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Cooley's blog: "Its all Bull ****"


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This thread is the perfect measuring stick as to how divided this fanbase is. It's sad really.

I think everyone here pretty much understands we have problems... I don't think there is

a single person that will say that we have nothing wrong with the team or playcalling...

But you're right, I think there is a division

There are those that say yes, we have problems, but I think that we can fix them and do

better. As a fan, that's all you can really do is hope for the best when there are problems.

Then there there are those on this board that for some reason love to revel in misery and

spout we suck, so and so is a loser, we will go nowhere, etc, etc. This is not the attitude

to take. No... the organization does not take cues from this board or anyone calling in...

It is their organization and they will do what they will do. Having this attitude will make you

bitter as a fan, and you will have to re-examine yourself as a fan and say is it worth it to

make my life completely miserable over something I cannot control?

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could you imagine a staged walkout at fedex field.

just everyone go hang out in the parking lot...

things would have to get worse before I'd be up for that - not sure how much worse though... the season isn't lost, but if come that last home game its evident its going to be another 8-8 season, i'd walkout.

anything to actually show snyder real disgust im down with. it took a long time for peter angelos to finally figure it out in baltimore and get his hands out of the cookie jar. it took something of that magnitude for him to see just how ugly the fans felt, so maybe something to that effect is not a bad idea.

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Yeah this is what we need. Imagine a world where a team needs to get pissed off at their own fan base for booing a pathetic football performance in order to actually play well just to stick it to them.

In all honesty, I would have never seen this coming. Only in DC.:doh:

If it means making the playoffs and playing well, then whatever. Maybe its a wake up call that we're not just happy with sneaking out a win. I just hope we turn things around this week.

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There there are those on this board that for some reason love to revel in misery and spout we suck, so and so is a loser, we will go nowhere, etc, etc. This is not the attitude to take. No... the organization does not take cues from this board or anyone calling in... It is their organization and they will do what they will do. Having this attitude will make you bitter as a fan, and you will have to re-examine yourself as a fan and say is it worth it to make my life completely miserable over something I cannot control?

in your opinion, do you think the walkouts for the detroit lions and baltimore orioles had anything to do with them firing their GMs?

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I think everyone here pretty much understands we have problems... I don't think there is

a single person that will say that we have nothing wrong with the team or playcalling...

But you're right, I think there is a division

There are those that say yes, we have problems, but I think that we can fix them and do

better. As a fan, that's all you can really do is hope for the best when there are problems.

Then there there are those on this board that for some reason love to revel in misery and

spout we suck, so and so is a loser, we will go nowhere, etc, etc. This is not the attitude

to take. No... the organization does not take cues from this board or anyone calling in...

It is their organization and they will do what they will do. Having this attitude will make you

bitter as a fan, and you will have to re-examine yourself as a fan and say is it worth it to

make my life completely miserable over something I cannot control?

I disagree with the second part. As a fan, I ***** and moan because of the product we have but it doesn't make my life miserable. The redskins are a product. You pay and support the team and you expect results, improvement or new release (fix the bugs). We haven't seen that. What we have seen is the organization trying but failing.

If an electronics company put out a inferior product and its known that it is inferior, they will try to fix it to appease to the people buying it. If they continue to fail, they will fire whoever it is running the dept and bring in someone who knows what the **** they are doing. The redskins don't understand this concept. Why should the consumer be happy with an inferior product. We will ***** and moan until something gets resolved then we will be happy again.

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in your opinion, do you think the walkouts for the detroit lions and baltimore orioles had anything to do with them firing their GMs?

I think that that process was well on its way already.... they realized something was wrong... I think the walkout could have had some impact, but I think our situation is different...

I don't think (based upon the majority of the types of fans at fedex) that a walkout would ever happen. Too many casual fans at fedex field...

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If it means making the playoffs and playing well, then whatever. Maybe its a wake up call that we're not just happy with sneaking out a win. I just hope we turn things around this week.

Me too. This whole things just feels ugly. Its making everyone sick, actually. We are Skins fans for life, we're not going anywhere. I hope they STOMP the Lions on Sunday and reel off three more wins after that. Just win baby. I promise there will not be another victory booed this year. Mark it down. That was a unique situation last week (first game after the whole summer ticket fiasco, terrible opponent, new parking situation that is weak, offense that didnt capitalize all day, questionable play calling, really all-around boring game, hot weather, etc.)

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I think that that process was well on its way already.... they realized something was wrong... I think the walkout could have had some impact, but I think our situation is different...

I don't think (based upon the majority of the types of fans at fedex) that a walkout would ever happen. Too many casual fans at fedex field...

