encourage putting on make up, reading a book, doing your taxes, or anything else you can think of.

We need to stop hand cuffing Darwin. Let the stupid people do these stupid things. then we can all laugh when we drive by and they are burning to death in a fiery wreck.

It could actually solve a lot of the countries problems. Cut down on over population. And think of all the jobs that would be opened up!

Fail. :) What about the rest of dying in the process?

The solution came early in the thread. Hands-free technology and NO texting.

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