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Washington Wizards Thread - SUMMER LEAGUE IS ON

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Was at the game last night....great win! Much needed.

- As noted, Boykins is a beast. What kind of contract did he sign? Hopefully we'll be able to keep him the rest of the year...

- Arenas and Butler....not sure what's going on....

- GREAT to see Jamison back! At times it looked like he was the only one playing out there. Welcome back!

- Like the Cowboys, Lakers, and Yankees, there are too many Cleveland fans in this area. I know we get a lot of transplants but come on....:rolleyes:

- Not that this is even remotely unknown but Lebron really does cry ALOT. His technical was hilarious. What an idiot....

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Was at the game last night....great win! Much needed.

- As noted, Boykins is a beast. What kind of contract did he sign? Hopefully we'll be able to keep him the rest of the year...

- Arenas and Butler....not sure what's going on....

- GREAT to see Jamison back! At times it looked like he was the only one playing out there. Welcome back!

- Like the Cowboys, Lakers, and Yankees, there are too many Cleveland fans in this area. I know we get a lot of transplants but come on....:rolleyes:

- Not that this is even remotely unknown but Lebron really does cry ALOT. His technical was hilarious. What an idiot....

Once Lebron decides to leave for a contender after this season, then they'll flock like the birds they are.

I wouldn't be surprised to see join a rival say US! ;)

Just kidding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's the best game I've seen the Wiz play all year tonight against the Heat. Everyone contributed offensively, and we played good defense overall. Nick Young was shooting the lights out, if he can come around then that helps significantly. Earl Boykins is better than Gilbert Arenas at this point. He plays fast yet smart. Butler is starting to find his shot. Blatche has some ball skills. And Jamison is bringing it every game.

Two winnable games coming up, I might even go to the game tommorow.

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That's the best game I've seen the Wiz play all year tonight against the Heat. Everyone contributed offensively, and we played good defense overall. Nick Young was shooting the lights out, if he can come around then that helps significantly. Earl Boykins is better than Gilbert Arenas at this point. He plays fast yet smart. Butler is starting to find his shot. Blatche has some ball skills. And Jamison is bringing it every game.

Two winnable games coming up, I might even go to the game tommorow.

I know that we have Toronto coming up and who else?

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That's the best game I've seen the Wiz play all year tonight against the Heat.

I thought their very first game was their best game before tonight. Which is saying something. Hopefully they don't immediately regress again.

Earl Boykins is better than Gilbert Arenas at this point. He plays fast yet smart

I can't lie. I thought the very same thing. I'm not saying that's how it is, but the thought definitely crossed my mind.

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I can't lie. I thought the very same thing. I'm not saying that's how it is, but the thought definitely crossed my mind.

I think we really need to see what happens when we have Earl and Gilbert on the floor at the same time for 5-10 mins a game. I know, I know, Gil's undersized for the 2 and lacks experience there, he's been practicing at point, it's not a role he's used to, etc., etc....

The simple fact is that Earl is running point better than Gil right now, and it's not even very close. But at the same time, even though he's still coming back from injury (he seems about 80% to me at the moment), Gil still has crazy scoring talent when he's in the right situation. Earl has a knack for putting people in the right situation. It's either that, force-feeding Gil all of his minutes at point just because he's the hundred-million dollar man and that's what we originally wanted to pay him to do, or making him the most expensive sixth man of all time in the role of a shoot-first PG. The latter options sound less viable.

This team is gonna have to get unorthodox as currently assembled. Might as well roll with it instead of trying to fight against it.

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It's not Nick Young that is the problem. The big three are not producing consistently.

Caron Butler arrived in DC and average 17.6 per game his first season. He raised that average to 19.1 then 20.3 then 20.8. Right now he's at 16.4, his worst as a Wizard. His assists are also way down about 1/4th of what they were last season. Gilbert Arenas is averaging 20.1 ppg which is a large drop off from where he was prior to the knee injuries (28-29.5). His field goal and 3pt percentages are down as well.