And those 2 teams have been losing for years. The O's haven't had a winning season in 12 years. The Lions are also perennial losers. The Skins haven't been great, but we haven't been that bad.

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anything to actually show snyder real disgust im down with. it took a long time for peter angelos to finally figure it out in baltimore and get his hands out of the cookie jar. it took something of that magnitude for him to see just how ugly the fans felt, so maybe something to that effect is not a bad idea.

do you actually have tickets?

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Agreed with Cooley.

And, reading some of what you people write, I have a hard time understanding how it is you consider yourselves Skins fans. You don't believe in your players. You want the coach gone. You despise the owner, The FO, even the stadium (ok, i miss RFK too...).

What other than the unis do you like?

Support. This. Team.

Week 3 is coming. THREE!! Drop the pitchforks and cheer.

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I don't agree with you at all. I've been getting the vibe from most of the players that they were satisfied with just beating the Rams. D. Hall is the only one who's come out and said that they played bad. Chris mentions that we did a lot of good things, being able to move the ball and not having to punt often, but our team still isn't in CONTROL of the football game.

There is a big difference between how the Giants beat us by controlling the game, and how we escaped with a win against the Rams. Remember, the Rams are a yard away from sacking our QB for a safety that would of tied the game. If Horton doesn't cause that fumble the Rams are in position to take the lead. Even at the end of the game a better throw to Avery could of won them the game.

This team isn't playing sound football, and we let them hear that during and at the end of the game.

Well, if you look past some of the players saying they aren't happy that fans were booing after a win, Cooley has said they need to step it up, Portis has said so, Zorn has said players need to execute better, he even said, though it's been largely ignored, that while he believes his playcalling was ok, he'd go back and look over things and see if he can improve, I've heard the call for improvement from Smoot and others as well.

Really, to me what it looks like, is the players recognize the need for improvement, but they also recognize they aren't as bad as some people are claiming. I think that's a healthy way to look at things. I also think their comments about needing to improve are being glossed over because players like Cooley are saying they aren't that bad.

Can a player not believe the team needs to improve while also beleiving the team is pretty good?

And if you want to play the "If this happened then this would have happened" game as you've done with the Rams game, I can just as easily claim had receivers held onto passes in the redzone, the booing doesn't even happen.

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do you actually have tickets?

Surprisingly enough (or not surprisingly) he does seem to attend games and goes to away games, as do many people who are supposedly "haters". Meanwhile, it's usually the people who throw around the term "haters" that don't attend games.

I guess it makes sense. It's easier to root for your team no matter what if you have no vested interested in them, whether it be time or money.

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Me too. This whole things just feels ugly. Its making everyone sick, actually. We are Skins fans for life, we're not going anywhere. I hope they STOMP the Lions on Sunday and reel off three more wins after that. Just win baby. I promise there will not be another victory booed this year. Mark it down. That was a unique situation last week (first game after the whole summer ticket fiasco, terrible opponent, new parking situation that is weak, offense that didnt capitalize all day, questionable play calling, really all-around boring game, hot weather, etc.)

If you think fans won't boo again, you got another thing coming my friend. The boo birds will be flying high and loud. I can guarantee that

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Bang. With the way we've played the last 10+ years sooner or later the fanbase was going to grow tired of the mediocre play. Every year we succumb to the hype of our offseason acquisitions only to be disappointed a majority of the time.

There is just too much ammuniton for the fans from what I mentioned above to the lack of an actual "GM." This team has NO identity and that's the biggest problem with this team. Teams that are consistently winning have an identity whether it be on the offensive or defensive side of the ball.

I mentioned it before, but why do people like yourself let your blood pressure rise over the comments of some anonymous fans? If anything, maybe the fans showing their displeasure Sunday will wake them up because nurturing them like we have certainly hasn't inspired them.

Well, my blood pressure is fine, thanks for the concern.

Everyone has every right to boo the players after a win that isn't up to standards. Fans have every right to try and send messages to ownership.

And fans should expect that when they do, they run the risk of alienating the very players we claim to cheer for.

And here we are.

Like I said earlier,, people love this team so much that now it is beginning to hate them. What a lovely state of affairs.


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I disagree with the second part. As a fan, I ***** and moan because of the product we have but it doesn't make my life miserable. The redskins are a product. You pay and support the team and you expect results, improvement or new release (fix the bugs). We haven't seen that. What we have seen is the organization trying but failing.

