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Jason Campbell improving, according to the stats. *UPDATED WITH FINAL STATS*


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This is a terrible example. Dilfer was the exception not the rule. Look at the last 20 years of Super Bowl champions and tell me how many had legitimate franchise QBs and how many had a scrub like Dilfer riding a defense all the way to the big dance.

Dilfer's stats are also a bad example because he only played 8 games that year.

And the Ravens dumped him right after the Super Bowl, because they knew he was not a long-term answer. We cling to Campbell like he's made of gold, yet he's never even played in the postseason, let alone won a Super Bowl.

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Oh, please. SD game is a prime example of why this arguement isn't valid. JC had a 101.4 passer rating in that game, and the defense let 2nd and 3rd stringers drive right down the field for the game winning score. The NO game is another one. Is JC and elite QB, no. But he's improving and there's a helluva lot more wrong with the skins then JC. That's why the whole team is 4-12.

Other QB's put teams away. That is the point. JC lets them hang around. He doesn't have a killer instinct.

Since, JC has been here, the Redskins have made teh playoffs twice without him an d are a winning team without him. With him, they are losers. He is teh problem.

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Oh, please. SD game is a prime example of why this arguement isn't valid. JC had a 101.4 passer rating in that game, and the defense let 2nd and 3rd stringers drive right down the field for the game winning score. The NO game is another one. Is JC and elite QB, no. But he's improving and there's a helluva lot more wrong with the skins then JC. That's why the whole team is 4-12.

So much more wrong with us than just JC. Like that POS oline.

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Wins and losses are a team effort, individual stats are.. well.. individual.

Trent Dilfer won a superbowl following this regular season :

59.3% 12TD 11Int 1500yards and a 76 rating

Mark Sanchez is in the playoffs with this:

53.8% 12TD 20Int 2444yards 63.0 rating

I could go on and on about average QB's in the post season. Hell I could point out what Drew Bree's numbers were prior to getting into an offense that fit him. The bottom line however is that teams have gotten twice and three times the results the skins have with far less production at QB... and yet people like to tell themselves the problem is the QB. JC is definitely not someone I think is the answer. However the stats show that he's not the main cause of the problem. With a QB that is producing middle of the pack numbers, the team should not be 4-12. Then again Laron Landry shouldn't be giving up multiple touchdowns in a game. The defense shouldn't switch to prevent with a one score lead in the 4th. Field goal kickers shouldn't miss chip shots. Intercepted balls shouldn't be stripped and taken in for touchdowns. And the offense? Amazing how it got better with a different guy calling the plays, despite playing better competition.

Nicely said. The statistics arguments get tossed around too much on this site. It's hilarious how some will post positive individual stats that are argued against with "intangibles" or team stats. Everyone has (and is entitled to) their own opinion on this and every other matter, but there are rarely any concessions or compromises in these arguments.

I posted a year or so ago a statistical comparison of JC and Eli Manning that compared their individual stats compared with the age of the offensive line. The conclusions from that showed that JC and Eli were virtually identical statistically with OLs of similar composition; however, the 2-3 year difference in line age accounted for a direct effect on JC's productiveness. Does this mean it's the end-all-be-all for QB production? No, but it is certainly worth consideration.

Similarly, we can look at the Production in the Red Zone, Production when in the lead, Production outside the RZ, but those stats mean NOTHING when not also coupled with stats about playcalling and other contextual information. If there was 1 TD and 3 Ints when leading by 7, but passes were only 20% of the calls (obviously hypothetical), it changes the story.

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JC was 15-20 entering this year. He is now 19-32, 37.25 win %. If you add the Bears games from 2007, he was 16-20 entering and is 20-32, 38.46 win %.

Ok, the site I got those from, in a hurry, must've cited numbers going into 2008 instead of 2009 then.

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Wins and losses are a team effort, individual stats are.. well.. individual.
We watch these teams play. Trent Dilfer is not a good QB, he's a highly mediocre veteran who was cut after the SB. He played half a season for them.

Is your argument that he's a great QB because he went 7-1 with the Ravens? Of course it isn't.

You're missing the point, Jason was supposed to be a franchise QB. We tried to build a team around him. Because we did a poor job, people think Jason has had it bad. They ignore we signed Jim Zorn here to develop Jason. Signed 3 larger, taller, receiving threats in the 2nd round. Handed him the starting position without competition the last 2 seasons.