Gilbert needs to improve the most if he hopes to continue being seen as the teams "star". Right now the obvious star is Antawn Jamison.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This team has talent but the mentality is just not there. They are playing like losers out there. I was hoping tonight would be the game where they gain some confidence but with Gilbert choking once again in the last two minutes, I just don't see it.

I don't think we're in a terrible shape but we need to beat a quality opponent. Heck maybe beat two good teams in a row. We can't close games out at all.

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Real tough loss tonight against Indiana. I've seen Gilbert miss a lot of free throws this year...those two hurt a lot tonight. That call at the end was ehhhh.

That was one of the first Bullets (Wizards my arse) games I've seen this season, man what a horrible way to lose. Gilbert, how can you miss BOTH of those free throws? You're supposed to be an offensive leader! Then they let the Pacers run right down the court and slam it home in 6 seconds to close the gap...just horrible defense.

That last foul call with .5 seconds left was sketchy, not sure what to think about that one. Seemed like the refs were just dying to blow a whistle against Washington.

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That was one of the first Bullets (Wizards my arse) games I've seen this season, man what a horrible way to lose. Gilbert, how can you miss BOTH of those free throws? You're supposed to be an offensive leader! Then they let the Pacers run right down the court and slam it home in 6 seconds to close the gap...just horrible defense.

That last foul call with .5 seconds left was sketchy, not sure what to think about that one. Seemed like the refs were just dying to blow a whistle against Washington.

Two games in a row lost on missed FT. First Boston, now Indiana.
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That last foul call with .5 seconds left was sketchy, not sure what to think about that one. Seemed like the refs were just dying to blow a whistle against Washington.

Donaghey's revelation that the refs can hold grudges against anyone associated with a franchise (players, coaches, GM's and/or owners) and then take it out on the entire team, has me convinced that they hate someone on the Wiz.

It's obviously not the owner since Abe (RIP) just passed, or the coaches since we just got a new one. It's gotta be either Ernie or someone on the squad; one of the big three or maybe Haywood as it has to be someone that's fairly important to cause this.

I'm sorry but we get entirely too many **** calls for it to be natural. It has been going on for a couple of years now too. Maybe I sound paranoid but I'm confident that hardcore followers will, if not agree with the conspiracy theory, at least understand what the hell I'm talking about.

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Thinking about going to the Wizards/Clippers game tonight.

Only reason I couldn't see us trading Gilbert is that no one would want him because of his contract. Plus he is still not 100% and he is a head case.

I used to love him, but now....I dunno he just isn't as clutch as he used to be. Still a good player though. Trading him would make sense considering the influx of backcourt players we have(Boykins, Foye, Young, Crittenton, James(is he ever going to play?)

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Watched the game tonight. Still watching actually, we are down 4 with 1:23 left after leading by 17 in the 3rd. This is what I see:

Gilbert turns the ball over too damn much(six tonight). He also will dribble away from his defender and be wide open for a shot. Then he'll pass it to someone who is not open, typically resuting in a turnover. Just not the player he used to be. I remember last year I started a thread in the Wizards forum suggesting to trade him and got yelled at. I want an apology.

Butler will have a wide open shot, pass it up, then dribble and take a much worse shot. His confidence is in the toilet.

These four players need to play more:

Randy Foye. We gave up the 5th pick in the draft along with those 3 players for Foye and Miller. Now Foye gets very little playing time. Before he was injured Foye showed he could score. He averaged 17 last year. Let him play.

Andray Blatche. He shined when Jamison was out.

JaVale McGee. He didn't even play tonight. Why? All he does is play with energy and make plays, at least from what I've seen. He was our number 1 pick last year. He needs to play and develop.

Nick Young. He's one of our best shooters.

Anyway, this team is looking like ****. After you lose like we did against Indiana those are the type of games that knock all the spirit out of you. I can see us losing the next 5 out of 7 or something. Not a good team.

And.....we lose again. 11 seconds left with the ball down by 2 and....Boykins dribbles it off his hip for a turnover. Yeah...

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