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Jason Campbell improving, according to the stats. *UPDATED WITH FINAL STATS*


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The last 2 pages are ridiculous. We are complaining that our QB is good in the RZ. Really?!? We need to score as often as possible in the RZ.

And BLC, I am sure you are counting Kelly's 87 yd TD for JC, right? I mean, he made the right read an delivered a perfect ball. It ain't his fault the WR got caught from behind right?

that wasnt a TD lol.

it was a great pass against the chargers backup defense though, kudos!

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most of campbells TDs are to TE/RB in the redzone. our WR had 6 TDs this season combined. he throws dumps to RBs who get in with YAC, or he threw to yoder/davis/cooley (who were all most likely running the same patterns in the redzone).

This is a recurring theme. Remember 2007? No Redskins WR had a single TD for the first half of the season. It was probably the o line's fault.

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i cant have a problem with the way a QB scores in the red zone. i would venture that Romo sits to pee, mcnabb or manning would take a TD any way they could get it, no?

funny- you and BLC are now both downgrading campbells TD"s cuz he isnt throwing to WR"s enough, etc.

are red zone TD to a TE still counts as 6.


i didnt downgrade them, im pointing out how limited he is, which is another reason i want him gone.

dont you remember a few seasons ago (i think 07) campbell didnt complete a TD to a WR until like week 11? this is the kinda crap im talking about that i want put to an end, and plenty of you are willing to turn your heads and look at his red zone stats instead.

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you are the man. we posted the exact same stat in the exact same minute (but you beat me!).

this will go overlooked for sure though.


How about that.

I think there are only a handful of people here who remember as far back as 2007. Alot of people seem to think this is Campbell's first year.

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i cant have a problem with the way a QB scores in the red zone. i would venture that Romo sits to pee, mcnabb or manning would take a TD any way they could get it, no?

funny- you and BLC are now both downgrading campbells TD"s cuz he isnt throwing to WR"s enough, etc.

are red zone TD to a TE still counts as 6.


Dude I'm not downgrading at all, the only part I disagree with is Jason throwing to a tight spot. Jason is at his best on short YDS, anything else that requires accuracy is where he has big problems. That why he says stuff like I got to get my check downs. If Jason can be fixed Shan will do it. Jason will have to take the Pepsi challenge he should do good when it comes to poise and toughness, But accuracy will be an issue and a big one!!

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Dude I'm not downgrading at all, the only part I disagree with is Jason throwing to a tight spot. Jason is at his best on short YDS, anything else that requires accuracy is where he has big problems. That why he says stuff like I got to get my check downs. If Jason can be fixed Shan will do it. Jason will have to take the Pepsi challenge he should do good when it comes to poise and toughness, But accuracy will be an issue and a big one!!

if shanahan truly values accuracy of all NFL level throws, campbell will last 3-4 weeks if hes even retained.

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if shanahan truly values accuracy of all NFL level throws, campbell will last 3-4 weeks if hes even retained.

Jason can throw the ball 60 YDs in the air and throw harder then Brennan or Todd. But when it comes to accuracy in a fair competition, Colt or Todd would smoke Jason like a joint. I still think after watching the games yesterday, that unless Jason can fix is wind up motion, he will never be effective at this level its just to slow. You need a fast release at this level and Jason's is just way to slow.

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Jason can throw the ball 60 YDs in the air and throw harder then Brennan or Todd. But when it comes to accuracy in a fair competition, Colt or Todd would smoke Jason like a joint. I still think after watching the games yesterday, that unless Jason can fix is wind up motion, he will never be effective at this level its just to slow. You need a fast release at this level and Jason's is just way to slow.

jamarcus russell has the strongest arm in the NFL.

thats how much i care about arm strength.

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Please don't tell me there are STILL people out there who think JC is actually a decent/good QB?

Shanny will evaluate JC's potential, or lack of, and if he is serviceable, he will keep him, but I sure am not holding my breath!

