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I Hate Lavar and Chad


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Appeal to the lowest common denominator.

It works everywhere. News, music... A recipe for success. It's not just our area, it's the entire country.

People don't want to learn interesting stuff. If they did the history channel would show actual history, national geographic/discovery would show more nature stuff.

Instead we get swamp people and alaska state troopers and all kinds of nonsense.

I agree. But I love Deadliest Catch. I could do without the 1000 knock offs. Flying Alaska was cool too while it lasted.

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man, I'm going to come off like a jerk, but the junkies and their popularity are a scary indictment on the people in this area. I will get a random chuckle here and there from their stuff, but I'm just not sure,  how they have sustained so long, I don't think I want to know. 


being a howard stern fan, that might come off as hypocritical, but with stern, you get the crazy amazing interviews he does and honest to goodness funny bits mixed in with the trash. 


Junkies, nothing, it's trash. trash radio. 


Long time Stern fan and Junkies listener.  I enjoy both shows and wouldn't think to really compare the two.  Never have. 


Coming off as a jerk?,....meh,..maybe....more just placing yourself above "the people in this area" on some intellectual level.


You don't like the Junkies,...so what.  I don't like Elliot on DC101 -- doesn't make me better than listeners of Elliot.  Different stokes man.

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You don't like the Junkies,...so what.  I don't like Elliot on DC101 -- doesn't make me better than listeners of Elliot.  Different stokes man.


I absolutely cannot stand that cackling idiot. Hearing Chad Dukes prank call him as Lance Armstrong might have been the single greatest thing in radio. 

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Whatever ur complaints about DC sports radio u have it far better than the Hampton Roads area in that aspect.

I like listening to Cooley, bmitch....walker is OK as is kornheiser.

But i invested in xm radio a long time ago and that takes care of my sports needs.

Would add that I do like mike and mike...grow tired of the cowturd love of romo and kelly, and his preaching/lecturing on topics....growing to like lebatard and his sense of humor...

Never been a stern fan......

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I absolutely cannot stand that cackling idiot. Hearing Chad Dukes prank call him as Lance Armstrong might have been the single greatest thing in radio.

Used to hate him. Been listening for a few months, and I'm OK with him.

Probably an indictment of DC morning radio more than anything.

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Listening to the Man Cave right now. The chemistry isn't there yet, and at times it sounds like Chris Paul is interviewing Reid, but I think that'll come with time. Not all sports, but so no porn jokes and only one penis joke (that I caught).


Boring is how I'd describe the man cave.  And having Pollin on the show doing updates is just awkward and forced.  He made a "joke" about being unemployed soon to catch up on Madmen, but he sounded dead ass serious.  


Why put the host of the previous morning show, who's obviously disgruntled, on the new show that replaced his show?  Makes absolutely no sense.

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Boring is how I'd describe the man cave.  And having Pollin on the show doing updates is just awkward and forced.  He made a "joke" about being unemployed soon to catch up on Madmen, but he sounded dead ass serious.  


Why put the host of the previous morning show, who's obviously disgruntled, on the new show that replaced his show?  Makes absolutely no sense.


I'm giving them some time to get its feet under them. Its probably difficult putting a show together under normal circumstances, let alone the stuff thats been going on in the background for this show. Sometimes jokes fail. Chris Paul had a bad joke earlier this morning about doughnuts. It happens.


I just look at the show overall and this is what I was looking for 2 years ago. This is what I spoke to Brian Mitchell and Doc Walker about when I met them at Lorenzo Alexander's charity ride. So, I'm going to give them a shot to hit their groove. Hopefully they can do that before fans get disgruntled and change the channel. I know there will probably be mornings when I'm feeling music more and I'll turn to Tom Joyner, or some mornings when I don't like their topics and so I'll probably turn to the Junkies, but I think this show has potential and I'm definitely willing to give it some time.


Lets go Chris Paul!

