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FOX: Man Charged After Making Coffee Naked


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Man Charged After Making Coffee Naked

SPRINGFIELD, Va. - A Springfield, Virginia man is facing an indecent exposure charge after a passerby spotted the man naked in his kitchen and reported it to police.

Eric Williamson, 29, is a commercial diver who grew up in Hawaii and rents home with several co-workers. Williamson told FOX 5's Will Thomas his roommates were not home and he walked into the kitchen to make coffee about 5:30 a.m. Monday.

"Yes, I wasn't wearing any clothes but I was alone, in my own home and just got out of bed. It was dark and I had no idea anyone was outside looking in at me," Williamson said.

The complaint came from an unidentified woman who was walking with a 7-year-old boy. A Fairfax County Police spokesman said officers arrested Williamson for indecent exposure because they believe he wanted to be seen naked by the public.

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Well, if he doesn't have blinds or curtains, then walking around naked in your home is the equivalent of walking around naked in your front yard, IMO.

Yes it was early, yes he was inside his home, but we all know that when it's dark out and you have a light on inside, you can see inside the home through the window pretty darn clearly.

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I think we should just do away with windows entirely. I mean naked or not a grown man stumbling into his kitchen in the morning trying to get the coffee going is a scary site. I mean forget that it's his house and you're the one running around looking into other people's homes at 5 in the friggin morning.

Unless the guy was standing by the window in an obvious manner hoping to be seen by those passing by I can't agree with these charges. A cop stopping by and asking him to mind the window is all it should take.

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Freaking prudes. One should be allowed to be nekkid anywhere on one's property. Naked lawnmowing, car washing, naps on the hammock... or more seriously, a man can be naked as much as he wants in his own home and the person who reported ought to have been the one arrested. Damned peeping Toms.

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Well, if he doesn't have blinds or curtains, then walking around naked in your home is the equivalent of walking around naked in your front yard, IMO.

Yes it was early, yes he was inside his home, but we all know that when it's dark out and you have a light on inside, you can see inside the home through the window pretty darn clearly.

That's just silly. You don't know what the situation was. What's wrong with the human body anyway? I mean was it really necessary to arrest the man? He was not dancing around like a stripper, I would imagine.

Some people in this country would not be happy unless every man woman and child was in prison or jail.

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He'll be on the sex crime list now.

Oh damn that's true, I forgot about that... every time he moves to a new place all his neighbors will get something in the mail saying a sex offender is moving in. He's 29, and could be facing humiliation for the rest of his life now. I think there's a way you can get off the list, but it's not easy. This is total bull****. I would sue the woman and the cops.

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You know, even if this guy is habitually naked in his own home I don't think it should be an issue. I don't care if he likes to do naked jumping jacks by the window. Of course, if the lady was neighborly and nice she could have bought him a nice set of curtains.

Still, isn't she guilty of Voyeurism and being a peeping tom more than he is guilty of being publicly indecent?

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Oh damn that's true, I forgot about that... every time he moves to a new place all his neighbors will get something in the mail saying a sex offender is moving in. He's 29, and could be facing humiliation for the rest of his life now. I think there's a way you can get off the list, but it's not easy. This is total bull****. I would sue the woman and the cops.

Won't that mean he can't see his daughter anymore?

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A naked guy in his house. BFD.

A few months ago, we were driving and saw a naked guy walking down the street. My kids just rolled their eyes, and one said "well, that was inappropriate." I don't think they were especially traumatized.

But but but... weren't you embarrassed as a father having to answer uncomfortable questions?! (this is what this really comes down to IMO, parents that don't know how to react so they get angry)

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Still, isn't she guilty of Voyeurism and being a peeping tom more than he is guilty of being publicly indecent?

He's not even a little bit guilty of being publicly indecent. If law enforcement now considers the interior of our homes to be the public, we should all expect to be rounded up and caged eventually. This is so drenched in fail.

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