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CNN: Reid apologizes for 'Negro dialect' comment

Redskins Diehard

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“He (Reid) was wowed by Obama's oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama - a ‘light-skinned’ African American ‘with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one,’"...



Nice Senator Reid. I've never thought of President Obama as someone that turned on and off his "Negro dialect"(whatever that is) as it fit his purposes.

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Did he give this from his plantation?

Normally this would be a career ender, but hes in charge of the people in charge...so...

absolutely nothing will happen and this is why its done on a Saturday...

Does it really count as an apology if he doesn't specifically apologize to those WITH negro sounding dialects?

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I have to admit that when I saw the title, I was trying to figure out if it was Andy or Tara, and why one of them would be discussing it at all.

It will be interesting to see the tone and intensity of reaction from the usual players.

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As if there wasn't enough ammo to justify an end to Reid, that alone should get him sanctioned and cost him dearly. No one from the dem side who has ever railed (rightly) over the profuse and similar brain-dead comments from their opposition should make any less noise about this insufferably brain-dead comment as this from Half-Baked Harry.

And I'm reacting because the story's cited from a credible soruce. I always hold back until I make sure it's not Fox News, MSNBC, or worse. :)


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with any luck he'll be gone from office this time next year

Us here in Nevada share your thoughts. It is beyond me how he keeps getting re-elected. I have a friend that hates him, but, votes for him because he thinks that because Reid has seniority it is good for the state and would hurt us if he lost.

He has a tough campaign coming up and so far it is not looking real good for him and I hope it turns out very bad for him.

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Get rid of this clown. Honestly how can a man in his position in 2010

A/ think this way

B/ be so STUPID as to say this out loud even if he DID think this way

It shows a complete personal failure in so many ways. There is simply no place and no excuse for this. His apology should be followed by a resignation, simply because he just plain doesn't get it.


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He has done more than enough wrong politically to be removed, but this should help.

I lol'd at "unless he wants to". Like Obama is saying "yo, lets drop a bomb on dat ***** ass Bin Laden" behind closed doors. "Yo, Reid, let me ax you sumtine".

Actually, what's pretty hilarious is in the audiobook for "Dreams of My Father," Obama reads some of the dialogue from his youth using the "Negro dialect."

"Buy your own damn fries!"

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Why do reps and dems say or write things like this when they know it will come back to haunt them?

As a conservative, I hope he is defeated this fall. I'm surprised that some on the left wish to see him gone - seems like he has been rather effective over the years. Just saying...

I have no idea,,, you really have to wonder how insulated their mind is in that they hear these words in their heads and not connect how it will sound coming out of their mouths.

Everyone has mis-spoken before, but jeez.


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SO i guess the only way racism exist is when people make it an issue after all. I told you guys that you were funny as ****

I don't think you're being fair here. No one said it doesn't exist. (Well, maybe a few think it doesn't. But certainly not to the degree you're broad brushing)

It doesn't always exist, but anyone who thinks it's gone is deluded.

By saying this you're saying that because people disagreed with you on the Tiger Woods / Charlie Sheen thread, for example, they naively believe it is gone entirely.

As in all areas of life, each situation is unto itself.


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I have no idea,,, you really have to wonder how insulated their mind is in that they hear these words in their heads and not connect how it will sound coming out of their mouths.

Everyone has mis-spoken before, but jeez.


Actually, I remember once seeing a collection of things that famous politicians had said in response to major disasters.

I think it was Al Gore, after touring hurricane damage, who said he was "totally blown away".

And somebody, talking about earthquake damage, saying they were "deeply moved".

But you're right, saying something like this is a lot dumber than those things.

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