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I'm giving them some time to get its feet under them. Its probably difficult putting a show together under normal circumstances, let alone the stuff thats been going on in the background for this show. Sometimes jokes fail. Chris Paul had a bad joke earlier this morning about doughnuts. It happens.


I just look at the show overall and this is what I was looking for 2 years ago. This is what I spoke to Brian Mitchell and Doc Walker about when I met them at Lorenzo Alexander's charity ride. So, I'm going to give them a shot to hit their groove. Hopefully they can do that before fans get disgruntled and change the channel. I know there will probably be mornings when I'm feeling music more and I'll turn to Tom Joyner, or some mornings when I don't like their topics and so I'll probably turn to the Junkies, but I think this show has potential and I'm definitely willing to give it some time.


Lets go Chris Paul!


Yea I honestly do like Chris Paul...seems like a good guy and a die-hard Skins fan.  I just can't stand that assclown Reid.  His whole persona just bothers me. I don't like his articles, I don't like the way he conducts himself at press conferences, and I don't like the way he tries to make himself out to be holier-than-thou (referring to his twitter back-n-forth with Ryan Clark).


That in itself makes me want to change the statuin.

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Yea I honestly do like Chris Paul...seems like a good guy and a die-hard Skins fan.  I just can't stand that assclown Reid.  His whole persona just bothers me. I don't like his articles, I don't like the way he conducts himself at press conferences, and I don't like the way he tries to make himself out to be holier-than-thou (referring to his twitter back-n-forth with Ryan Clark).


That in itself makes me want to change the statuin.


I agree on the Reid thing in general, but its hard for me to really judge a guy by third party incidents. I thought it cool that he took credit for being against Wall early on and being wrong (not saying I'm over it, but glad he said it). The Clark / Reid and Reid / Skins Secretary, Reid / Allen situations are things that bother me, but as I wasn't there or involved and only have heard about them through third parties, I can't really judge for myself. So I'm sitting here listening and so far he hasn't pissed me off.


Lord knows that each of the Junkies has said or done something that really REALLY bothered me. Last year Danny ?Roughier? made me really mad when he was basically doing character assassination of Desean Jackson because of possible gang affiliations. And now that Jackson has done nothing wrong he has yet to say anything to balance it out except we didn't need him because we already had Garcon and Roberts.


So I'm willing to give Reid some breathing room on this show. If you notice (or read my tweets), I've been congratulating Paul more than Reid because its Paul that I'm actually a fan of.

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Funny moment of the morning: Jason Reid said "People are not nice"


EDIT; I'll go ahead and put it out there. I like this show more than the Junkies. Reid is definitely tolerable (we'll see how long that lasts) and Paul is a mixture of funny and corny but not as corny as the Junkies. But no porn references (I can't say how much I appreciate that), they haven't been straying off topic or spending entire segments on stupid stories like not enjoying watering a lawn, and I haven't heard the word poker yet.


I do fear that if they have Russell on there, then it'll get awkward, and they need to fix the mics. Otherwise I'm on board just like I was with Grant and Danny. 

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The show is awful. Reid doesn't bother me, but I would never think he'd be an interesting radio guy. You aren't going to find bigger dorks than Chris Paul, I mean the word "geek" would be putting it lightly.

I'm sure they going to be as witty, charming, and interesting as a box of wet carrots.

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It's not a good show right now.  The segments seem forced, and the intros to the segments are not really funny even though they are clearly trying to be.  


The "Comedy Court" segment is a failure and should be scrapped.  Not funny at all, and I felt like it was some throwaway idea Russ Parr would do on his show.  


Maybe it gets better with time, but your reaching if you prefer this show over the Junkies.  Even if you don't like the Junkies, you have to admit that at least it flows well.  The Man Cave feels disjointed.

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I'll give it some time. My biggest gripe is that it's seems as though they are trying TOO hard to make it an African American show. To the point where it seems forced.