The fact you say he's not the answer speaks volumes. We drafted him to be the answer. We built this team for him to be the answer. He's a big part of why this team is not very good.

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You're missing the point, Jason was supposed to be a franchise QB. We tried to build a team around him. Because we did a poor job, people think Jason has had it bad. They ignore we signed Jim Zorn here to develop Jason. Signed 3 larger, taller, receiving threats in the 2nd round. Handed him the starting position without competition the last 2 seasons.

The fact you say he's not the answer speaks volumes. We drafted him to be the answer. We built this team for him to be the answer. He's a big part of why this team is not very good.

By building a team do you mean signing the 32nd rated LG from 2008 and a lineman who was 100 lbs overweight and hadn't played in 3 years. Then expecting two 33 years old coming off two major surgeries each who didn't stay healthy the entire season before to last 16 games. And for the depth on the o-line we didn't have even one player who had taken a snap in 2008. That's a sucky way to build a team around any quarterback.

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By building a team do you mean signing the 32nd rated LG from 2008 and a lineman who was 100 lbs overweight and hadn't played in 3 years. Then expecting two 33 years old coming off two major surgeries each who didn't stay healthy the entire season before to last 16 games. And for the depth on the o-line we didn't have even one player who had taken a snap in 2008. That's a sucky way to build a team around any quarterback.

thats good, just use one year as an example.

he had 07 and 08 to do anything and he failed both seasons.

then in 09 the line fell apart and youre acting like the line had been horrible for his entire tenure, yet it was good enough for portis, good enough for betts, and good enough for todd collins.

i recently just figured out youre a massive auburn fan so your opinion on JC is definitely rooted in college football. at least your mancrush is understood.

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thats good, just use one year as an example.

he had 07 and 08 to do anything and he failed both seasons.

then in 09 the line fell apart and youre acting like the line had been horrible for his entire tenure, yet it was good enough for portis, good enough for betts, and good enough for todd collins.

i recently just figured out youre a massive auburn fan so your opinion on JC is definitely rooted in college football. at least your mancrush is understood.

I credit his failed knee cap in 2007 for our playoff run.

Hooray JC's inferior patella!

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thats good, just use one year as an example.

he had 07 and 08 to do anything and he failed both seasons.

then in 09 the line fell apart and youre acting like the line had been horrible for his entire tenure, yet it was good enough for portis, good enough for betts, and good enough for todd collins.

i recently just figured out youre a massive auburn fan so your opinion on JC is definitely rooted in college football. at least your mancrush is understood.

I disagree with the last half of 2008 after Samuels and Thomas were both hurt. The running game went down as well as the passing game.

If nothing else, Auburn fans are loyal and true. :)

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By building a team do you mean signing the 32nd rated LG from 2008 and a lineman who was 100 lbs overweight and hadn't played in 3 years. Then expecting two 33 years old coming off two major surgeries each who didn't stay healthy the entire season before to last 16 games. And for the depth on the o-line we didn't have even one player who had taken a snap in 2008. That's a sucky way to build a team around any quarterback.
Yes we did a poor job. However, if you admit that Jason is not a franchise QB, that means if we did a good job it still wouldn't have been good enough.

He got special treatment. He didn't deserve it, he's just another cog in the offense. As replaceable as anyone else. After 2007 we treated Jason as the "right way" to develop a young QB. Be patient, ignore Todd Collins outplaying him.

We didn't see he was a franchise QB to begin with. He's not. He's should've earned his position.

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Even Riggo has changed his opinion of JC, I really think we, as fans, need to get behind our QB and show him some love before he goes somewhere else. 5 years from now we'll be saying "he used to be a Redskin before those idiots let him go." The people who will say that then are the same people calling for his head now, and probably the same people that turned on Coach Gibbs so quickly. We need to learn some patience. Anyway, here's the link to what Riggo had to say.


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How so? Stats are stats. They are not made up... or projected "earnings". Its fact. Not fiction we are talking about here.