JC has had more than ample time to show progress, and having a good drive or quarter here and there doesn't qualify as improvement.

Maybe all those pillows Zorny threw at JC gave him a feather concussion, but as some will say, "its the terrible o-line we have", without looking at JC's continuing lack of awareness that is causing the problems.

Shanny will have a new QB behind center next season, and things will change, just wait...

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I still think after watching the games yesterday, that unless Jason can fix is wind up motion, he will never be effective at this level its just to slow. You need a fast release at this level and Jason's is just way to slow.

You can't change the laws of physics. Is wind-up is what it is and will always be a problem.

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Dude I'm not downgrading at all, the only part I disagree with is Jason throwing to a tight spot. Jason is at his best on short YDS, anything else that requires accuracy is where he has big problems. That why he says stuff like I got to get my check downs. If Jason can be fixed Shan will do it. Jason will have to take the Pepsi challenge he should do good when it comes to poise and toughness, But accuracy will be an issue and a big one!!
Ok, let's look at his RZ TDs this year......

@NYG - Perfect seam throw to cooley in stride

STL - No TDs, but 2 good throws into tight coverage that get dropped

DET - No one was open, but he scrambles, draws a defender away from Cartwright, and throws on the run to him

TB - Seam throw to Cooley over the LB but in front of the safety

CAR - Buys time and hits CP in the face of the blitz for a TD

KC - :pooh:

PHI - Throws to wide open Thomas, throws perfect fade to Moss that gets dropped, throws to Davis in tight coverage

ATL - Buys time with his feet and fits it in a tight window to Yoder in the back of the endzone

DEN - Makes an off-target throw to a wide-open Yoder who hauls it in anyway

@DAL - :pooh:

@PHI - Rushes one in, quick read & release to Moss for a TD, buys time with his feet & draws the defender away from Davis who gets the TD pass

NO - Hits Davis in stride for a TD, throws to a wide open Thomas for a diving TD, hits Thomas in stride for another

OAK - Hits Davis in tight coverage, lofts it over the defender for another to Davis after buying time in the pocket

NYG - Sees the blitz and hit a wide open, stationary Davis

DAL - :pooh:

SD - Hits wide open Yoder, wide open Sellers

So of all his 18 RZ TDs this year, only 6 were to wide open, stationary targets (I didn't include plays where JC's scrambling was the reason for his target being open, because JC was the one who got them open, and that's another reason why he's good in the RZ: his mobility).

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Ok, let's look at his RZ TDs this year......

@NYG - Perfect seam throw to cooley in stride

STL - No TDs, but 2 good throws into tight coverage that get dropped

DET - No one was open, but he scrambles, draws a defender away from Cartwright, and throws on the run to him

TB - Seam throw to Cooley over the LB but in front of the safety

CAR - Buys time and hits CP in the face of the blitz for a TD

KC - :pooh:

PHI - Throws to wide open Thomas, throws perfect fade to Moss that gets dropped, throws to Davis in tight coverage

ATL - Buys time with his feet and fits it in a tight window to Yoder in the back of the endzone

DEN - Makes an off-target throw to a wide-open Yoder who hauls it in anyway

@DAL - :pooh:

@PHI - Rushes one in, quick read & release to Moss for a TD, buys time with his feet & draws the defender away from Davis who gets the TD pass

NO - Hits Davis in stride for a TD, throws to a wide open Thomas for a diving TD, hits Thomas in stride for another

OAK - Hits Davis in tight coverage, lofts it over the defender for another to Davis after buying time in the pocket

NYG - Sees the blitz and hit a wide open, stationary Davis

DAL - :pooh:

SD - Hits wide open Yoder, wide open Sellers

So of all his 18 RZ TDs this year, only 6 were to wide open, stationary targets (I didn't include plays where JC's scrambling was the reason for his target being open, because JC was the one who got them open, and that's another reason why he's good in the RZ: his mobility).

and all that equals to a terrible leader and a 4-12 record.