And then they bring Andy "bitter" Polin. Which completely throws the whole thing off kilter.


Shows, especially with people new to hosting radio shows, do need time. That chemistry has to build.


The Drive is significantly better than it was when it debuted, and will be a lot better in 5 more years when Cooley finally gets it. It just takes a while to build that. As others have pointed out, he still talks over other people and other things that just don't work well on radio and he'll figure that out over time. There's a solid chance this show will be much better a year from now.


But I will say that every single time I've tuned in they've been discussing something African American/Black related. I don't mind that conversation (depending on who is having it, sometimes I find it very interesting since I'm so ignorant on the various matters), but I tune into sports for sports and I tune into NPR (or various other places) for that type of stuff, so tuning into sports and getting a segment on how systemic racism is the cause of <insert random issue> is not exactly appealing to me. On the same level, if I tuned into NPR and got a bunch of segments on whether Griffin and Gruden like each other, whether Gruden and McCloughan agree on Griffin, and whether Snyder will force McCloughan to trade up for Mariotta I'd get irritated and find something else to listen to; despite having no problem with those conversations when I tune into ESPN 980... (though i am a bit tired of them, generally speaking)


I find it interesting you also noticed it's forced. I'd prefer they stick to sports... I'd really like to see them compete with the junkies... maybe the junkies would clean up their **** show.


And yeah wtf is going on with Polin. I used to like him, jackass attitude and all, but I've soured on him a lot recently. They must have a contract with him that they can't get out of so they are just moving him around until that expires?

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I love the show. I've caught parts every day and while not perfect, i like it immensely more than the junkies. The chemistry and jokes are getting better, but i like the different segments, the music choices (i really am old as somebody pointed out that the music was from the 80s and 90s and is all stuff i love).

I am not a fan of Polin though. Maybe i should give it a chance, but i wish he'd either join them regularly for all segments or just be replaced with somebody else, or even do his part like Feinstein/Boomer is on 106.7 that's just like a recorded segment that's repeated like commercials.

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The junkies have the greatest job in the world. Talk to your childhood and high school friends every single morning about sports, entertainment, family, etc. Then go home and chill for rest of the day by 11am.

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The junkies have the greatest job in the world. Talk to your childhood and high school friends every single morning about sports, entertainment, family, etc. Then go home and chill for rest of the day by 11am.


No doubt about it.  For quite a chunk of change at that.  I told the wife if we ever win a big jackpot lottery that I'm buying a radio station and starting a morning show with my buddies where we shoot the S and talk sports. 

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Jason Reid has been coming in with a lot more energy this week. It makes it a lot easier to listen to the two of them together. Right now Chris Paul is kinda carrying the show with Reid talking sports more, but it seems to have the personality of Chris Paul, which I like.

I do think I was wrong about Reid's connections though. He may write some bad stories, but he seems to be well connected in the sports world and I'm betting that most of the interviews (that are non entertainment) are based on his connections. Paul explicitly said that on a few of them (I didn't like that part). And, while they haven't covered the Skins much, there hasn't been nearly as much hate as I expect from Reid, and even when he does hate, he generally has Mike Jones or Tarik El Bashir to balance him out.

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It's not a good show right now.  The segments seem forced, and the intros to the segments are not really funny even though they are clearly trying to be.  


The "Comedy Court" segment is a failure and should be scrapped.  Not funny at all, and I felt like it was some throwaway idea Russ Parr would do on his show.  


Maybe it gets better with time, but your reaching if you prefer this show over the Junkies.  Even if you don't like the Junkies, you have to admit that at least it flows well.  The Man Cave feels disjointed.


I've barely have listened but I feel you ... 


I will always give a new show time. You ever see the first few Seinfileds. GOD AWFUL. 


It's sink or swim, they either find who/what they are as a show, own it, be bold about it, or they will die. 


Its all about finding your comfort zone ... they are so not there. 

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