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Jason Campbell improving, according to the stats. *UPDATED WITH FINAL STATS*


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It's going to be hilarious when JC trots out of the home team tunnel next fall for the Redskins. I'd put his chance of returning next season at about 65% right now. I expect Shanahan to draft a QB early but he's not putting a rookie QB out there on opening day. It's a smart money and football decision to tender him on a one year deal and if you don't get at least a 2nd round pick for him, bring him back for 2010.

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It's going to be hilarious when JC trots out of the home team tunnel next fall for the Redskins. I'd put his chance of returning next season at about 65% right now. I expect Shanahan to draft a QB early but he's not putting a rookie QB out there on opening day. It's a smart money and football decision to tender him on a one year deal and if you don't get at least a 2nd round pick for him, bring him back for 2010.

If he does my boycott will still be in place. Another thing too the second he trips up and you know he will he gets benched without a doubt. That is 100%.

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you know, this ain't earth shattering, and its not the greatest thing, but it is enough to say that the guy is NOT:

1. a total bust

2. gutless

3. slow/dumb

4. worst QB in the league

5. A puppy killing nazi sympathizer and starter of the Great Chicago Fire

again, someone please iron out the logic here:

1. snyder/ceratto sucks

2. they run the team into the ground

3. but yet campbell haters feel they did a good job in his development, or at least they do not mention this ever.

this cat was ruined form the get go.

I do not think he is a top 10 qb. I do not think he can lead a team on his own. he is probably a little better than average right now. let's get that clear. but i do think we never saw his best because of the circus of a team he was a part of.

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1-15 lifetime against teams finishing with 10 or more wins. 0-14 since 2007.

Zero wins against a team finishing with a winning record this year.

The 4 teams we beat were a combined 17-47.

Biggest loser in Redskins history by a wide margin. Yet he is improving.

i shudder at the thought of him taking snaps for us next year. imagine how many more losses he can add to his failure column.

i wonder who has the worst starting QB record of all time, in all of football.

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Just as we suspected: JC's as mediocre as ever.

Also with JC leading this team we will always be at best a 8-8 or 9-7 team its like in order for us to reach 10-6 we will need the leagues best defense in turnovers and scoring, explosive special teams, most accurate FG kicker, and loudest stadium.

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Some stats:

-8 or Jasons 20 TD's this season, or 40% have come when we are down by 9 points or more.

-124 of Jasons 507 pass attempts, or ~25% of them have come while we have the lead. In those 124 attempts, Jason only threw for 1 TD and 3 INT's. Hard to keep a lead when your QB only throws for 1 TD while your in the lead all year.

-Jason's 4th quarter within 7 pts stats: 0TD 3INT. Awesome

-Jason outside of the red zone: 2 TD's, 15 INT's.

Lesson: Stats can be made to meet any agenda, so don't post them acting like you have a definitive answer to anything.

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Also with JC leading this team we will always be at best a 8-8 or 9-7 team its like in order for us to reach 10-6 we will need the leagues best defense in turnovers and scoring, explosive special teams, most accurate FG kicker, and loudest stadium.

He has never had a winning record in a season.

He has the worst losing percentage of any Redskins Qb in history who started over 45 games.

You don't get to be that epically by having winning years.

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I agree the Admin and Coaching staff didn't do as much with the canvas of campbell as they could have, but there comes a point at which changing and improving a player canj't be found. Have we reached that point with JC yet? I don't know. I hope not :/

Oh and one more thing lets say we do tender him, what if JC holds out for more cash? That may seem contrary to form, but this will be another offense to adjust too :/

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1-15 lifetime against teams finishing with 10 or more wins. 0-14 since 2007.

Zero wins against a team finishing with a winning record this year.

The 4 teams we beat were a combined 17-47.

Biggest loser in Redskins history by a wide margin. Yet he is improving.

Wins and losses are a team effort, individual stats are.. well.. individual.

Trent Dilfer won a superbowl following this regular season :

59.3% 12TD 11Int 1500yards and a 76 rating

Mark Sanchez is in the playoffs with this:

53.8% 12TD 20Int 2444yards 63.0 rating

I could go on and on about average QB's in the post season. Hell I could point out what Drew Bree's numbers were prior to getting into an offense that fit him. The bottom line however is that teams have gotten twice and three times the results the skins have with far less production at QB... and yet people like to tell themselves the problem is the QB. JC is definitely not someone I think is the answer. However the stats show that he's not the main cause of the problem. With a QB that is producing middle of the pack numbers, the team should not be 4-12. Then again Laron Landry shouldn't be giving up multiple touchdowns in a game. The defense shouldn't switch to prevent with a one score lead in the 4th. Field goal kickers shouldn't miss chip shots. Intercepted balls shouldn't be stripped and taken in for touchdowns. And the offense? Amazing how it got better with a different guy calling the plays, despite playing better competition.

