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Jason Campbell improving, according to the stats. *UPDATED WITH FINAL STATS*


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I think some of his stats are inflated by us playing from behind so often and a cushy schedule but he's improving in other ways beyond his stats.

I've never seen such control at the LOS from him, especially not on the road. Drawing defenses offsides with a hard count? Complete 180 from him snapping the ball as Ed Reed is sprinting into the backfield. Much better at getting the team in and out of the huddle too.

Looking back at what Cooley said last week I have to wonder if the command of the LOS thing is because of the wristband. They are getting out of the huddle a little bit quicker and he is able to take the time needed to do those things.

I wish Zorn would have done the wristband for him last year. Who knows what a difference it could have made? :(

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I don't like him because he is "at best" average. I don't like him because I want and think we deserve an "elite" QB. I like the strong willed, rah rah leader type and Jason is not and never will be that. He also is not a NFL speed QB. Whether it's mechanics or mental speed he just doesn't have it.

Also can't stand the fact open competition for the QB position didn't occur in the beginning of '08 or '09 and that Jason seems to be the reason Gregg Williams wasn't hired as HC.

Not sure where you can get the numbers from but it would be interesting to compare Jason's numbers this year against others in the last year of their contract. It's not unusual for a guy to play lights out when his contract is ending and if this is Jason "lights out" he won't play at this level again once he receives that big contract.

Again all of this IMO and you don't have to like it or agree with it.

LOL at the contradictions in this post.

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For the record, I agree. But I'm wondering who he thinks is such an upgrade...

So far I've only seen one person calling for JC's head who had an alternate in mind, and it's not a proven elite (it was CB).

As for the main JC-bashers, I haven't seen any of them answer this question, though it's been posed repeatedly on multiple threads.

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So far I've only seen one person calling for JC's head who had an alternate in mind, and it's not a proven elite (it was CB).

As for the main JC-bashers, I haven't seen any of them answer this question, though it's been posed repeatedly on multiple threads.

Let's see how the off season ends up ok? We don't have a say anyway right?

I would however give Colt a real shot with Todd backing up and coaching along the way.

BTW Todd and Colt have a contract next year Jason doesn't.

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Not trying to be funny or insulting...

But can you answer the question for once please?

What question is that? I already posted in the thread.

Using a worthless player's own previous inadequate performance as the baseline to measure improvement against provides nothing of value other than showing a player is not as worthless as he use to be. Doesn't mean he is capable of performing in the NFL.

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There is like 5 elite Qbs in the entire NFL. Everyteam wants one.....why do we DESERVE one?

So people can stop squawking about bad coaching, Vinny Cerrato or Dan Snyder then?

After all, why do we "deserve" good coaching, good GM, franchise structure or ownership?

Not even really talking about QB here, I just don't know if I agree with your counter to w's point.

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Let's see how the off season ends up ok? We don't have a say anyway right?

I would however give Colt a real shot with Todd backing up and coaching along the way.

BTW Todd and Colt have a contract next year Jason doesn't.

This is sort of a contradiction isn't it? You blast them for not having an "open competition" for the starting spot this year, but now you want to let Colt play just because he isn't Jason? I'd think that, seeing as how he wasn't even able to sniff the #2 spot after camp and preseason (where there WAS an "open competition"), you'd want to have Colt prove that he should be a starter.

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How can you base a team wining or losing solely on a QB? That I don't get, sure he has a hand in it but there many other pieces. Even The best QB's in the game need parts to work with. Again not saying Jason is good, but I don't know if it's fair to equate how good a QB is to a team winning or losing...there are many other places breakdowns and failure come from, poor blocking, drops, bendy defense, bad coaching, bad playcalling, poor running game, etc.

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Bottom line here, Zorn was hired for the wrong position and it is very evident. He is a teacher but is not a head coach, play-caller or coordinator.

As for Campbell, anybody who is a fan of this team and cannot stand behind him, I can't understand what your thinking. He has put up with a lot of things this season from injuries, to controversy, to heart-breaking loses. Not to mention he is still getting pounded into the turf. He's battling and his heart is incredible. He has all the tools and they are starting to show.

I mean give Campbell credit, our o-line has been devastated by injuries and he's playing with practice squad RBs. Yet he continues to make plays and fight.

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This is sort of a contradiction isn't it? You blast them for not having an "open competition" for the starting spot this year, but now you want to let Colt play just because he isn't Jason? I'd think that, seeing as how he wasn't even able to sniff the #2 spot after camp and preseason (where there WAS an "open competition"), you'd want to have Colt prove that he should be a starter.

Actually no, I have seen what Jason can do and 20-39 isn't enough. We have wasted enough careers waiting for him to be average. Just like it was time for him (which I was routing for btw) it's time actually past time for another change.

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Actually no, I have seen what Jason can do and 20-39 isn't enough. We have wasted enough careers waiting for him to be average. Just like it was time for him (which I was routing for btw) it's time actually past time for another change.

OK so you're saying that you don't care if Colt actually plays better than him (or even Collins for that matter). You just don't want Jason in there. Or you don't care if we draft a rookie and it is obvious to the coaches that he is not ready to be thrown to the wolves. You just don't want Jason in. Gotcha.

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OK so you're saying that you don't care if Colt actually plays better than him (or even Collins for that matter). You just don't want Jason in there. Or you don't care if we draft a rookie and it is obvious to the coaches that he is not ready to be thrown to the wolves. You just don't want Jason in. Gotcha.

Where in the hell did you get that from what I wrote? I knew some of you are delusional (that's why my ignore list is getting bigger) but this takes the cake.

Would I be happy if Jason was benched tomorrow? Absofrickinglutley and I have believed since 2007 Todd is better then Jason and that Colt has more upside. Btw if it was ok for Jason to have 50 games why not the others?

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Where in the hell did you get that from what I wrote? I knew some of you are delusional (that's why my ignore list is getting bigger) but this takes the cake.

Would I be happy if Jason was benched tomorrow? Absofrickinglutley and I have believed since 2007 Todd is better then Jason and that Colt has more upside. Btw if it was ok for Jason to have 50 games why not the others?

What I was trying to clarify was whether or not you were still for "open competition". It seemed you were saying that we need to put someone else in there, no matter what. If Campbell were still playing poorly I would agree since he would definitely be gone next year, but since he has been playing well (and if he continues to play well) it is much more likely that the Skins will try to keep him. If that happens would you want an "open competition" and whoever plays better gets the job or would you still just want to go with Colt (or whoever else...Todd, drafted QB, etc)?

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What I was trying to clarify was whether or not you were still for "open competition". It seemed you were saying that we need to put someone else in there, no matter what. If Campbell were still playing poorly I would agree since he would definitely be gone next year, but since he has been playing well (and if he continues to play well) it is much more likely that the Skins will try to keep him. If that happens would you want an "open competition" and whoever plays better gets the job or would you still just want to go with Colt (or whoever else...Todd, drafted QB, etc)?

I have wanted it for two years but "someone" obviously doesn't agree with me. Because of that I believe Jason has been given more then he deserves for his play (total) and it's someone else's turn. Anyone else's.

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