This is for OP and you. Again, i've emphasized this over and over and only homers dont get it.

so based on your post, Redskins oline isnt the worse. steelers and packers gave up more sacks than the skins. stats are stats afterall.

but of course, u have homers dissecting that stat talking about ben and rodgers hold theball too long and cause their own sacks. No, stats are stats.

this is what im talking about. when certain stats favor ur argument, u just post it and when it doesnt u try to break it down. u homers are good at that unlike us that break down every stat regardless.

as for this guy JC, one of the worst starting QB and his stats are misleading. we have gone over this many times and u homers still dont get it. i mean, when you go in to half times with 0 points, you are bound to get play behind and mostly likely TDs and yards come at useless time.

this guy has lead the team to 0 points going in to the half at least 4 times this yr.

somebody has mentioned that 4 TDs came in 4th or trash time. 20-4 = 16. 16 TD for a full season is horrendous. Im sure there are more TDs that came in 3rd that were useless. then he has two TDs against 2nd and 3rd stringers vs chargers. So lucky how this guy gets those two TDs last game of the season to pad his stats.

4TDs in useless time and 2TDs against 2nd and 3rd stringers vs the chargers. 20-6=14 TDs. that is 14 meaningful TDs. 14 in a full season .God this guy sucks.

how anyone can just go by his stats is mind boggling, if they have seen every single game of his.

a poster broke down each game this yr. he clearly said if you saw all his games, while breaking down each game, you would know that this guy was horrendous this yr.

worse than last yr. way more boneheaded mistakes this yr than last yr. way for INTs than last yr. way more fumbles than last yr. this guy is slow. how a QB can go backwards in the bonehead plays and mistakes department in his 5th season is beyond me. this guy doesnt have it, sucks so bad and glad he will not be withthe redskins anymore.

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This is for OP and you. Again, i've emphasized this over and over and only homers dont get it.

so based on your post, Redskins oline isnt the worse. steelers and packers gave up more sacks than the skins. stats are stats afterall.

but of course, u have homers dissecting that stat talking about ben and rodgers hold theball too long and cause their own sacks. No, stats are stats.

this is what im talking about. when certain stats favor ur argument, u just post it and when it doesnt u try to break it down. u homers are good at that unlike us that break down every stat regardless.

as for this guy JC, one of the worst starting QB and his stats are misleading. we have gone over this many times and u homers still dont get it. i mean, when you go in to half times with 0 points, you are bound to get play behind and mostly likely TDs and yards come at useless time.

this guy has lead the team to 0 points going in to the half at least 4 times this yr.

somebody has mentioned that 4 TDs came in 4th or trash time. 20-4 = 16. 16 TD for a full season is horrendous. Im sure there are more TDs that came in 3rd that were useless. then he has two TDs against 2nd and 3rd stringers vs chargers. So lucky how this guy gets those two TDs last game of the season to pad his stats.

4TDs in useless time and 2TDs against 2nd and 3rd stringers vs the chargers. 20-6=14 TDs. that is 14 meaningful TDs. 14 in a full season .God this guy sucks.

how anyone can just go by his stats is mind boggling, if they have seen every single game of his.

a poster broke down each game this yr. he clearly said if you saw all his games, while breaking down each game, you would know that this guy was horrendous this yr.

worse than last yr. way more boneheaded mistakes this yr than last yr. way for INTs than last yr. way more fumbles than last yr. this guy is slow. how a QB can go backwards in the bonehead plays and mistakes department in his 5th season is beyond me. this guy doesnt have it, sucks so bad and glad he will not be withthe redskins anymore.

I'm not getting into it, but I just think that it's funny that in the same post that you say that stats shouldn't be skewed to fit an argument, you severely skew stats to fit your argument.

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By 2015 he is going to elite. Stats are stats. His release is still snail slow, and his mechanics still suck, and he has no improvisational talent for passing. He has yet to exceed his playcalling, in other words, the play is either doomed or a success before the ball is snapped.

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Even Riggo has changed his opinion of JC, I really think we, as fans, need to get behind our QB and show him some love before he goes somewhere else. 5 years from now we'll be saying "he used to be a Redskin before those idiots let him go." The people who will say that then are the same people calling for his head now, and probably the same people that turned on Coach Gibbs so quickly. We need to learn some patience. Anyway, here's the link to what Riggo had to say.


What's with all of this "we" stuff? Are you suggesting that the fans will determine JC's fate? So if Shanny and the FO cut ties with JC, you're going to blame it on the "haters" or something?

If they think he's worth keeping, they'll keep him.

But when they draft Bradford at #4, that alone should let you know what they think of JC.

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