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Think JC is improving? That stats agree with you. *UPDATED WITH FINAL STATS*

2006 Rating:76.5

2007 Rating:77.6

2008 Rating:84.3

2009 Rating:86.4

2006 TD: Incomplete year.

2007 TD:12

2008 TD:13

2009 TD:20

2006 Completion Percentage: 53.1%

2007 Completion Percentage: 60%

2008 Completion Percentage: 62.3%

2009 Completion Percentage: 64.5%

2006 Yards: Incomplete year.

2007 Yards: 2700

2008 Yards: 3245

2009 Yards: 3618

2006 Per Attempt: 6.3

2007 Per Attempt: 6.5

2008 Per Attempt: 6.4

2009 Per Attempt: 7.1

He has regressed in interception however with 15 which is entirely too high. In fact it matches his total interceptions thrown in both 2007 and 2008 COMBINED.

Any way to include sacks and times pressured?

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His stats can be good but he cannot make the proper read to save his life. It has been ppointed out here that he was the reason why the Skins lost the detroit game. Jason is a great dude but, I am all for getting some sort of compensatio for him and turning the reigns over to whomever Shanahan wants.

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Trent Dilfer won a superbowl following this regular season : 59.3% 12TD 11Int 1500yards and a 76 rating

This is a terrible example. Dilfer was the exception not the rule. Look at the last 20 years of Super Bowl champions and tell me how many had legitimate franchise QBs and how many had a scrub like Dilfer riding a defense all the way to the big dance.

Mark Sanchez is in the playoffs with this:

53.8% 12TD 20Int 2444yards 63.0 rating

Sanchez is a rookie. If he's still putting up subpar and/or mediocre numbers in his 5th season in the NFL, he'll be judged just like Campbell is.

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Wins and losses are a team effort, individual stats are.. well.. individual.

Any stat in a team sport is not individual. Those passes have a receiver at the other end. Granted, they are usually behind the line of scrimmage or within 10 yards past it, but they still play a role in those stats.

The point is not only that JC has a horrid record as Redskins starter, the point is that since he has been here, every other Redskins QB who has started has put up astronomically better numbers in terms of wins and wins against better competition.

If you consistently lose with one QB and consistently win with any other QB on your roster, that gives you a pretty big clue as to a major cause of the problem.

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i shudder at the thought of him taking snaps for us next year. imagine how many more losses he can add to his failure column.

i wonder who has the worst starting QB record of all time, in all of football.

Active QB coming into this season:

Jason Campbell

8-12 (.400); 4-12 this season, 12-24 overall

Chris Redman

4-6 (.400); 0-2 this season; 4-8 overall

Josh McCown

12-19 (.387)

Alex Smith

11-19 (.367); 5-5 this season, 16-24 overall

Joey Harrington

26-50 (.342)

J.P. Losman

10-21 (.323)

Kelly Holcomb

8-16 (.320)

Charlie Frye

6-13 (.316); 0-2 this year, 6-15 overall

Matt Schaub

4-9 (.308); 9-7 this year, 13-16 overall

Billy Volek

3-7 (.300)

David Carr

23-56 (.291)

Bruce Gradkowski

3-8 (.273); 3-2 this year, 6-10 overall

Interesting note that 3 #1 overall picks were on that list.

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It would be so hard to get someone to post better than 6-15 in 21 games.

Oh, please. SD game is a prime example of why this arguement isn't valid. JC had a 101.4 passer rating in that game, and the defense let 2nd and 3rd stringers drive right down the field for the game winning score. The NO game is another one. Is JC and elite QB, no. But he's improving and there's a helluva lot more wrong with the skins then JC. That's why the whole team is 4-12.

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-8 or Jasons 20 TD's this season, or 40% have come when we are down by 9 points or more.
The skins are a 4-12 team. I'm surprised it's that low. Also this is a very specific stat line that doesn't include time in which it occurred.
-124 of Jasons 507 pass attempts, or ~25% of them have come while we have the lead. In those 124 attempts, Jason only threw for 1 TD and 3 INT's. Hard to keep a lead when your QB only throws for 1 TD while your in the lead all year.
4-12 team again. Hi there. What percentage of all minutes played did we have the lead? Again a very specific stat line. I'll talk more about what you are doing in a moment.
-Jason outside of the red zone: 2 TD's, 15 INT's.
So in the red zone he's 18TD 0INT? HOLY COW!
Lesson: Stats can be made to meet any agenda, so don't post them acting like you have a definitive answer to anything.
No. Setting odd circumstances that fit YOUR agenda is misleading. Totals, averages, etc don't say anything other than results. Identifying specifics that you think are weak and manufacturing a stat line is manipulation. Like I showed so wonderfully with your "outside the redzone" stat line.

I chose to do neither and stuck to totals for precisely the reason that when you start crafting your own situations you're simply painting a picture. If you don't think total stat lines matter:

Top 10 QB rating

Drew Brees - homefield playoffs

Brett Favre - bye week playoffs

Philip Rivers - bye week playoffs

Aaron Rodgers - playoffs

Ben Roethlisberger

Peyton Manning - homefield playoffs

Matt Schaub

Tony Romo sits to pee - playoffs

Tom Brady - playoffs

Kurt Warner - playoffs

8 of the top 10 rated QB's are in the post season. Damn stats don't mean a thing! The other 2? Just missed the post season. Damn those misleading stats. To be honest I have no idea what any of these people did in the 3rd quarter while up by 3 points and sipping lime Gatorade... I'll leave those kinds of stats to you.

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