If an electronics company put out a inferior product and its known that it is inferior, they will try to fix it to appease to the people buying it. If they continue to fail, they will fire whoever it is running the dept and bring in someone who knows what the **** they are doing. The redskins don't understand this concept. Why should the consumer be happy with an inferior product. We will ***** and moan until something gets resolved then we will be happy again.

They have made so many attempts to fix it, that it is almost mind boggling.

We have had a coaching carousel since Snyder has come here trying to find

the right one to lead the team... He has gone out and paid probably upwards

of billions of dollars trying to bring in stud players. Now here is the thing... do

I agree with every decision that has been made? Hell no.... Do I criticize

these? Hell yes! Do I wallow in that over and over in every single post I have

here... no. I look forward... I pray that a player, or a coach has a

breakthrough, and things start clicking.... that is all we can do!

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your're right bang.

we should sit around for another 18 years and enjoy a team that routinely finishes 3rd or 4th in their divison. a team that only makes the playoffs when another team in the division decides to play worse through a season than ours, and then when theyf inally do make the playoffs, a team that plays lik ehighschoolers and puts up 130 yards total offense.

that sounds like a much more productive way of going about it - waiting for change, instead of trying to help spark some.

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Cooley needs to be careful.

This right here is incorrect.

Cooley can say what he wants because he's earned the respect of many and he performs well not only week in and week out but this past Sunday he bailed us out on a ton of situations.

You're saying this simply because Henson has got himself in trouble, and you are a clear example of problems going on in this internet era where we the fans have a closer relationship to what we want, whenever.

No your opinion doesn't matter, but as a WHOLE especially in this organization, OUR collective opinion does matter. As you can tell, Campbell, Cooley, and Zorn are asked about absurd questions unrelated to football more then ever. It's becoming a joke, and there's no way to really stop it.

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Well, my blood pressure is fine, thanks for the concern.

Everyone has every right to boo the players after a win that isn't up to standards. Fans have every right to try and send messages to ownership.

And fans should expect that when they do, they run the risk of alienating the very players we claim to cheer for.

And here we are.

Like I said earlier,, people love this team so much that now it is beginning to hate them. What a lovely state of affairs.


If the players get hurt by the boos, then they should do something about it and win some games and not just eek out a victory on poo poo teams. They deserve to get booed. If they don't like it they can grow some thick skin or actually work harder and perform better. The workplace for them is not suppose to be all about fun and games. Its a job, sometimes heat is applied and you have to climb out of it.

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I think everyone here pretty much understands we have problems... I don't think there is

a single person that will say that we have nothing wrong with the team or playcalling...

But you're right, I think there is a division

There are those that say yes, we have problems, but I think that we can fix them and do

better. As a fan, that's all you can really do is hope for the best when there are problems.

Then there there are those on this board that for some reason love to revel in misery and

spout we suck, so and so is a loser, we will go nowhere, etc, etc. This is not the attitude

to take. No... the organization does not take cues from this board or anyone calling in...

It is their organization and they will do what they will do. Having this attitude will make you

bitter as a fan, and you will have to re-examine yourself as a fan and say is it worth it to

make my life completely miserable over something I cannot control?

My father has an old saying Pez. "Everybody handles situations differently." I have lived by those words when it comes to judging others. I know how big of a fan I am and I might choose to react differently than the next guy. In the end they don't effect my fanhood either way. If they want to *****, let 'em *****. I don't care either way.

Too many people on here seem to focus on what the fans are saying more so than what the team is doing.

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Well, my blood pressure is fine, thanks for the concern.

Everyone has every right to boo the players after a win that isn't up to standards. Fans have every right to try and send messages to ownership.

And fans should expect that when they do, they run the risk of alienating the very players we claim to cheer for.

And here we are.

Like I said earlier,, people love this team so much that now it is beginning to hate them. What a lovely state of affairs.


We are at a tipping point it seems. This is where champions take their places as such, and losers fade out.

I'm honestly excited. :)

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your're right bang.

we should sit around for another 18 years and enjoy a team that routinely finishes 3rd or 4th in their divison. a team that only makes the playoffs when another team in the division decides to play worse through a season than ours, and then when theyf inally do make the playoffs, a team that plays lik ehighschoolers and puts up 130 yards total offense.

that sounds like a much more productive way of going about it - waiting for change, instead of trying to help spark some.

Well, you and your buddies been very productive this week, haven't you? Managed to piss off our best offensive player, eh?

As I said numerous times, I don't have a problem with booing. But there's a time and a place, and after a win is neither.

But hey, what do I know. Cooley's just a dumbass jock who should just do his job and shut up.

And when he decides to go do it elsewhere, oh well.

How stupid of the team to let him get away!


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