No thanks.

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Ok, let's look at his RZ TDs this year......

@NYG - Perfect seam throw to cooley in stride

STL - No TDs, but 2 good throws into tight coverage that get dropped

DET - No one was open, but he scrambles, draws a defender away from Cartwright, and throws on the run to him

TB - Seam throw to Cooley over the LB but in front of the safety

CAR - Buys time and hits CP in the face of the blitz for a TD

KC - :pooh:

PHI - Throws to wide open Thomas, throws perfect fade to Moss that gets dropped, throws to Davis in tight coverage

ATL - Buys time with his feet and fits it in a tight window to Yoder in the back of the endzone

DEN - Makes an off-target throw to a wide-open Yoder who hauls it in anyway

@DAL - :pooh:

@PHI - Rushes one in, quick read & release to Moss for a TD, buys time with his feet & draws the defender away from Davis who gets the TD pass

NO - Hits Davis in stride for a TD, throws to a wide open Thomas for a diving TD, hits Thomas in stride for another

OAK - Hits Davis in tight coverage, lofts it over the defender for another to Davis after buying time in the pocket

NYG - Sees the blitz and hit a wide open, stationary Davis

DAL - :pooh:

SD - Hits wide open Yoder, wide open Sellers

So of all his 18 RZ TDs this year, only 6 were to wide open, stationary targets (I didn't include plays where JC's scrambling was the reason for his target being open, because JC was the one who got them open, and that's another reason why he's good in the RZ: his mobility).

So, you're saying that JC had 21 decent throws ALL SEASON!

I would bet that the number of receivers wide open that he didn't bother looking to would double this number easily...

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Ok, let's look at his ...18 RZ TDs this year.

Most of these were lucky or garbage time ... 20 Tds and 15 ints agaisnt a weak schedule is pathetic in the NFL. Have yiou been watching the playoff teams? ... Campbell is back-up material ... nothing more. Time to move on.

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I'm a long-time Skins fan (I remember the Jugensen Snead trade), but have never played the game myself. With that as background, I'd like to offer a few comments about JC from my perspective.

Jason is a "mid-level" quarterback and will probably always be so. His stats seem to confirm that this is the case. The difference between JC and the top quarterbacks past and present seem to boil down to just a few things.

1. The top quarterbacks frequently hit their receivers in stride, while JC rarely does so. His throws are often over the wrong shoulder, a little too short or a little too long. He certainly has the arm strength of the top QB's, but his accuracy is very consistently just a little off.

2. JC seems to go through his progressions very mechanically. He looks downfield, he looks at the middle routes, then he looks at his safety valve. The top QB's seem to have incredible peripheral vision. They seem to take the entire field in at once (long, middle and short routes), choose a receiver and throw -- all in almost one motion. JC's more mechanical approach takes way too long compared to the top QB's.

3. The top QB's, for the most part, seem to generate an electricity or excitement on the field and on the sidelines, an electricity which seems to spill over to the other players, the fans, etc. JC's approach is much more laid back and controlled. This missing "electricity" may be an intangible, but I believe it has an impact when things are down to the wire.

Any thoughts? Agree? Disagree?

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Most of these were lucky or garbage time ... 20 Tds and 15 ints agaisnt a weak schedule is pathetic in the NFL. Have yiou been watching the playoff teams? ... Campbell is back-up material ... nothing more. Time to move on.

nice. got a new wrinkle. since the 'garbage time' thing has been talked about in the thread (i know, its a long thread. but i could have sworn you posted earlier in it. btw- campbell threw 4 TD's in the 4th quarter all year, FYI. you can start your 'garbage time' defense from there)

he may be backup material, but not for the reason you are attempting to describe.

now, its 'lucky'. good one.

if you throw enough excuses about his stats out there, one will eventually stick. and i thought the campbell supporters were the one that made excuses when it comes to campbell.

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